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Surge of reported police harassment suggests campaign targeting tourists, expats

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That they are separate jurisdictions is precisely my point, that's why I specified one set of mafia then onto the other.

As to any foreigner cuaght with drugs ever assisting the police to get the dealer, that might be something done in the West or between Thai on Thai, but for us here all that happens is pay up or jail. They have no interest in going after the dealer, they want the contents of your ATM.

If they are working together they sure havent got their intelligence gathering sorted as they keep stopping people who didnt make a purchase from their own men. I think they are either working seperately or the intention is to not stop their customers. Its hardly good for business to lock up your customers, might be better just to appear as though you are trying.

As for foreigners being forced into becoming informants, how do you know? They are hardly going to be bragging about that one, are they?

In answer to your first point, I definitely see what you mean, and you may be right that they wouldn't want the other jurisdiction locking up their customers. I can see a number of reasons why it would not work like that though....

Firstly, the profits - even from a regular user/customer over time - would not be much compared to the payout to avoid jail. Then to follow the well known cliche: Thais like this would probably go for the immediate payout rather than thinking long term.

Secondly, it's hard to imagine a regular user would choose to habitually buy their drugs in such a high profile area and way. Think about it from the user's side: he wants to get stoned regularly so he goes where everyone knows it can be bought. After a very short time - just like in the red light areas - his face will become known, not just by the dealers who sell to him but to the ever watchful Thais who are there every day as street vendors and know exactly what's going on.

For the regular user, who by implication is also an expat (or very regular visitor) not a fresh tourist (or he wouldn't be a regular), he will almost certainly try and source his drugs from elsewhere, like his friendly motorcy guy he's developed an understanding with or some bargirl or connected Thai or whatever. Furthermore it stands to reason that for the user, buying off the street in such a place would not only be the most risky, it would also be the most expensive.

Following on from the above, I would imagine most Caucasian customers are likely to be users of the service either occasionally (only when they can't get it elsewhere - see above), or are new to the scene; but that the highest percentage would be the tourists who were approached in a half-drunken state whilst exploring the red light areas, by one of those black guys who are clearly out for new customers: "Hey man, how ya doing? Need anything?"

Thus in conclusion it would seem the business model for the dealers is - and would have to be - passing trade from newbies or anyone desperate enough not to go elsewhere, and as such, those up the food chain will know their customer is usually only a one or two times purchaser, therefore it makes far better business sense to have the sister jurisdiction working in tandem to maximize profits.


As to informants not wanting to say what they did, if it were really happening the reports would not be from current informants, but those who had done it previously (there are no such reports) and even more likely, cases of people who were accused or caught with drugs who later reported their experience with an offer to take down their dealer as part of the process (again, no such reports exist).

However, if you google "foreigner drug informants" (which I haven't bothered to do) I'm sure something might come up, but I'm even more sure not enough will come up to back up the theory this is any part of what's been going on for years on Sukhumvit.

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I do not wish to get off the subject John. Having said that the Thais need to sort out their problems on their own. I do not believe it is our place to get involved with their politics. Concerning the military and police like i said i have been stopped at numerous road blocks over the years and never had a problem. In one case a group of six men asked me my opinion about George W. Bush. When i told them what i thought of him there was a huge roar of laughter. They wished me luck and i drove home. The Thai police are allowed to check all foreigners when they wish. If foreigners are being treated unfairly they can make a report. Otherwise if they are not doing anything illegal they have nothing to worry about. The same goes for most countries in the world. In my opinion i wish they would do background checks more often. Many foreigner criminals hiding here already.

Never had a problem in many years.

...before a military take over of the government and martial law. Oh right....that.

No offense, but you are missing the essential import of many of these recounts. Or are simply dismissing them. Many people are reporting that there are drugs planted on them (which would not be unheard of), and being detained without reason and intimidated. That is never cool to be dismissed, simply because you don't want to think about it. You are trying to say that because it's not our place to get involved in their politics (and I largely agree) then it follows that we need to have our heads in the clouds and avoid common sense and reasoning. Or that we should be urine tested for walking down the street over it. You are categorically dismissing police shakedowns, and saying they are fine. I don't believe that's very respectable.


