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Texas George And The Last Crusade - Unknown Author

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In 1095 AD, Urban II, bishop of Rome, made a call for a Holy Crusade in order to take Jerusalem from Jews and Muslims in the name of Christianity. When they captured Jerusalem, they embarked on a merciless killing spree. They burned Jews alive within their Synagogues. They slaughtered Muslims. And to add insult to injury, they made their captive Muslims clean up all the blood and body parts that littered the streets.

Ninety-two years of decadence and savagery against Jews and Muslims followed, until Saladin and his Muslim armies sent the bastards packing on October 2, 1187, and freed the Holy Land from European occupation. Unlike the genocide of the Crusaders a hundred years earlier, there were no scenes of senseless slaughter after the European surrender. Saladin even allowed Richard to take home the relics from the Church of the Sepulchre.

In 1189, Pope Gregory VIII issued a Papal Bull that prompted the Third Crusade. The idea was to take back Jerusalem from Saladin's armies. During this Crusade, the man we know today as Richard the Lionhearted showed the true Lion's Heart of a Christian.

Over a failed negotiation, Richard ordered the slaughter of all his Muslim prisoners 2700 men, women, and children, in full view of Saladin's army.

The fact that we still refer to him as "the Lionhearted" today says a whole lot about Western values, doesn't it?

In any case, the Crusade was a failure. They never took Jerusalem.

The next great assembly of European Knights, Crusade number four, was in 1202. Again, their Crusade was a flop. They never even made it to Jerusalem, and only a handful made it as far as Syria.

By 1217, Pope Honorius III had forgotten about the shellacking the Church had taken in previous years in the Middle East, and wanted to go back for more. He wanted revenge. Honorius put Pelagius in charge of the Fifth Crusade. And Pelagius, greedy for land and power, ended up with neither.

At one point, the Muslims offered to surrender Jerusalem to the invaders along with a thirty-year truce, if only the Europeans would leave occupied Egypt. Pelagius refused, and laid siege to Damietta. They captured the city, but lost it to the Muslims two years later.

And they never took Jerusalem.

Ten years later, they were ready for more. The Sixth Crusade began in 1227. But this time, the Crusade was led by Emperor Fredrick instead of the Church. And Frederick just happened to be out of favor with the Church at the time. Pope Gregory had excommunicated him for falling sick at the start of the Crusade. Despite this, Frederick pressed on, and decided to try something original - diplomacy without the blood and genocide.

And guess what? He negotiated a deal which gave Christians control of Jerusalem from 1229 till 1244 when the Turks and Egyptians kicked them out.

In 1249, Louis IX embarked on the Seventh Crusade to try and win back Jerusalem. Again, the Muslims offered a deal which would have given Christians control of Jerusalem. Again, the greedy vicious Crusaders refused to make a deal, preferring genocide and slaughter to sitting down and talking things out. It was their downfall.

After capturing Damietta, they were ambushed on the way to Cairo. Two hundred and ninety Knights Templar, each the equivalent of a modern day Abrams Tank, entered Mansourah. Only five made it out. ALL the English knights were killed.

And they never made it to Jerusalem. On top of that, Louis IX, Queen Margaret and their newborn baby were taken hostage, and had to pay a King's Ransom AND give back Damietta in exchange for their lives.

It's funny how time seems to diminish the memories of our most colossal ######ups. By 1270, Louis IX was ready to try again. On the Eighth Crusade, Louis's army made it as far as Carthage before Bubonic plague put an end to 185 years of attempted genocide against Jews and Muslims by Europeans.

Looked at from an overhead perspective, one must conclude that these Christian Crusaders got their asses kicked good and proper. That's what happens when you have bad intentions for others, and think with your fists instead of your brain. You get out-thunk.

All of that blood, thunder, and wasted life.

For what?

Greed. Face value. Pride. The family name.

For the Church, a Pope who could call for a successful Crusade would be elevated in the historical pecking order. And he'd have a lot more political clout domestically.

