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thanks for the memory

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Have decided to buy a Nokia 220 - checked it out in Big C Extra, but it does not have a memory card, it seems you need to buy this as extra. I tried to talk to the salesman about it, but he was only interested in posturing for the ladies, so I'm none the wiser about this at the moment. Can anyone enlighten me - is this normal for all mobiles? (My last two phones were given to me, hence my ignorance on this.) Anyone have a ballpark figure of what 16g might cost?

Incidentally, Big C is selling the phone for 1300, while at stalls in Tukcom, the marked price is 1990 baht.

Thanks muchly,


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It varies. all phones will have some amount of storage built in, but usually not much. Depending on manufacturer, promotion etc, "free" memory cards may be supplied...but what I want to say, is that very often, "you get what you pay for".

Especially if the card is thrown in by the shop and not the manufacturer, the reliability and performance of that card can be questionable.

You may be much better off buying one on your own, where you can choose to get one of the "name" brands (I guess sandisk is OK, though I prefer buying cards from manufacturers that have their own chip fabs, eg Toshiba, Samsung etc).

Bad memory is one of the major sources of problems with computing devices, both intermittent problems that are a real pain to diagnose, and catastrophic data loss ("all of Grandma's pictures are gone!!").

Its actually one of the reasons Apple doesn't provide for expandability, to avoid the risk of bad third party cards causing problems that they get blamed for, particularly since their products are price controlled and vendors have to compete via bundling/"add ons"

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Basically just get a card at whatever the going price is from places like Jaymart etc - you can shop around the "big stores" for the best price between them but I would NOT just try to get the cheapest possible deal, even for the "branded" cards. There have been known instances of faked Kingston cards, for example (packaging etc says "Kingston", but isn't really)

It should be possible to trust that the big retailers did not get their supply from questionable sources

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