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My feelings about Thailand


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I've just returned from a side trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. For me, Cambodia is a non starter. It's not Thai lifestyle on the cheap. Cross the border into Poipet and you'll soon appreciate what Thailand has to offer. I travelled overland across Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) in Vietnam with a few stops on the way.

I did like Vietnam and will return to venture more. The people are very friendly and helpful, English is freely spoken and decent bread available everywhere. Vietnam just seemed to be more welcoming and switched on to Westerners than Thailand. Maybe that's only HCMC?

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I've just returned from a side trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. For me, Cambodia is a non starter. It's not Thai lifestyle on the cheap. Cross the border into Poipet and you'll soon appreciate what Thailand has to offer. I travelled overland across Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) in Vietnam with a few stops on the way.

I did like Vietnam and will return to venture more. The people are very friendly and helpful, English is freely spoken and decent bread available everywhere. Vietnam just seemed to be more welcoming and switched on to Westerners than Thailand. Maybe that's only HCMC?

I think Vietnam's an awesome place and much, much more welcoming than Thailand (except right up in the North where they go all... for want of a better word... Chinese). There's also a bit of an (underserved) superiority complex in Hanoi but for the most part Vietnam is great.

Cambodia is not Poipet (which is a toilet of epic proportions). Nor is it Thailand (thankfully to those of who live the Cambodian side of the border). If you want Thailand, stay in Thailand. If you want a great place to live and a more affordable lifestyle with far less crocodile smiles - Cambodia's great. It takes more than a naive coach trip to Ho Chi Minh to discover Cambodia properly.

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I've just returned from a side trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. For me, Cambodia is a non starter. It's not Thai lifestyle on the cheap. Cross the border into Poipet and you'll soon appreciate what Thailand has to offer. I travelled overland across Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) in Vietnam with a few stops on the way.

I did like Vietnam and will return to venture more. The people are very friendly and helpful, English is freely spoken and decent bread available everywhere. Vietnam just seemed to be more welcoming and switched on to Westerners than Thailand. Maybe that's only HCMC?

I think Vietnam's an awesome place and much, much more welcoming than Thailand (except right up in the North where they go all... for want of a better word... Chinese). There's also a bit of an (underserved) superiority complex in Hanoi but for the most part Vietnam is great.

Cambodia is not Poipet (which is a toilet of epic proportions). Nor is it Thailand (thankfully to those of who live the Cambodian side of the border). If you want Thailand, stay in Thailand. If you want a great place to live and a more affordable lifestyle with far less crocodile smiles - Cambodia's great. It takes more than a naive coach trip to Ho Chi Minh to discover Cambodia properly.


Yes I was keen to see the real Cambodia. It seems one of these places you either love or you hate. In total, I had about 5 days in Cambodia. Nothing bad happened, it just didn't ring any bells for me. I had a couple of days in Siem Reap too - it reminded me of Benidorm.

Vietnam was different story and you're right, much more welcoming than Thailand.

Edited by torrow
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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

This my first comment here and I doubt I will need to ever say anything else.

To: Whomever may be or is interested in my experiences.

Written October 30, 2014.

I stopped bothering to keep anymore notes after October 2014.

I am a retired Native North American Indian, a disabled U.S. Military Veteran, Instructor and Law Enforcement. I had saved up and planned for 12 years to move and retire in Thailand, only to realize it was all one big mistake. I came to the kingdom of Thailand for the first time to enjoy living a quiet relaxed stress free life, lifestyle and the beaches. Since I do not; run the Bars or Clubs, chase women, use drugs, get drunk and very rarely even drink. Yet I now find myself being targeted by most of the Thais that I talk to every time I go outside my front door.

It seems Thais think as most Asians do, that all Foreigners are rich and are walking ATM machines for their use. But Thais fell its their special right to scams, lies, cheat or tricks as much money as they can out of Foreigners. I had even observed that most Thais famous smiles usually are fake, unless you are handing over money to them. It is common that Thais attitude is to never admit any other Thais commit any crimes or does anything wrong. Thais hear no evil or see no evil, if it done to a Foreigners or Foreigner dies by other Thai unless it is a poor Thai. It seemed many if not most Thais only learn other languages in hopes of or trying to get rich or gain power. So many Thais solely learn other languages to lie cheat trick or scam as much as they can out of foreigners they can. Thai women often learn languages with hopes of getting rich quick off marrying an older foreigners. Regrettably, Ive personally witnessed way too many of those kinds of Thai women mentally abusing Foreigner men for just their money in public. Unfortunately as in most Asian countries most non-Asians men dont realize when entering into relationship with as Asian woman. He is not only be expected to improve and support her life, but also her whole family too. I have come to believe; 1. Thai women do not know how to love a foreigner as a man, they only love his money and/or getting power. 2. Why should Thais be honest? Thais honestly believe Thais can be forgiven for anything they do including murder. All Thais have to do is confess and show they repent (or act-like they do in public) as Buddhist in the Thai culture it is to be forgiven?