I live in pattaya and went to bangkok to put the papers in for my daughters passport, on my return to Ekimai bus stn a police man just grabbed my arm

and said passport,i gave it to him then he took my arm again and pulled me acroos the road to where there were 3 other policeman,one of the others

took a small bag i had with papers in it,he rumaged around in it then another just grabbed my shorts and started squeezing my pockets,all i had in them were money and keys,i said you wanna see,they just grunted pushed my bag at me and the other just held my passport waiting for me to take it from him,the whole exsperience was very intimidating,no need for the way they treated me...what was wrong with asking me nicely,being polite,very ignorant....


I live in pattaya and went to bangkok to put the papers in for my daughters passport, on my return to Ekimai bus stn a police man just grabbed my arm

and said passport,i gave it to him then he took my arm again and pulled me acroos the road to where there were 3 other policeman,one of the others

took a small bag i had with papers in it,he rumaged around in it then another just grabbed my shorts and started squeezing my pockets,all i had in them were money and keys,i said you wanna see,they just grunted pushed my bag at me and the other just held my passport waiting for me to take it from him,the whole exsperience was very intimidating,no need for the way they treated me...what was wrong with asking me nicely,being polite,very ignorant....

JungleJim - this is just one of many frightening stories this week, which you repeatedly claim should not be thought about.


it is easy to scare but is hard or impossible to bring back the full meaning of LOS.

Those who are responsible for targeting tourists with such actions will be judged one day when news spreads in the world giving Thailand new name ...not Los but Lost... ( land of scare tactics)

I just wander how Los will see us going soon to Vietnam and "Burma" finaly opening themselves to us and our money...and they have good lesson for the future.

Just for my personal statistics. ..

from 8 of my friends who was going to Los at least twice a year to find a place to settle for retirement 6 of them gave up with any serious plans towards this country mainly to many bad ideas developing there.

Just imagine ...on bigger scale when this situation goes more and more on Internet websites...

Then nobody can help Los to build tourism any more

Simply nothing easier for us just harder and harder in Los..

it is very very sad time.

I still love this country but ....starting ti look elsewhere. .

Life is to short...........


I have lived here 15 years and go up and down Thong Lor and Asoke several times a day and at all times of day.

I have not once seen farangs being stopped by the police.

There are many reports but no proof.

Yes, I believe there are checks at night. I have been stopped when driving, but then again so were many Thais. Nothing happened... just a few simple questions about drinking, then a polite smile and on you go.

I've heard of pubs and nightclubs being raided but Thais were targetted just as much as farangs.

I was stopped by the "litter cops" but after a short friendly conversation was allowed to go. (Yes, I dropped a tiny piece of paper on the street when I took my mobile out of my pocket.)

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is more harassment from the cops, but I haven't witnessed it.

On a final note.... I have noticed more hatred towards foreigners (I mean hatred) from other groups of Thais, but that is a different thread.

What about that video that is posted as a proof.

I saw it orginal on fb guy who posted it...

I am not saying it doesn't happen.

That is ONE video. I see Thais being stopped on Thong Lor too.

I am just saying we need more proof that foreigners are being targetted by the police. Yes, I know the "tasakit" pick on foreigners littering.

Many people are reporting that there are drugs planted on them (which would not be unheard of)

John I am in agreement with most of your posts in this thread but choose your words more carefully here, sir. Remember, these reports are not about anything having actually been planted, though obviously most of us would not put it past these people to do such a thing which is part of our concern. I think you were trying to say this but your wording here is saying there are reports of plantings.

There are numerous reasons why we should be concerned and have every right to voice that, just about what actually IS in the reports.


I never said should not be thought about. But maybe just maybe there is a reason for this bad behavior suddenly. I really do not believe it has anything to do with money alone. Foreigners have not exactly been saints here and perhaps it has reached a level where it's pay back time. If you have not noticed with the increase in foreign numbers over the years the Thais i believe have reached a tipping point where they are tired of our bad behavior. Seen this happen numerous times over the years. A once quiet peaceful village suddenly gets over run with many foreigners with questionable behavior and you will quickly notice the Thais behavior changing. It is not just happening in Bangkok but throughout the country. Reports of foreigners behaving badly are on the increase on Thai tv,in the newspapers and on the web. As in any country or even any city in America for example the locals just get burned out on us and i can,t say i blame them. Just a thought.