For the Kings, Princes, Dukes and Barons, there was plunder. Elevated status within the military, and domestic props for helping the Church, which in the 12th century, also happened to be the largest "campaign financier" on the planet.

The Crusades were pure aristocratic politics. The same kind of politics George W Bush is engaged in today. And Bush has the same flair for bloodshed over diplomacy as Richard the Babykiller.

There's one more similarity between Bush and the Crusaders. Lying for posterity.

Here's an example of what liars the Bushlickers truly are. Cunning linguists every one. The text below is Donald the Lionhearted on TV this weekend.


Donald Rumsfeld, CBS Face the Nation, March 14, 2004

SCHIEFFER: Well, let me just ask you this. If they did not have these weapons of mass destruction, though, granted all of that is true, why then did they pose an immediate threat to us, to this country?

Sec. RUMSFELD: Well, you're the--you and a few other critics are the only people I've heard use the phrase `immediate threat.' I didn't. The president didn't. And it's become kind of folklore that that's--that's what's happened. The president went...

SCHIEFFER: You're saying that nobody in the administration said that.

Sec. RUMSFELD: I--I can't speak for nobody--everybody in the administration and say nobody said that.

SCHIEFFER: Vice president didn't say that? The...

Sec. RUMSFELD: Not--if--if you have any citations, I'd like to see 'em.

The Center for American Progress has posted downloadable video of Rummy's statements on Face the Nation. Click on the link below to watch it.



Now, take a look at what Donald Rumsfeld said six months before the invasion of Iraq.


Donald Rumsfeld, September 19, 2002 before the Senate Armed Services Committee

"There are a number of terrorist states pursuing weapons of mass destruction -- Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, just to name a few -- but no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein and Iraq"

"We do know that Saddam Hussein has been actively and persistently pursuing nuclear weapons for more than 20 years. But we should be just as concerned about the immediate threat from biological weapons. Iraq has these weapons"

Still not convinced that Donald Rumsfeld is a lying sack of shit?

Watch him say "immediate threat" for yourself on CSPAN's Realplayer feed. Click the link below then click on "Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld testifies on U.S. Policy in Iraq"

The first quote is just after the 21 minute mark. The second is just after the 31 minute mark. Listen for yourself. He who has ears, let him hear.



How bout we cite you the middle finger salute, Mr. Rumsfeld?


By the 12th century, most of the European monarchies had married into Charlemagne's bloodline. It gave them legitimacy. Many of the prominent Crusaders had Charlemagne's blood in their veins. If one takes a look at Burke's Peerage, one will find that the same holds true for America's founding fathers, and in fact, for the majority of US Presidents.


"This web of interrelated presidents exists because in the early days of the republic most of the white male population which made up the electorate descended from a handful of well-documented 17th-century immigrants to New England or one of the other 13 colonies along the eastern seaboard. Indeed so small was the ruling class in the late 18th century that one can trace family links between George Washington and (1) Lord Cornwallis, his opponent at Yorktown, (2) both the men who came to dominate Europe militarily in the decade and a half after Washington's death - Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington, (3) Presidents Madison, Monroe, Van Buren and Taylor and beyond them Jefferson, Tyler, William H. and Benjamin Harrison, through the last two of whom one can reach Presidents Jackson and Polk."

The ruling class in Europe and North America share a common history, and a common ancestry. Many of these individuals take great pride in their stock. They see great esteem to be had in "one-upping" their predecessors by achieving things which their fathers or forefathers could not.

Just look at Bush Jr. clumsily trying to do what his father stopped short of doing in Iraq in 1991.

These people take family history very seriously. To the point where they lie about their achievements in their biographies, as both Bush 41 and 43 have done so liberally.

Symbols are also very important to these people. The Crucifix. Family Crests. Flags. A picture of George Bush in a flight suit. The soon to be launched aircraft carrier, the George H W Bush. They want to leave a lasting impression on history, one which portrays them in a powerful, grandiose light.