Which was why I mainly decided not to allow any Thai women to get close to me, to avoid getting caught up in that kind of Thai entanglements, scams or tricks to get money out of me or kill me for money.

My first day I experience was in a 7-11 while buying mints. A well-dressed Thai man in a hurry in line volunteer and translated to the Cashier. He then turned and asked me for a 20 Bath tip. After that I have actually come to pity the Foreigners living here. Many Foreigners have manage to stay in Thailand for years on work Visa or education Visas, learning the Thai Language or other schools, until they reached their retirement age. Also many foreigners have learned to deal with this situation by getting lost in their own private mental escape. In whatever purposes they could find; working jobs, charity work, schools, sightseeing, exercise, internet, sex and alcohol. The rare lucky ones with harmony and equilibrium in their Thai families, usually achieve it by submission, giving everything they have to their Thais families.

Below is a list of other things that have been done or said to me in Thailand. It should answer your questions as to why I now feel this way in less than 2 years of living in Thailand.

Personally now I just smile quietly laughing at all the absurdity of Thais and living in Thailand.

Unluckily since deciding to leave I found I need to save up enough to move easily and comfortably. Unless theres an emergency where I would need to leave or get the heck out of Thailand faster.

Since arrival in Thailand, Ive become tired of seeing the way Thai people treat other Foreigners & me;

1.) I found I could not relax on Pattaya Beach or any Beaches, with the rude way Thais always loudly talk or start yelling loudly around me sleeping. Or the way Thai vender and merchants always wake me trying to force me to buy their over-priced products or services. I have learned to carry ear plugs to play music to sleep or ignore their rudeness until I can afford to leave here.

2.) Buy me, give me or where is my Tip, when I already paid or they have not done anything for a Tip.

3.) When Thais actions and words show Thais dont respect any Farang that we have to respect Thais.

4.) If we dont like Thailand, we can leave Thailand. When I have not done or said anything to them?

5.) Or, Thailand is for Thai people not for (you, Farang = Foreigner or Farangs = Foreigners).

Ive even had three different TRP (Thailand Royal Police) Officers threaten insult and/or say to me;

6.) A TRP gave me a false accident report he signed, not admit that a Thai Truck Driver hit me.

a. The TRP Officer said, If I dont like the accident report saying no ones fault, I can leave Thailand. See statement on following page of incident.

7.) When my cellphone with cp tracker on it was stolen a TRP Police Officer told me.

a. He would only go with me to get my phone back if I paid him 8,000 Baht. I said No Thanks.

(8,000 Baht was more than I had paid for the Cellphone.)

When I received a Traffic ticket and went to the police station to pay and pick up my Drivers license.

8.) a. One TRP Officer asked me. How did I passed Thai Drivers License test without any Thai Help?

(I just smiled and replied, Common sense I have been driving overseas for years now.)

b. The TRP Officer asked, Why you dont have Thai woman this is Thailand, you need Thai?

(I smiled again and replied, I came to Thailand for a relax life not to be worried to death.)

c. Then when the TRP Officer asked me how much I paid for my license.

(I answered I paid 258 Baht for License) The TRP Officer accused me of saying 2,000 Baht?

d. The way TRP said. I will see you around. I felt his intimidation as if he thought of me as a criminal?

If you want to call it discrimination or racism you can? I simply call it Thai uncompromising egotistical arrogant rude behavior and the money loving attitudes of the most Thai people. Once I had realized that I decided to vote with my feet by spending my retirement and money elsewhere.

As for the accident on July 1, 2014. I had been riding about a yard and a half inside the center line. When a Truck pulling out against traffic going the oboist direction. Suddenly lunged forward striking my bike, and my passengers leg/calf. Knocking me, my motorbike and my passenger over in the middle of the street lane. After I checking my Passenger and got my passenger out of the street onto the sidewalk. The truck driver had only stopped because traffic going the other way was too heavy and wouldnt let him in. I went to the Truck drivers door and opened it. Making him wait along with me until 5 uniformed TRP officer arrived on the scene. The TRP Officers called for an Ambulance to take my Passenger to Pattaya Memorial Hospital. The TRP Officers also to the drivers and my information and let the driver go.

By the time I got to the Hospital Mary was already in the Hospital Emergency Room when I caught up. Mary told me seriously that the Thai trained Emergence Room Nurse informed her Blood Pressure was 140/90. Along with how afraid she was of being treated by the Thai trained Medical Staff in the Hospital. Not one of the Hospital staff in the Emergency Room ever offered or provided Mary a pillow while she laid on the flat gurney. After having the Emergence Room RN told Mary that her blood pressure was normal at 140/90 for a 5-2, 50 kilo Asian woman?