I live in pattaya and went to bangkok to put the papers in for my daughters passport, on my return to Ekimai bus stn a police man just grabbed my arm

and said passport,i gave it to him then he took my arm again and pulled me acroos the road to where there were 3 other policeman,one of the others

took a small bag i had with papers in it,he rumaged around in it then another just grabbed my shorts and started squeezing my pockets,all i had in them were money and keys,i said you wanna see,they just grunted pushed my bag at me and the other just held my passport waiting for me to take it from him,the whole exsperience was very intimidating,no need for the way they treated me...what was wrong with asking me nicely,being polite,very ignorant....

JungleJim - this is just one of many frightening stories this week, which you repeatedly claim should not be thought about.

Many people are reporting that there are drugs planted on them (which would not be unheard of)

John I am in agreement with most of your posts in this thread but choose your words more carefully here, sir. Remember, these reports are not about anything having actually been planted, though obviously most of us would not put it past these people to do such a thing which is part of our concern. I think you were trying to say this but your wording here is saying there are reports of plantings.

There are numerous reasons why we should be concerned and have every right to voice that, just about what actually IS in the reports.

Squeegee, you're right it's not specified here. But, I realize now I referring to other accounts of such things, on other links, and on other forums which people posted here. You're right, no reports of that on this board, and I should choose my words carefully.

I also dearly love Thailand. I am not a drinker, or a drug guy, I am not here for bars or gogo clubs or massages. I have spent the last 5 years studying Thai symbolism (as an artist) after originally coming here at the invitation of someone working for the government. A close friend of mine is married to the former US Embassador to Thailand, and ... am not just a tourist who wants to not be hassled.

I respect the Thai authority, and love the country. But I am very disturbed by these stories. And, I am troubled by the lack of official response after this many reports, and am wondering why it is not even included in the TVF list of news items today. I consider it far more relevant to a visa immigration forum, that 'such and such about my Thai gf' and threads like that.


I never said should not be thought about. But maybe just maybe there is a reason for this bad behavior suddenly. I really do not believe it has anything to do with money alone. Foreigners have not exactly been saints here and perhaps it has reached a level where it's pay back time. If you have not noticed with the increase in foreign numbers over the years the Thais i believe have reached a tipping point where they are tired of our bad behavior. Seen this happen numerous times over the years. A once quiet peaceful village suddenly gets over run with many foreigners with questionable behavior and you will quickly notice the Thais behavior changing. It is not just happening in Bangkok but throughout the country. Reports of foreigners behaving badly are on the increase on Thai tv,in the newspapers and on the web. As in any country or even any city in America for example the locals just get burned out on us and i can,t say i blame them. Just a thought.

I live in pattaya and went to bangkok to put the papers in for my daughters passport, on my return to Ekimai bus stn a police man just grabbed my arm

and said passport,i gave it to him then he took my arm again and pulled me acroos the road to where there were 3 other policeman,one of the others

took a small bag i had with papers in it,he rumaged around in it then another just grabbed my shorts and started squeezing my pockets,all i had in them were money and keys,i said you wanna see,they just grunted pushed my bag at me and the other just held my passport waiting for me to take it from him,the whole exsperience was very intimidating,no need for the way they treated me...what was wrong with asking me nicely,being polite,very ignorant....

JungleJim - this is just one of many frightening stories this week, which you repeatedly claim should not be thought about.

'Jim', I totally hear you about foreigners and bad behavior. I'm often mortified, even reading people here obsessing on beer and bar girls. I'm not excusing it, and it troubles me.

But the point is, these reports have all been, as described, people not behaving poorly at all. It's not about raiding a wild bar, or a club, or rounding up drug dealers etc. The reports are like the one I pointed in your direction above. To paraphrase, all the accounts, "i was walking, it was the afternoon and I was dressed fine and acting normal, and then...' That's different than cleaning up bad behavior.


Right, is this harrasment campaign being ordered by the guys at the top ?

If not, then the people who are in charge should clamp down and remove this wave of intimidation and harrasment.

