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Fast Month to Month 4G


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Currently using the prepaid AIS 3G package and it feels pretty slow spotty compared to 4G/LTE in other asian or european countries. Is it worth to upgrade to a 4G package, for example the one from TRUE, or is the speed improvement more or less just theoretically?

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I am very happy with Truemoves prepaid 4G...

I make very few calls and mainly use the phone for data...

299 baht for 1.5GB per month (They have double data promotion running until 2015)...

It is setup to reoccur/auto renew so I just topup a 1,000 baht and good for +3 months ...

If I run over the 1.5GB (which I have yet to do) I can purchase additional 1GB for 150 baht...

I have gone online to True and registered the sim and phone number in my name so if I were

to lose the phone I could get a replacement sim and such by showing my ID


BTW When I went into the True Store to get their new upgraded 4G sim the lady at first said only Post Paid possible for 4G - But I showed her the above webpage (on my iPhone) with a confused smile (The Thai smile that say your lying to me) and she relented and processed and gave me the new sim... I think she was lazy as there was alot of fiddling with my phone, sms and such with the new sim before it worked ;-)...

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muratremix, so in the end upgrading from 3G to 4G is not worth it?

It is very much worth upgrading, your download speed using True Move 4G in Pattaya and Bangkok is around 40Mbps, AIS 3G is around 4-5Mbps.

So the difference is tenfold.

This is not anecdote, I use 4G, friend of mine uses AIS 3G, we speedtested and compared dl a week ago.

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