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What is worth take to Thailand or back to Europe?


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Taking a scooter with me isn't a good advice. Yes they are cheap in thailand, but you can't get a licence for them in europe, at least not in germany.

So I see, nobody seems to have a really usefull idea. May I will buy a bicyle for myself like I did last time in china. Still more than 50kg luggage allowance wasted, but except some spices for our own kitchen there is nothing that is worth to bring it from there and sell it.

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How about making up some futbal shirts with your city name and local bar , club, hobby club etc

or jackets, flags etc , n

not sure what to bring to sell , I bring 50-100kg of junk and give it away ,

things that say USA on it even if made in China,

probably better to bring baby milk to China

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I usually bring 10 + kg of Belgian Chocolate.....and 10 kg of French Cheese .in fridge bags from the Lidl....I put everything in the fridge before leaving, then the cold Chocolate in one bag and then the bag in the other bag.....usually keeps cool until arrival...+/- 15 h....

Excellent present for friends....and good to have a good peace of Chocolate with my coffee....

Edited by off road pat
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I don't use cooling pads, bags in bags and I don't have things in the fridge before I go. My bag is already packed. I bring fresh meat, chocolates, camemberts, bries and roquefort. I have a 3 plane trip to get here + a 2 hour trip to get to the first airport. It's - 30-40ish degrees in those holds you know even on a 10-12 hour trip to Bangkok. Everything arrives perfectly. I don't go to any fuss. Mind you I will say that I leave in a European winter which helps.

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Don't know any restaurant owner, so i guess I shouldn't try it with fresh lemongras. You can also buy it in any asia shop, can't see why it should be so expensive for thais to get it in germany.

Just compare the price a thai in Germany has to pay in the 'asia-shops' to the price at the local thai markets, then you would see the price in Germany is by 3 - 4 times that much ! That's just why I recommended packing your luggage with as much lemongrass as fits in, because you can surely get the double price for it when selling to an interested person.

However you really need to speak to a thai restaurant owner first, in order to get more info. Try to find one who might be interested. Also talking about other than lemongrass, spices perhaps !?

Bringing cheese into Thailand, a sure bet, but you must be aware when they start to unload luggage from the airplane to the boxcars, it is already inside a 38 degree environment, and the longer it stays there, then later in the Taxi trunk, all your Camemberts would be long gone and melted away, same with chocolate !!!

The best cheeses to bring into Thailand is Padano Hard Cheese, Parmiggiano hard cheese, vacuum packed they easily pass a short period of warming until you arrive at a place where you can refrigerate them.

Other cheese that is perfect for brining to Thailand is the canned goats or sheep cheese in salty brine, you can buy in the turkish stores.

Yes of course you need to know an Italian restaurant owner on the Thailand side, who will buy them from you.

I don't know of anyone ever having been checked by Thai customs . . . . . it's allowed to import private goods up to 10,000 THB worth. A bag full of Padano cheese (if ever asked, just you say you love to eat this one with spaghetti ! aroi aroi !!) will pass, no problem.

Great! How wonderful! Let's just give some German traveler advice on how he can make chump change yet still have to navigate the customs restrictions regarding the importation of live plant material/seeds. I'm sure he will be very popular- because as we all know- every country in the world would just love the possibility that their agro/eco system could be disrupted by a guy that wants to make some chump change, Oh! And let's give that advice- (on essentially breaking the law)- on a public forum. We should also add statements like, "I don't know anyone ever having been checked by Thai customs", as if that makes it somehow less illegal. After having received such splendid advice- I am secure in the knowledge I have now been adequately prepared for global travel, and I am confidant that the next time I land, I am going to pass through immigration- and when I get stopped by customs and they find the live rat that has stowed away in my bag- I will be sure to follow your advice, hold that rat up high in the air, and say, "Aroi aroi!" Allowing the rat and I to go prancing gracefully on our merry way!