If this carries on, even if it's not being ordered by the top guys, then, I can see it being pretty bad. However, is it really going to lead to a drop in tourist numbers and long-term people ?


of little interest to the ignorant fools that have gone native and live in the booonies of nakon nowhere

Indeed,having gone native long ago and living far from even the nearest Nakhon Nowhere, having never felt unwelcomed, having never been stopped for no reason by the police, I am always bemused by my fellow Farangs who live in Bangkok and imagine they live in a Thai environment and then erroneously extrapolate their experiences to the rest of the nation.


of little interest to the ignorant fools that have gone native and live in the booonies of nakon nowhere

Indeed,having gone native long ago and living far from even the nearest Nakhon Nowhere, having never felt unwelcomed, having never been stopped for no reason by the police, I am always bemused by my fellow Farangs who live in Bangkok and imagine they live in a Thai environment and then erroneously extrapolate their experiences to the rest of the nation.

Yes there is the question about going native or having a native, Or even having many,


I think you need to reread my posts.

1) I never said there is no corruption or extortion. I merely stated that this thread has brought out the usual "hate Thailand" crowd that never have anything good to say about Thailand, expecting it to conform to their expectations which I did describe, quite accurately in my view as "chauvinistic" and "neo-colonialist". My contention was that the current allegations are in my experience exaggerated.

2) I also don't think I said they deserve it, though in many cases the police are probably well-founded in their scrutiny. I would not live in either the Sukhumvit or Silom areas because of the atmosphere there - I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai. My landlord, however, does live in the area near Nana and some of the things his daughter told me about in conversations make me suspect that many of these foreigners are not innocents caught up in a frency (for example Indians urinating against the gate to their house, westerners being loud and drunk, many, many things...)

3) if you read all of my posts you will see that the last time I was in that area was not one year ago (though I did walk there then along Ratchada to Sukhumvit and Sukhumvit 23 to visit a pub that had the same name as my blessed grandmother). I regularly go there for dhamma talks, and other events, The last time I was there was last Sunday night when I walked from the MRT station by the Asoke BTS to Sukhumvit 26 for a musical event. From Asoke to Benjasiri Park and on I saw no one being searched. This was five days ago, so certainly recent enough....

4) Clearly it is not I who is not taking the time to read the posts, given points 1-3 above.


I wonder how many people who boast what they would do if they were stopped realize how ridiculous they sound. They know what they would do. It would be "Yes sir. No sir. Sorry officer."

And, it should be. But your earlier apologist posts for corruption and extortion - denying they even exist - I found very offensive, for the way you claimed repeatedly that people either 'deserve' it, or are simply making things up, etc. Also, you referencing experiences from a year ago, in which you took a long walk and 'nothing happened', truly show a lack of understanding on your part. To even say that experiences long before a coup and military takeover of a government, would apply to the same place after such an event, is either purposely avoiding huge news events, or you're just not thinking that through. I might suggest to you, that walking around under martial law in a country which has just lost its rights to free elections, as a foreigner, and sounding off about how everything is 'fine', is not very respectful of anyone. Even if you think you are 'defending Thailand'. I for one, am deeply disturbed to know that my friends here are not allowed to vote anymore, for example. You are not?

I'm a decent, non-drug guy who has lived in Thailand for 5 years, and love this country. And respect it's culture and it's people. But, there is a very big difference between loving a country and it's people for real reasons, and simply bannering a fantasy image because it makes you feel better. You're obviously not taking much time to read people's actual reports, or to even be up on the political situation of a country you claim to be defending. And, if you really believe that you are the only decent foreigner here, and that everyone else simply 'deserves' to be harassed and frightened for stepping outside, then I would submit that you have some more thought to invest in the subject.


last year on New Years Eve???

People are talking about last weeks and you are talking about you walked last year from Ladphrao to Sukhumvit 23 and police didn´t ass searched you?

Could you please walk around Thong Lor today and tomorrow .

Uppdate us on sunday about your fine experience.

See my subsequent posts and my last one. I regularly go there for various reasons from dhamma events to music to just get a plate of biscuits and gravy... The last time was 5 nights ago... :D No one being searched from Asoke to Soi 26 when I was walking last Sunday evening...



I think you need to reread my posts.

1) I never said there is no corruption or extortion. I merely stated that this thread has brought out the usual "hate Thailand" crowd that never have anything good to say about Thailand, expecting it to conform to their expectations which I did describe, quite accurately in my view as "chauvinistic" and "neo-colonialist". My contention was that the current allegations are in my experience exaggerated.