They have history, and long memories. Long enough to launch wars of vendetta for a century or three in the name of family pride errr in the name of the Church, and the "security" of Europe, of course. Yeah, that's it. Security.

Right about now, you're probably thinking, "ok, what's the point of all this history? What's he getting at, because I'm getting bored of this"

Well, the point is this: when these people build a symbol, they don't do it haphazardly. They do it with an intended purpose, knowing full well the meaning behind the symbolism. A flag with 13 stars, for the 13 states, each a constellation within a greater Union. A dollar bill that says, "An Undertaking Favored by God - New World Order".

Well, ok. It's in latin. Annuit Coeptis. Novus Ordo Seclorum. But you get the point.

On September 11, 1990, George H W Bush made his "Toward a New World Order" speech. January 16, 1991, he launches his war in the Middle East. Twelve years later, thanks to a US and UK enforced sanctions regime, nearly two million Iraqis are dead, half of them children under the age of five.

It is a war crime that puts the First Crusade to shame.

Keep in mind, this is a family whose political speeches are rife with Biblical phrase. A family whose bread and butter is the vote of the Christian Coalition. George W Bush even credits the Billy Graham CRUSADE for his Christian rebirth.

Surreal, isn't it?

How did America get here?

After the American Revolution, despite the protests of George Washington, a group of American aristocrats founded the Washington National Monument Society to build a monument to the original G Dubya. They hired a Freemason named Robert Mills as the architect.

Construction on the Washington Monument began in 1848, and was completed in 1884. We've all seen pictures of video of it. It's that giant white Egyptian Obelisk inside a circle that stands at one end of a huge lake. You can see some pictures of it by using the link below.


As an aside, the man who designed the street layout of Washington DC, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, was also a Freemason. There are occult symbols all over Washington DC. Take a look at a road map some time.

The first question that comes to mind when one looks at the Dollar Bill and the Washington Monument is, "If the USA was meant to be a Christian nation as the Christian Coalition claims, then what's with the pagan idolatry on the dollar bill and in Washington DC?"

Clearly, these symbols have a purpose. They're meant as a symbol of something, and meant to send SOME kind of message. I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

But what message?

For that answer, we must travel to Saudi Arabia, the spiritual home of Islam.


Part of being a Muslim involves a pilgrimage to Mecca, to participate in the Hajj rituals. Every Muslim who is able to do so is expected to make the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage involves fasting, cleansing of one's body and spirit, and following in the footsteps of the Prophet Mohammed.

It's believed that doing this will bring the faithful closer to their Prophet. And for most, it has precisely this effect. It is an awesome experience for the faithful, millions of whom make the trip each year. It's gotten so busy these days that every year, people get trampled or asphyxiated by the mesmerized sea of humanity.

Most of us know of the press to circle the Kaaba stone seven times. Muslims in Mecca circle the stone, touch it, and then work their way back out of the press of bodies. Take a look at the sea of humanity we're talking about by clicking the link below.


Another lesser known part of the Hajj pilgrimage involves throwing stones at Satan. The pilgrims collect 49 or 70 stones. They're supposed to throw seven stones at each of three "pillars" to cast out Satan.

So they collect their stones, and go to a place called Mina where the "pillars" stand. Mina is supposedly where Abraham, on his way to sacrifice his only begotten son as per God's command, met Satan on the road. But rather than be taken in by Satan, Abraham threw seven stones at Satan, as per the Archangel Gabriel's advice, and in doing so cast out Satan.

Throwing stones at Mina is meant to symbolize one's own battle with Satan. It's a form of spiritual cleansing. You can see a partial view of one of the pillars at Mina by clicking the link below, which takes you to an MSNBC story about the Hajj.


Note how closely the MSNBC image is cropped. They don't give you a wide shot of the pillar. But don't worry, the international media outside the USA will show you what the American ruling class hides from the people.

Take a look at the pictures of the "pillars" at Mina by clicking on the link below.