When the Emergence Room Doctor call me to discuss her required treatment and x-rays. He did not seem very well trained or able to read Marys x-rays. I had to point out some things to him. When I questioned the medications he was planning to give Mary was too strong for her for her size. Mary had told me it was just a tromping type pain or pains. He quickly agreed and changed it to something milder 6 Arcoxia, 90mg tabs. Which also proved to be too strong for Mary and she only took 2 tabs of the 6 tabs. The Vitamins prescript Mary did not trust either.

Oh, I forgot to say Mary is also a trained Nurse, which she also did no mention to any of them.

When I went to pay for the bills of around 3,800 baht and asked for an itemized list in English both the cashier and supervising Nurse had refused to provide one to me. The supervising Nurse gave me one of the Thai famous fake smiles and said to me as if she were talking to a child, Secret. I had never felt more insulted, by a so called professional Hospital worker, a Thai RN Nurse too. Along with easily becoming able to fully understand Marys feeling and fear of being left there in the Thai Hospitals care. I was never reimbursed for Marys medical bill thanks to the TRP (Thailand Royal Police) Officers

Signed accident report.

I come to believe and think after reading the Thai-Visa News here in Thailand. That most Thais believe, think and feel this Thai-ness in Thailand. Thai-ness is;

1. Thais dont have respect for or have any concern for anyone feelings with less status or money.

2. Thais refuse to admit their mistakes always blaming others, or of Thais ever do anything wrong.

3. Thais believe in a class system where the more powerful or higher ranking is never questioned.

4. Thais have an undying superior complex no reason/compromise only truly trusting other Thais.

5. Thais love wasting showing off how much more they have and can do than others, even Thais.

6. Most Thais always boastful to be first feeling overly superior, egotistical arrogant and prideful.

7. Most Thais use family members, love and relationship valuing only money status and power.

8. Thai education system doesnt allow open discussion or talking back to superior or betters.

9. Thais believe in a status system of looking down on everyone below or lower than they are.

10. As Buddhist, Thais can be forgiven for anything they do, if they publicly show remorse.

Thais do not call foreigners, foreigners. Thais call all Foreigners Farang usually in an insulting way.

11. Most Thais believe Thailand is for Thais not Foreigners, unless the Foreigner pays them to stay.

12. Most Thais double standards one low for Thais and another higher over charging all Foreigners.

13. Thais usually have a fake smile, Ive only seen a real Thai smile when handing Thais money.

14. If anything happens between any Thai and any Foreigner the Thai should always be paid. (Thais believe if the Foreigner had not come to Thailand whatever happen would not have happened. So the Foreigner must be the one to pay, even if it is a Thais fault.)

15. Thais believe its every Thai right to lie cheat and scam as much as they can out of every Foreigner. Some believe its their right to even kill foreigners and not to be punished harshly.

16. Most Thais women only marry foreigners for money, status and power waiting for them to die.

17. Thai women dont talk back to Thai men, but Thai women will argue, fight even kill foreign men.

18. Foreigner only have the right to is to waste, spend and pay money to stay in Thailand.

19. Thais believe all Foreigners are rich with money to waste.

20. There is no such thing as REAL FEEDOM in Thailand is not a democracy it is a Monarchy!

All Foreigners visiting or living in Thailand better learn and not forget any of the above.

Oh Thailand does not have to worry. I will only be returning once for one day to close bank accounts and take care of any unpaid bills.. After that trip I will not be returning to Thailand either. May GOD protect those of you who are staying or already hooked and trapped. Because I doubt Buddha or the coconut tree will... Truth is truth... Good Luck!

biggest load of rubbish ever read on TV....but the topic is intersting and most comments balanced.

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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

This my first comment here and I doubt I will need to ever say anything else.

To: Whomever may be or is interested in my experiences.

Written October 30, 2014.

I stopped bothering to keep anymore notes after October 2014.

I am a retired Native North American Indian, a disabled U.S. Military Veteran, Instructor and Law Enforcement. I had saved up and planned for 12 years to move and retire in Thailand, only to realize it was all one big mistake. I came to the kingdom of Thailand for the first time to enjoy living a quiet relaxed stress free life, lifestyle and the beaches. Since I do not; run the Bars or Clubs, chase women, use drugs, get drunk and very rarely even drink. Yet I now find myself being targeted by most of the Thais that I talk to every time I go outside my front door.

