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The "soul" of Thailand.


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it is what it is...my wife's family are poor rice farmers and when we married their reality became my own...

they are a tightly knit extended family and they've always had to stick together to survive...they still have to struggle but since I've been around the crises have been fewer and more far between and I won't tolerate anything that will harm the children...

that's my view of Thailand's soul which may be a limited perspective and I do the best I can for a California surfer boy...

Tutsi ... legend.

How is that Niece of yours?

Still giving you grief?.

she's grand...at 12 y.o. she's all long limbs and she likes to run competitively at her school...tutsi: 'ye see dem long legs and dem big feet? dat means that later there's gonna be trouble wid boys and ye better watch out...'

I only get the odd peck on the cheek anymore as she doesn't use me as a climbing frame like she useta but she's always ready to help her uncle tutsi....

I like playing up being an old man with a lot of moaning and fake palsy to get her attention but she's not easily fooled...I get the folded arms with the cocked hip and the even stare business a lot and more of the usual trappings of an insouciant adolescent these days...but what's a falang to do?...they always grow up...

Tutsi ... your less then frequent missives are missed.

They add colour to, what is sometimes, a grey landscape here ... laugh.png


well, ye know when you work abroad for the big money ye ain't got much more time for anything but sleep and nourishment...at home I gots all the time in de woild and an unlimited supply of vodka and the crazy antics of the kids and that gets the 'creative' juices going....and I want to share the result with de woild...it's just that I'm not at home very often...

at work in saudi ye gots to look out fer de jihadis that wanna kill your arse along with the insane local drivers on the road...it's an exhausting business...

but, I'm always here to entertain when I can...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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