The highest act of devotion in the Muslim faith, the Hajj, involves throwing stones at Satan, symbolized by an EGYPTIAN OBELISK INSIDE A CIRCLE.

It's the ###### Washington Monument.

Perhaps now you understand a little more clearly why it's so easy for many Muslims to accept that the United States of America is "the Great Satan".

A symbol is a powerful thing. And the symbol of the American Revolution, to Muslims, is literally a manifestation of the Serpent of Eden. The Devil. Shaitan. The Great Satan.

And the guys who built the Washington Monument chose this symbol ON PURPOSE.

Are any of us truly so naïve as to think that the direct descendants of the original Crusaders, men whose arch-enemy has always been Jews and Muslims, didn't realize what they were doing when the chose this symbol to be the Washington Monument?

There's a point here that I want to make clearly. There are a great many retards out there like Graham Jukes who want to blame what white guys are doing and have done on Judaism and Jews. Well, the Washington Monument wasn't chosen as a symbol and erected by Jews. It was a choice made by white guys. White men chose these symbols: the obelisk, the eye of Ra, the pyramid.

They are symbols of Egyptian monarchy that Jews ran away from, and that Muslims despise. Symbols that are anathema to BOTH groups of Semites. America's symbols declare it to be diametrically opposed to the Semitic peoples.

Zionism in America has ten times as many Christian supporters as Jewish ones. And what is Zionism, if not the colonialism of Palestine by the descendants of European Crusaders?

The largest Christian group in America supports Zionism, and they're not Jewish. The majority of its Jewish supporters are themselves white Europeans, with no Semitic blood. They're Russian Ashkenazis for the most part. White people who converted to Judaism in the 9th century.

In fact, most of the Jews settled in Gaza and the West Bank, 2/3 of whom hold US Citizenship, are the descendants of white people, and are not descended from Shem.

But despite these facts, the retards insists there's a "Jewish" conspiracy going on. Never mind that the vast majority of profit in Iraq and on arms sales to Israel is being made by white Christians. Never mind that the economic woes in America have been brought on by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush: four white Christians. Never mind that every shooting war America has entered into since Korea has been about profits for white people.

In the eyes of the retards, "Jews" are to blame. Blame a religion, and not the European gene pool, even if there are ten times as many supporters of the Ideology who are Christian. Blame the religion, even though the religion itself calls for a Jewish Diaspora. Blame the religion, even though Zionism is a 19th century creation which came three thousand years after Judaism, and has been in the control of White Christians since the early 20th century. Blame the religion, even though Christianity has been responsible for hundreds of millions more murders than Judaism. Blame Jews, even though belief in Zionism and belief in Judaism have nothing to do with one another.

I've seen this story before. Germany, 1933. Those opposed to Hitler were "in league" with the Jews.

I guess it's easier for the retards to blame others than to accept responsibility within their own social demographic. For them, DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt.

One last point on this issue. Many people insist that I'm wrong about Ashkenazis being Caucasian. Many insist that they are, in fact, Semitic/Negroid in origin.

Well, if that's so, then how come the Aryan Brotherhood accepts Ashkenazis in their ranks? Anyone who's spent time in an American prison can tell you that this is so.

The AB accepts Ashkenazi Jews because the Ashkenazis are WHITE GUYS. Caucasian Europeans. Plain, simple, historical fact.


The whole purpose of the Crusades was the European conquest and rule of Palestine. Jerusalem in particular. And what European Aristocracy could not achieve by force nine hundred years ago, they have now achieved by way of military might and deception.

Sure, it was the Brits that began the Mandate of Palestine on September 11, 1922. But it was an American, Harry Truman, that forced UN Resolution 181 through the United Nations, creating the state of Israel. It's American military and "humanitarian" aid to Israel that fuels the occupation. It's American settlers from Brooklyn that occupy most of Gaza and the West Bank. It's American Veto power at the UN that ensures the occupation continues, and the settlements expand.

