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Whats A Resonable Amount To Send Back Home?


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I'm surprised noone else has mentioned this yet, but does the OP know exactly what a 'PR Girl' is a euphemism for in Thailand.

Sean, a PR Girl for a club like that is not involved in media relations and event planning you know. Jeez . . PR Girl is just another name for a hostess. They can be barfined and taken home for a price.

Get real man.

If it looks like s**t, it smells like s**t and it feels like s**t, it's usually for a good reason.

I was missed informed she isn't a PR but a GR (guest relations) just cos she works for an entertainment company that makes her a pro does it? I think not!!

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If you really want to know whats going on pay one of the agencies here to check things out for you, their rates are around 15-20,000baht from what i understand and then you may get a realistic answer to whats going on rather than a lot of guesswork.

Then it would be case closed?

I wouldn't waste my money on that, her word is good enough for me!!

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A phony Accountants Certificate is easy to come by in BKK, esp. from the Girlfriend Web site you used, and you didn't mention that cost or the return-airfare+your own airfare& hotel. You said you knew her for 18 mo. But I don't call web chat or e-mails and the occational phone call-also more $$-as really knowing someone. I know you feel like you got yourself a mail-order bride that you like to call a GF. Onlyone you're kidding is yourself, after she's through with you, you'll think why you didn't listen to people here with experience, but that your problem, SeanC07!!!

She got lucking meeting you.

Blah blah blah, getting quite bored reading the same old rubbish, interesting to see no other guys get this abuse, even though the majority are with ex bargirls picked up from soi cowboy and pattaya!!

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Ermm, to echo chippie, then why did you feel the need to ask the question in the first place? :D

It is patently clear that you had and probably still do have doubts.... :o

If you would like to go way back to the question I asked, you will see it is just that, a Question to see what the general consensus was of sending money back!!! no more and no less!!

its strange to see how the brainless morons have turned it around now by claiming she must be a pro trying to stitch me up!!!

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hahahaha what are you talking about you weirdo? can you read or are you so dumb?
If anybody was wondering whether the original poster, SeanC07, was a troll, the above should have answered the question. One cannot get more trollish than that.



I'm not up to scratch yet with all these forum words yet (Troll) please elaborate!!

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Jeez, I think you are quoting me..... I must have said the same..... on 5 or 6 occasions over the years. :D (but I still come back for more!) :o

I'm sorry things didn't work out for you the previous 5 or 6 times, guess your luck just didnt come in!! better luck next time!!!

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BTW (bytheway) I hope to be at Battersea Park and for one, hope I bump into you for the craik and you charma, your advice on this forum always goes down well.

Good Luck to all.


Thats exactly why I came on here, just to ask a simple question, things have since exploded and have grown into a monster!! haha

I will be wearing a t-shirt saying "I'm sean and my gf is ripping me off" just so a certain few can continue with their worthless banter!!

I hope you enjoy Sunday as much as I will.

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If you weren't "ignorant" you would not have asked the Q about the $$$$$ :o

Let's know how you feel in 3-6 months.

I doubt you will. :D

Yeah I will, I will even send you an invite to the wedding next year!!

... where he will see you pay the ฿2million sin sod and give away 10 baht of gold... :D

totster :D

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She says she has a credit card and other electrical goods still to pay off, the thing is I really want to trust her and if I start thinking too much about it, it may cause problems with our relationship so I think its best if we sit down and go over what exactly the money will be going on!
Haha no there is nothing nagging in the back of my mind, I'm as certain as I can be but like I said I trust her 100%, why wouldn't I if she has given me no reason not to!! Innocent until proven guilty as it were!!

This tread has "TROLL" written all over it.



I know this is but you dont even deserve a reply!!

I'm not up to scratch yet with all these forum words yet (Troll) please elaborate!!

Interesting that in your one post you knew what a troll was, but only four minutes later in your next post you don't know what a troll is.

I was missed informed she isn't a PR but a GR (guest relations) just cos she works for an entertainment company that makes her a pro does it? I think not!!

Interesting term that you're now referring to her work. In the Philippines, as Guest Relations Officer (GRO) is simply a polite term for a prostitute that works for a bar or club. Also interesting that you were misinformed not only about this term, but about the money she wanted every month.

Way too many things don't add up. I'm not biting.

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If you really want to know whats going on pay one of the agencies here to check things out for you, their rates are around 15-20,000baht from what i understand and then you may get a realistic answer to whats going on rather than a lot of guesswork.

Then it would be case closed?

I wouldn't waste my money on that, her word is good enough for me!!

She says she has a credit card and other electrical goods still to pay off, the thing is I really want to trust her and if I start thinking too much about it, it may cause problems with our relationship so I think its best if we sit down and go over what exactly the money will be going on!

So which is you trust her 100% or you dont? not very consistent mate

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I know this is but you dont even deserve a reply!!

I'm not up to scratch yet with all these forum words yet (Troll) please elaborate!!

Not very bright are you!!! try to read things correctly before you come back with an answer!!!

When I said I know this is, meaning I know this is a REPLY!!!!!!

