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After months of pummeling each other, it comes down to this, the more conservative posters mostly believe that Bush was trying to do the right thing to solve the Middle East problem when he went into Iraq. The left-wing wac...., I mean, the more liberal amongst us, believe that he wanted to steal Iraq's oil, or avenge the attempted Hit on Daddy, or whatever.

However, almost everyone seems to agree that the war on terrorism is necessary.

Now, let's forget the past, forget about what you think about Bush. The question is this, we are already in Iraq. What should Bush do next to get rid of Al Quida and their ilk?

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I'll bite.

What Bush should do next is try to repair the damage he has done to international relations among potential allies, get UN buy in, and redefine the focus on Al Queda and all international Islamic terrorists, not Iraq. The first thing he should do is own up to his errors in the way he sold the war in Iraq, and plead that for the best interests of the world, the world needs to move past that, and unite behind a fight against international Islamic terrorism. While the war in Iraq was uneccessary, it would now be immoral to just cut and run, and watch the disparate groups there kill each other. Thus, sad to say, the US can not withdrawal, but must do its best to gather more international support for a transition plan to help the new Iraq.

Will Bush do this? ###### NO.

So the only solution is the vote him out and let John Kerry try to clean up this mess.

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After months of pummeling each other, it comes down to this, the more conservative posters mostly believe that Bush was trying to do the right thing to solve the Middle East problem when he went into Iraq. The left-wing wac...., I mean, the more liberal amongst us, believe that he wanted to steal Iraq's oil, or avenge the attempted Hit on Daddy, or whatever.

However, almost everyone seems to agree that the war on terrorism is necessary.

Now, let's forget the past, forget about what you think about Bush. The question is this, we are already in Iraq. What should Bush do next to get rid of Al Quida and their ilk?

Get the <deleted> out of Iraq and go after Al Qaeda. It's about time to focus on the REAL threat, don't you think ?

And a serious INTERNATIONAL police work is the best way to achieve anything. I said it already. A terrorist organisation is not a country with known borders, you can't wage a traditional war against shadows. By doing so you just upset and alienate the entire muslim world, you waste human lives (both Arab and Western) and huge amounts of money that could be better used.

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The first thing he should do is own up to his errors in the way he sold the war in Iraq, and plead that for the best interests of the world, the world needs to move past that, and unite behind a fight against international Islamic terrorism.

Thaiquila, what if Bush does what you think that he should do, but he says that he truly believed that there were WMDs, but, intelligence was faulty? Is he allowed to save face?

adjarn jb, do you mean just get out of Iraq right now and completely leave Iraq to the Iraqis? What do other people think about that?

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The first thing he should do is own up to his errors in the way he sold the war in Iraq, and plead that for the best interests of the world, the world needs to move past that, and unite behind a fight against international Islamic terrorism.

Thaiquila, what if Bush does what you think that he should do, but he says that he truly believed that there were WMDs, but, intelligence was faulty? Is he allowed to save face?

adjarn jb, do you mean just get out of Iraq right now and completely leave Iraq to the Iraqis? What do other people think about that?

He could save some face, but he has done so much damage it would not be very effective.

First of all, Bush is not capable of admitting he did anything wrong, or made any wrong assumptions. Secondly, he is not really in a position to admit he did anything wrong because he is running to be reelected. Thirdly, the world will never really trust him. The world REALLY does want a fresh start with the United States, and if that is to happen, it will have to be John Kerry. Bush has done too much damage to his credibility.

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I think he should take his own life - for the good of humanity!
Yeah, well, if he had any self respect. What would the fundamentalists think? You want a scary thought. Jeb Bush now says he wants to run for president too. God help us.

I've heard that Herr Gropinator is also interested.

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I think George Bush, should also apologise to the families of the 5 Journalists killed by untrained, army week end warriors, within the last 24 hours. The US army is not qualified to be in the situation they are in and doing a terrible job of keeping down the percentage of "neccesary victims".

They were shot when they were going away from the checkpoint, not approaching it, so they were shot from the back. This is what an eyewitness from the bureau is saying. The US Army is not trained to deal with occupation as it is, but to call up all the reservists and national guard (part time soldiers), who fit the uniform - The US government is just sending cannon fodder for the "terrorists" and itchy fingers for the locals.

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I haven't seen the news story about the journalists getting killed. A tragedy without doubt. As to the capability of regular military compared to reserves, well of course they are not immediately as capable as full timers. But they are normally not without skills either. They did go through the same initial training as any soldier.

Then on they spend one weekend a month training. They spend two weeks a year in active duty at a minimum. Many that I know put more of their own time at it, using some of their vacation time or getting time off without pay to keep their skills up.

Prior to being sent to Iraq, they spend a month and a half in training. We have a number of guys at work that are serving, either over in Iraq or filling billets stateside that are empty due to the conflict. They were not just plucked out of their day to day jobs and dropped at a checkpoint with loaded weapons.

Obviously, I can't comment on a story I have little detail on, but the "weekend warriors" I am familiar with. I spent a few years doing it myself (in the Navy). My old boss retired a Lt Col. after he mustanged up from enlisted ranks in Vietnam. Another guy just came back from his stint and in his fifties recently became the oldest person ever to complete jump school in US Army history.

The bottom line is they are quite capable and most of them are a bit older and more experienced in life than regular army troops.


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