America's aristocracy is simply trying to accomplish what European aristocracy could not, for profit, for posterity, and in order to divide and conquer the Semitic people.

It's important to note, to the point of belaboring the point, that the vast majority of the Jewish settlers in Palestine are of Russian Ashkenazi, and not Semitic, descent. They're the descendants of Caucasian/European converts to Judaism, and not indigenous people to the land of Canaan. Think of them as "Stealth Crusaders". And these Settlers, who now cry "anti-Semitism" when one criticizes them, even though they're not Semitic, have managed to bring Jerusalem back under European control.

Well, half of Jerusalem anyway.

If the Christian Coalition and Jewish Extremists have their way, we're in the final days of the Last Crusade. Each is using the other to try and bring on the apocalypse according to their own ideology. The Christians are expecting the Second Coming of Christ, and the Jews are awaiting the Coming of the Messiah.

When the Messiah comes, he's supposed to save all the Jews in one fell swoop, and wipe out all their enemies, ushering in a Utopian era for the Jewish people. But before the Messiah can come, Jews have to rebuild the Temple of Solomon at the Temple Mount - the place Muslims call Al-Aqsa, or the Dome of the Rock.

Sounds simple, right? Go build the thing, and you're one step closer to the Messiah come to earth. Well, not so fast. First, a kosher Red Heifer must be born, then sacrificed. Then the Jews must use the ashes of the heifer to purify themselves so they can enter the holy ground at the Temple Mount without bring a nasty curse down upon themselves.

Rather than wait for a very rare Red Heifer to be born naturally, the crazies in Israel and America, white Christians and white Jews working together, have been trying to genetically manufacture a kosher Red Heifer. For real. They already birthed one, but it failed to pass the tests, so they're still trying.

Consider that if the Jews are right, the Messiah will wipe out all the Muslims and Christians and save only the Jews. So why on earth would the Christian Coalition help these Jewish extremists to do this?

Because in the Christian version of the apocalypse, the Jews rebuilding the Temple of Solomon has to happen before the Second Coming of Christ, in which Jesus will kill all the Muslims and Jews who won't convert to Christianity, and save all the Christians.

This is why Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are supporters of Israel. They want to bring about the forcible conversion of Jews to Christianity by divine power, or see them all dead if they won't convert. Well, ok, supporting Israel helps their Defense Stock portfolios too. But seriously, they have tens of millions of people believing this stuff, as ridiculous as it sounds.

On the Muslim side of things, Ayatollah Khomeini is considered a Prophet by Shiites. Osama Bin Laden is trying to create conditions in which he could be seen as the Mahdi: a harbinger of the Muslim version of the Apocalypse.

Personally, I think the 5.9 billion of us who don't subscribe to any of this rubbish need to get smart, and turn the guns on ALL the monotheistic idiots who are running this dog and pony show, before they start a nuclear war over Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

What's funny is that all three groups overlook some simple facts.

The pillars at Mina weren't made by God. They were made by men. Same goes for the Washington Monument, and the Temple Mount. There's nothing divine about any of them. They're just stupid pieces of rock carved by Masons, paid for by the ruling classes who wanted a symbol to unify their people so they could make war on the other guys.

Same goes for the books. Not a one was written by a god. All of them were written and edited by human beings, Prophet status notwithstanding.

Belief is a dangerous thing. Blind faith in the most ludicrous stories written by people ignorant of evolution, physics, and basic scientific principal is even more dangerous.

Giving a nuclear panic button to a guy who represents 30 million of these idiots is the stupidest thing and most dangerous thing any group of people have done since the beginning of recorded history. Especially when that individual is a pathological liar with a shockingly low IQ.

I mean come on, think about this for a minute. The President of the United States is the most powerful leader on the planet. He holds at his fingertips the power to end all human life on earth within an hour.

Given that a POTUS has this type of power, shouldn't the fact that an individual is capable of believing a silly story at face value without any concrete proof automatically DISQUALIFY that person from holding high office?