2) I also don't think I said they deserve it, though in many cases the police are probably well-founded in their scrutiny. I would not live in either the Sukhumvit or Silom areas because of the atmosphere there - I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai. My landlord, however, does live in the area near Nana and some of the things his daughter told me about in conversations make me suspect that many of these foreigners are not innocents caught up in a frency (for example Indians urinating against the gate to their house, westerners being loud and drunk, many, many things...)

3) if you read all of my posts you will see that the last time I was in that area was not one year ago (though I did walk there then along Ratchada to Sukhumvit and Sukhumvit 23 to visit a pub that had the same name as my blessed grandmother). I regularly go there for dhamma talks, and other events, The last time I was there was last Sunday night when I walked from the MRT station by the Asoke BTS to Sukhumvit 26 for a musical event. From Asoke to Benjasiri Park and on I saw no one being searched. This was five days ago, so certainly recent enough....

4) Clearly it is not I who is not taking the time to read the posts, given points 1-3 above.


I wonder how many people who boast what they would do if they were stopped realize how ridiculous they sound. They know what they would do. It would be "Yes sir. No sir. Sorry officer."

And, it should be. But your earlier apologist posts for corruption and extortion - denying they even exist - I found very offensive, for the way you claimed repeatedly that people either 'deserve' it, or are simply making things up, etc. Also, you referencing experiences from a year ago, in which you took a long walk and 'nothing happened', truly show a lack of understanding on your part. To even say that experiences long before a coup and military takeover of a government, would apply to the same place after such an event, is either purposely avoiding huge news events, or you're just not thinking that through. I might suggest to you, that walking around under martial law in a country which has just lost its rights to free elections, as a foreigner, and sounding off about how everything is 'fine', is not very respectful of anyone. Even if you think you are 'defending Thailand'. I for one, am deeply disturbed to know that my friends here are not allowed to vote anymore, for example. You are not?

I'm a decent, non-drug guy who has lived in Thailand for 5 years, and love this country. And respect it's culture and it's people. But, there is a very big difference between loving a country and it's people for real reasons, and simply bannering a fantasy image because it makes you feel better. You're obviously not taking much time to read people's actual reports, or to even be up on the political situation of a country you claim to be defending. And, if you really believe that you are the only decent foreigner here, and that everyone else simply 'deserves' to be harassed and frightened for stepping outside, then I would submit that you have some more thought to invest in the subject.

You just contradicted yourself over and over, actually. At some points very extremely. I get it...you refuse to acknowledge that bad experiences that others have had, because you couldn't process it comfortably. And by the way, I in no way hate Thailand, and I think that's a pretty unthinking toss off on your part.


I think you need to reread my posts.

1) I never said there is no corruption or extortion. I merely stated that this thread has brought out the usual "hate Thailand" crowd that never have anything good to say about Thailand, expecting it to conform to their expectations which I did describe, quite accurately in my view as "chauvinistic" and "neo-colonialist". My contention was that the current allegations are in my experience exaggerated.

2) I also don't think I said they deserve it, though in many cases the police are probably well-founded in their scrutiny. I would not live in either the Sukhumvit or Silom areas because of the atmosphere there - I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai. My landlord, however, does live in the area near Nana and some of the things his daughter told me about in conversations make me suspect that many of these foreigners are not innocents caught up in a frency (for example Indians urinating against the gate to their house, westerners being loud and drunk, many, many things...)

3) if you read all of my posts you will see that the last time I was in that area was not one year ago (though I did walk there then along Ratchada to Sukhumvit and Sukhumvit 23 to visit a pub that had the same name as my blessed grandmother). I regularly go there for dhamma talks, and other events, The last time I was there was last Sunday night when I walked from the MRT station by the Asoke BTS to Sukhumvit 26 for a musical event. From Asoke to Benjasiri Park and on I saw no one being searched. This was five days ago, so certainly recent enough....

4) Clearly it is not I who is not taking the time to read the posts, given points 1-3 above.


I wonder how many people who boast what they would do if they were stopped realize how ridiculous they sound. They know what they would do. It would be "Yes sir. No sir. Sorry officer."