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If you not trollin, which you are, then why use all your time on the internet -in your words-with a bunch of idiots, instead of playing with your GF?

The gigs up! You've lost most of us.

I'm at work while my gf is at home!!, I couldn't care less if I've lost most of you!!! I only came on to ask one question and things have just progressed from there!!

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Blah blah blah, getting quite bored reading the same old rubbish, interesting to see no other guys get this abuse, even though the majority are with ex bargirls picked up from soi cowboy and pattaya!!


A little suprised to see your comment and inference above especially in the context that I mentioned Soi Cowboy in my previous thread - :o -


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A little suprised to see your comment and inference above especially in the context that I mentioned Soi Cowboy in my previous thread - :o -


Yeah I know sorry about that John, all these accusations about my gf being a prostitute upset me a little and I just wondered why no one else seems to be looked down upon!!

Didn't mean to offend you in anyway!!

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A little suprised to see your comment and inference above especially in the context that I mentioned Soi Cowboy in my previous thread - :o -


Yeah I know sorry about that John, all these accusations about my gf being a prostitute upset me a little and I just wondered why no one else seems to be looked down upon!!

Didn't mean to offend you in anyway!!


Thanks for that - have a great time Sunday and I'm sure youll get to know some great guys from the Forum

All the best :D


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I know this is but you dont even deserve a reply!!

I'm not up to scratch yet with all these forum words yet (Troll) please elaborate!!

Not very bright are you!!! try to read things correctly before you come back with an answer!!!

When I said I know this is, meaning I know this is a REPLY!!!!!!

Sorry if I couldn't understand your meaning completely. I found your version of English to be a bit different from the standard English I'm used to communicating in. Regardless of what your meaning of "I know this" was, the fact remains that you replied to him without questioning what a troll was but chose to make a separate post about that. I fail to follow your logic in making a separate reply to a separate person. But whatever....the more important issues have gone unanswered by you. Namely why did you initially state that wanted to trust your gf (implying that you didn't trust her completely) and then turn around later in the thread and say you trust her 100%? That in combination with your changing story about how much money she's requesting and about whether she's into PR or GR leaves more than a bit of doubt in many of our minds as to whether this is a real post or just someone trolling.

I don't see the need to continue this conversation as I don't believe in feeding people who in my mind are a troll, but for the sake of people who may not spot the tell-tale signs of a troll, one final question. Why did you ask in your initial post if you were giving her too much or not, but you didn't mention any sort of specifics whatsoever? If I was asking the question, I'd absolutely put in some specifics which later in the thread you added which totally give a different perspective on the situation. Your question would be the equivalent to asking "Is paying 1,000,000 baht for a car too much?" It's a total nonsense question without some details about what kind of a car you're talking about. Only a fool or a troll would make such a post. If you wanted to know how much others are giving, then you just ask and ask them to supply details of their particular case to compare it to yours. If you want to ask about your case, you supply the specifics. Most guys here are probably sending far less than 25,000 per month, so by throwing out that amount without the specifics smacks of a troll just posting something to see how many responses he can get.

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Sorry if I couldn't understand your meaning completely. I found your version of English to be a bit different from the standard English I'm used to communicating in. Regardless of what your meaning of "I know this" was, the fact remains that you replied to him without questioning what a troll was but chose to make a separate post about that. I fail to follow your logic in making a separate reply to a separate person. But whatever....the more important issues have gone unanswered by you. Namely why did you initially state that wanted to trust your gf (implying that you didn't trust her completely) and then turn around later in the thread and say you trust her 100%? That in combination with your changing story about how much money she's requesting and about whether she's into PR or GR leaves more than a bit of doubt in many of our minds as to whether this is a real post or just someone trolling.

I don't see the need to continue this conversation as I don't believe in feeding people who in my mind are a troll, but for the sake of people who may not spot the tell-tale signs of a troll, one final question. Why did you ask in your initial post if you were giving her too much or not, but you didn't mention any sort of specifics whatsoever? If I was asking the question, I'd absolutely put in some specifics which later in the thread you added which totally give a different perspective on the situation. Your question would be the equivalent to asking "Is paying 1,000,000 baht for a car too much?" It's a total nonsense question without some details about what kind of a car you're talking about. Only a fool or a troll would make such a post. If you wanted to know how much others are giving, then you just ask and ask them to supply details of their particular case to compare it to yours. If you want to ask about your case, you supply the specifics. Most guys here are probably sending far less than 25,000 per month, so by throwing out that amount without the specifics smacks of a troll just posting something to see how many responses he can get.

Like I've said before I'm new to all this so we can't all ask the perfect question 1st time, if you actually look at the question asked it says Whats a resonable amount to send back home?, where in the actual tread I say is 25,000 too much or is it ok!!! expecting to get advice for and how much others send, not disrespectful comments about my gf's previous occupation!! so you trying to compare a question about a million baht car is irrelevant!!

As for knowing what a troll is I dont know, I will ask someone who has come back with genuine advice rather than confrontational mish mash!!

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