A guy like that might even end up believing that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Thanks to the Bush family, we're living in a freakin' movie. Texas George and the Last Crusade. A movie where an Empire falls into bankruptcy, and the entire world goes to war to avoid being crushed by George Bush's Crusade.

He flat out called his war a Crusade on September 19, 2001, for those of you who don't remember. After all, he wants his place in history as a Holy Crusader.

Of the three factions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, ONLY the Muslims have their Nuclear weapons out of the hands of religious extremists. General Pervez Musharraf staged a military coup to get those nukes AWAY from people with ideological views that mirror those of the Christian Coalition and Israel's National Religious Party.

And yet we say it's dangerous to allow Muslims to get nuclear weapons. Please. They're the only ones who are safeguarding their weapons from Religious fundamentalists.

Ariel Sharon's coalition government would not have a majority without the Jewish extremists, which puts them in the driver's seat. George Bush would not be in the White House without the support of his Christian Extremist voting base. They are the two most dangerous men on earth, and the greatest danger to human life this planet has ever known, because both electoral bases are ######-bent on kicking off Armageddon for religious reasons.

I really do think that some level headed Generals in Israel and the USA should be looking at General Musharraf right now. They need to borrow a few pages from his playbook, and get those weapons OUT OF THE HANDS OF RELIGIOUS FANATICS and those who do their bidding.

It was a lot less complicated when the biggest weapon man possessed was a catapult. Today, the actions of these religious idiots, descendants of the rock-tossers, affect the entire planet. It's not just a game anymore. There are serious consequences to nuclear war, and nuclear war is precisely what we'll get with Bush and Sharon in power.

But it's not too late to abort this Crusade. If a different man is in the White House in January 2005, there's a glimmer of hope. If the Gaza pullout drives a rift between Sharon and the looney tunes crowd, there's even more hope.

If Bush can be defeated in Iraq, bogged down and harassed to the breaking point so he don't have the resources to expand his war for oil and reconstruction contracts under the pretext of faith, America's might can be broken like the Soviet Union was smashed fighting the immovable Mujeheddin in Afghanistan.

Debt fueled spending for war is Bush's Achilles heel. The cost to benefit ratio will not allow him to fight prolonged wars AND maintain several occupations at once. It costs millions of dollars for each confirmed kill. Conversely, each kill only costs the Iraqis or the Taliban a few bucks in bathtub chemicals.

Our course is not predetermined. Nothing is writ in stone. It's up to WE, THE PEOPLE, to decide the future. Look at what the Spaniards did yesterday. They acknowledged that Bush, Blair and Aznar lied, and that there was no cause for war in Iraq other than ego and profit. They turned out in record numbers to vote against the government, and elected people who promised to get the Spanish army out of Iraq by June 30.


No more Crusades for the Conquistadors. They've learned their lesson.

Have we?

Are we going to continue to allow ourselves to be manipulated by political aristocrats who wrap themselves in the Church and the flag while they profiteer from our stupidity, or are we going to wake up and DO SOMETHING?

Last Crusade, or the beginning of an era of peace, and true international co-operation?

That choice is up to you, on the second Tuesday in November.


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I fear not for myself, for I have lived and lived well, seeing the world, having learned and having tasted of all cultures. But I worry for my children, for if you are right, then I have no future to offer them other than death, war and destruction. Hope you are wrong and that basic human decency will overpower the corrupt power of many.

Then again take a look at http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/ does it really matter what crazy George does? :o

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I fear not for myself, for I have lived and lived well, seeing the world, having learned and having tasted of all cultures. But I worry for my children, for if you are right, then I have no future to offer them other than death, war and destruction. Hope you are wrong and that basic human decency will overpower the corrupt power of many.

Then again take a look at http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/ does it really matter what crazy George does? :o

I also worry for my kids to mate, but we go on and still plan for a future - no one wins in wars, as many ex serviceman here wil attest to.

I went to your link: remember too, that only 3% of the skies are monitored - scary thought.