Thailand customs allow you to import 10,000 THB worth 'personal goods' . Regarding the cheese I mentioned, one vacuum packed slab of ' Parmigginao Reggiano" Padano weighting 200 grams, cost 5 Euros. What do you think customs would say, well, if I had 30 slabs in my luggage, worth said 6000 THB and be able to show them the purchase bill, do you really think I would be doing something illegal ? Can you explain that ? What if I stay for 6 months, and during this stay I unpack and grate 5 slabs every other month - isn't this for my personal use ? Other than looking cheesy faced, I might well leave the customs red gates with a smile and all 30 slabs still in my bag

Edited by crazygreg44
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those lizard / stingray wallets are easy to resell and could fetch a good price on ebay.

probably not worth all the customs stuff for a one off though.

In the customs office at Frankfurt Germany airport, there's three rooms with cabinets full of stingray and crocodile wallets, how come you didn't put a smiley at the end of your post so poor HANNU will surely know that it is meant ironic

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those lizard / stingray wallets are easy to resell and could fetch a good price on ebay.

probably not worth all the customs stuff for a one off though.

In the customs office at Frankfurt Germany airport, there's three rooms with cabinets full of stingray and crocodile wallets, how come you didn't put a smiley at the end of your post so poor HANNU will surely know that it is meant ironic

You mean he can just go pick them up over there, no need to carry them all the way ?

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As this has never been mentioned here, I want to clarify one issue, before I am confronted with assumptions I want to advise a TV member doing something illegal.

A person entering Thailand is allowed to bring inside personal items worth 10,000 THB, as a person who is entering Germany on an airtrip from abraod can bring in 430.- Euros worth in personal effects.

A person LEAVING Schengenland is allowed to carry no more than 10,000 Euros worth in effects (gold,cash,cheques). If higher than 10K, it has to be declared. So if one intends to come back from Thailand with gold, it falls under the 430.- Euro rule. Does it apply to gemstones ? You will need to show the purchase bills ! Why would anyone buy stones, can be ruled being outside of being personal effects ! Watch out ! If customs see it as a commercial item, everything above 80.- Euros must be declared.

Fresh meats, vegetables, plants, seeds et al, a whole different story. Which one can easily become familar with searching the website of relevant customs agencies.

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As I wrote in my first post I planed to declare everything, pay tax, customs and do not import illegal things. Some people here think its a funny advice to do illegal things, but I cleary pointed out that I don't want to do that. If they can't answer the question they could just not answer instead of giving stupid answers.

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As I wrote in my first post I planed to declare everything, pay tax, customs and do not import illegal things. Some people here think its a funny advice to do illegal things, but I cleary pointed out that I don't want to do that. If they can't answer the question they could just not answer instead of giving stupid answers.

that's what you do.

keeping within rules surely helps.

I found out by a search in zoll.de , that importing parts of plants (lemongrass) is actually not allowed.

Cheese, meat products, hams, are not allowed to enter Schengenland. I have not checked Thai side, but assume they will play by the same route

myself and credited scores of TV members have succeeded in importing Camemberts, Chocolates , French hams and tinned fish & foie gras, without any problems. don't try it with Whiskys. Only one liter.

Gemstones and metals will and must be treated as commercial goods, entering Schengen.

As matter of fact, I have in the past only brought into Germany Thai crafted goods made of carved wood, spices, satchels of spice products, lemongrass ( which actually is illegal), but I have brought into Thailand ( i confess!!!,yes) Espresso machines, Ice maker machines, Pizza ovens and 47 Size shoes. (awaiting TV members to bitch)

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I don't use cooling pads, bags in bags and I don't have things in the fridge before I go. My bag is already packed. I bring fresh meat, chocolates, camemberts, bries and roquefort. I have a 3 plane trip to get here + a 2 hour trip to get to the first airport. It's - 30-40ish degrees in those holds you know even on a 10-12 hour trip to Bangkok. Everything arrives perfectly. I don't go to any fuss. Mind you I will say that I leave in a European winter which helps.

I also leave in the European winter,....and the first part of the journey is no problem.....but if you have to make a stop over in a warm country like Dubai !!! the 2 cooling bags have proven useful at arrival in BKK....and it's realy no fuss to prepare the luggage this way....I enjoy my chocolate and cheese every day in Thailand.

Everybody has his own way to keep him self happy...Best regards....

Edited by off road pat
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