And, it should be. But your earlier apologist posts for corruption and extortion - denying they even exist - I found very offensive, for the way you claimed repeatedly that people either 'deserve' it, or are simply making things up, etc. Also, you referencing experiences from a year ago, in which you took a long walk and 'nothing happened', truly show a lack of understanding on your part. To even say that experiences long before a coup and military takeover of a government, would apply to the same place after such an event, is either purposely avoiding huge news events, or you're just not thinking that through. I might suggest to you, that walking around under martial law in a country which has just lost its rights to free elections, as a foreigner, and sounding off about how everything is 'fine', is not very respectful of anyone. Even if you think you are 'defending Thailand'. I for one, am deeply disturbed to know that my friends here are not allowed to vote anymore, for example. You are not?

I'm a decent, non-drug guy who has lived in Thailand for 5 years, and love this country. And respect it's culture and it's people. But, there is a very big difference between loving a country and it's people for real reasons, and simply bannering a fantasy image because it makes you feel better. You're obviously not taking much time to read people's actual reports, or to even be up on the political situation of a country you claim to be defending. And, if you really believe that you are the only decent foreigner here, and that everyone else simply 'deserves' to be harassed and frightened for stepping outside, then I would submit that you have some more thought to invest in the subject.

Dont worry about it,as it is very normal on a thai visa forum, I have read your posts,nothing wrong,everyone has their own opinion. I personaly try and see the light side of life,a bit of a pxxs taker.Most people should lighten up a bit on these forums,then it really would be fun.

No disrespect meant.


I dont know how true but I heard on a vine that those tourists scoring wee in Nana are getting some kali manga bongo stuff that many bangkok doctors think cause Astynomiaphobia according to some Thai wee lovers that make me wonder why are people still risking life for a lousy deal that is concocked so the toker gets Astynomiaphobia


Funny where i live there were few if any foreigners. Now more than ever. Guess all the tourists are being scared in my direction. The report there are fewer foreigners is total bunk. Have seen more than ever everywhere i go. I guess the toilet over flow is heading down hill sadly in my direction.

Likewise, I live quite a ways north of Sukhumvit, ... When I first came to this area of the city in January 2010 there weren't many foreigners, still not so many but more and more. Most of them seem like decent people, so it's OK... I just hope that it does not evolve into another foreign ghetto...


Is it just me - but I've always felt at risk down at the Asoke Junction. Seemed that either the traffic or police would get me.

Anyway, bottom line has been avoidance.

What would be really useful now is if anyone knows the coverage of Thonglor Police Station, or of any other hotspots in that area?


So the crime of checking ID and anus for drugs by Thonging Lor is going International - talk about people power, Thong Lor BiB could be more scary than ebola if they are deep in the soi, those stopped on the main road are lucky. If they stop the wrong Aussie then there could be a mini genocide around Asoke, this is madder than a movie


The recent behavior of Thailand indeed seems irrational. After all, they are making themselves look primitive, ignorant, dangerous and graceless. And they are clearly damaging their own economy, threatening to erode an already highly eroded tourism industry, one which in direct terms make up nearly 10% of their economy and indirectly more like 20%.

And their erratic and xenophobic behavior is also frightening away foreign investors. Granted, some foreign investors such as China and Russia won't mind too much, but that's just because Thialand s being driven into their clutches, not the other way around. It is the good and and decent that are running away, just the kind of friends you'd think a decent country would want.

So why are they doing it? Maybe he answer is that counties don't always behave rationally, any more than humans do when they suffer from mental ailments. Was it rational for Cambodia to do what it did to itself? was it rational for Germany to go the way it did in the 1930's. I wonder if Thailand is stuck on a self destructive path. We watch, we are amazed, we are incredulous.

But ultimately we who visit Thailand regularly better watch carefully because this thing can get worse, much worse, whether it is good for the economy or not.


Is it just me - but I've always felt at risk down at the Asoke Junction. Seemed that either the traffic or police would get me.

Anyway, bottom line has been avoidance.

What would be really useful now is if anyone knows the coverage of Thonglor Police Station, or of any other hotspots in that area?

Yes I am afraid of the traffic at Asoke junction but for the last couple of years I have used either the MRT tunnel under the raod or the BTS skywalk. Problem solved.

Still not afraid of cops as I have never been stopped and never seen them target foreigners. I have seen them stop many people though.... Thai (or Asian) and farang.

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