Anyway life goes on - we hope :D

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I'm afraid you've been suckered into believing some of that looney Jehova Wittness stuff. First part of the article appears to be some relatively accurate history but to equate what GWB is doing to stomp out Terrorism with a new crusade is really stretching your premise.

Also, what in the world has modern Fremasonry got to do with this modern crusade?... :o

Boon Mee

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After foolishly wading through the "gentleman's" posting I came away with a headache and a queezy sensation in my stomach.

The gent has fallen into the trap of mixing facts with complete fabrications. Most of the bullshit in the posting seems to be straight out of the Arab press.

He seems to lurch from one extreme to the other. He's not anti-semitic, he just doesn't like the Ashkenazis Jews. The old theory about the Kazans was has never been accepted by anybody with any decency.

Gentleman, for the sake of clarity, think before you post and try to be brief.

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<<Gentleman, for the sake of clarity, think before you post and try to be brief.>>

And, I'm curious if he is familiar w/Freemasonry or is just throwing them in the general mix of whatever-the-point he's trying to make? :o

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Sorry lamphun, but didn't you tell me that you were trying to get Boon Mee and I to disagree, because "our President doesn't have a brain"?

Maybe what you really meant, is that you aren't on anyone's side who is terminally stupid?

If so, I apologize, because, if that were so, you definitely wouldn't be running with the gent! :o

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Sorry lamphun, but didn't you tell me that you were trying to get Boon Mee and I to disagree, because "our President doesn't have a brain"?

You asked me to say something nice about Roanald Reagan.

That really stumped me so I came back with the name of a sketch on an old TV show called "Spitting image" This featured a Ronald Reagan puppet with an empty head. You had to have been there.

I've got my views and they don't seem to coincide withyours, but no problem.

In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

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You guys take the cake!

How about for starters, the end of the Cold War & fall of the Berlin Wall?

Want another: End of double-digit inflation. Or, how about helping out Maggie in her time of need with the Falklands? The list goes on... : :o

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You guys take the cake!

How about for starters, the end of the Cold War & fall of the Berlin Wall?

Want another: End of double-digit inflation. Or, how about helping out Maggie in her time of need with the Falklands? The list goes on... : :o

Oh yeah..., that is what I meant to say...Sorry! :D

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At least you read it Lamphun - your take on it, is up to you.

Oh I read it alright, but I wonder if you did.

I've agreed with many of your older postings with regards the stupidity of invading Iraq and that the Bush Administation has lost all the good will they had in the middle east by doing this instead of going after the perpetrators of 9/11.

However if the views expressed in the article at the start of this thread are actually yours then "God help you" as they say.


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At least you read it Lamphun - your take on it, is up to you.

Oh I read it alright, but I wonder if you did.

I've agreed with many of your older postings with regards the stupidity of invading Iraq and that the Bush Administation has lost all the good will they had in the middle east by doing this instead of going after the perpetrators of 9/11.

However if the views expressed in the article at the start of this thread are actually yours then "God help you" as they say.


I agree with some of it and the rest is open to debate, that is what the forum is about, is it not?

All we get from the US "wackos" here is tripe from Pro Bush media, so to get all views and ideas - lets post what we like and debate it - you have been quite cantankerous in your last few post towards me - if you have become a Georgie follower - Up to you!

What nationality are you?

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A wide selection of views ok. But aren't you just posting a crackpot article to get everyone else pissed off and see who takes the bait.

I follow no-one. Nationality ? make an educated guess.

If your Avatar is any reflection of you then you're a southern California hippie-dude!

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

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I agree with some of it and the rest is open to debate, that is what the forum is about, is it not?

PUD, your nose is growing. Not only did you rave about this garbage - calling it "history", but you kept recomending it on other threads!

Liar liar, pants on fire: You love this racist crap!

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

lamphun actually knows about Maggie Thatcher, so he isn't American (Boon Mee, you do, but she was Ronald Reagan's main squeeze, and, besides, you are one of a kind).

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