It seems Thais think as most Asians do, that all Foreigners are rich and are walking ATM machines for their use. But Thais fell its their special right to scams, lies, cheat or tricks as much money as they can out of Foreigners. I had even observed that most Thais famous smiles usually are fake, unless you are handing over money to them. It is common that Thais attitude is to never admit any other Thais commit any crimes or does anything wrong. Thais hear no evil or see no evil, if it done to a Foreigners or Foreigner dies by other Thai unless it is a poor Thai. It seemed many if not most Thais only learn other languages in hopes of or trying to get rich or gain power. So many Thais solely learn other languages to lie cheat trick or scam as much as they can out of foreigners they can. Thai women often learn languages with hopes of getting rich quick off marrying an older foreigners. Regrettably, Ive personally witnessed way too many of those kinds of Thai women mentally abusing Foreigner men for just their money in public. Unfortunately as in most Asian countries most non-Asians men dont realize when entering into relationship with as Asian woman. He is not only be expected to improve and support her life, but also her whole family too. I have come to believe; 1. Thai women do not know how to love a foreigner as a man, they only love his money and/or getting power. 2. Why should Thais be honest? Thais honestly believe Thais can be forgiven for anything they do including murder. All Thais have to do is confess and show they repent (or act-like they do in public) as Buddhist in the Thai culture it is to be forgiven?

Which was why I mainly decided not to allow any Thai women to get close to me, to avoid getting caught up in that kind of Thai entanglements, scams or tricks to get money out of me or kill me for money.

My first day I experience was in a 7-11 while buying mints. A well-dressed Thai man in a hurry in line volunteer and translated to the Cashier. He then turned and asked me for a 20 Bath tip. After that I have actually come to pity the Foreigners living here. Many Foreigners have manage to stay in Thailand for years on work Visa or education Visas, learning the Thai Language or other schools, until they reached their retirement age. Also many foreigners have learned to deal with this situation by getting lost in their own private mental escape. In whatever purposes they could find; working jobs, charity work, schools, sightseeing, exercise, internet, sex and alcohol. The rare lucky ones with harmony and equilibrium in their Thai families, usually achieve it by submission, giving everything they have to their Thais families.

Below is a list of other things that have been done or said to me in Thailand. It should answer your questions as to why I now feel this way in less than 2 years of living in Thailand.

Personally now I just smile quietly laughing at all the absurdity of Thais and living in Thailand.

Unluckily since deciding to leave I found I need to save up enough to move easily and comfortably. Unless theres an emergency where I would need to leave or get the heck out of Thailand faster.

Since arrival in Thailand, Ive become tired of seeing the way Thai people treat other Foreigners & me;

1.) I found I could not relax on Pattaya Beach or any Beaches, with the rude way Thais always loudly talk or start yelling loudly around me sleeping. Or the way Thai vender and merchants always wake me trying to force me to buy their over-priced products or services. I have learned to carry ear plugs to play music to sleep or ignore their rudeness until I can afford to leave here.

2.) Buy me, give me or where is my Tip, when I already paid or they have not done anything for a Tip.

3.) When Thais actions and words show Thais dont respect any Farang that we have to respect Thais.

4.) If we dont like Thailand, we can leave Thailand. When I have not done or said anything to them?

5.) Or, Thailand is for Thai people not for (you, Farang = Foreigner or Farangs = Foreigners).

Ive even had three different TRP (Thailand Royal Police) Officers threaten insult and/or say to me;

6.) A TRP gave me a false accident report he signed, not admit that a Thai Truck Driver hit me.

a. The TRP Officer said, If I dont like the accident report saying no ones fault, I can leave Thailand. See statement on following page of incident.

7.) When my cellphone with cp tracker on it was stolen a TRP Police Officer told me.

a. He would only go with me to get my phone back if I paid him 8,000 Baht. I said No Thanks.

(8,000 Baht was more than I had paid for the Cellphone.)

When I received a Traffic ticket and went to the police station to pay and pick up my Drivers license.

8.) a. One TRP Officer asked me. How did I passed Thai Drivers License test without any Thai Help?

(I just smiled and replied, Common sense I have been driving overseas for years now.)

b. The TRP Officer asked, Why you dont have Thai woman this is Thailand, you need Thai?

(I smiled again and replied, I came to Thailand for a relax life not to be worried to death.)

c. Then when the TRP Officer asked me how much I paid for my license.

(I answered I paid 258 Baht for License) The TRP Officer accused me of saying 2,000 Baht?

d. The way TRP said. I will see you around. I felt his intimidation as if he thought of me as a criminal?

If you want to call it discrimination or racism you can? I simply call it Thai uncompromising egotistical arrogant rude behavior and the money loving attitudes of the most Thai people. Once I had realized that I decided to vote with my feet by spending my retirement and money elsewhere.

As for the accident on July 1, 2014. I had been riding about a yard and a half inside the center line. When a Truck pulling out against traffic going the oboist direction. Suddenly lunged forward striking my bike, and my passengers leg/calf. Knocking me, my motorbike and my passenger over in the middle of the street lane. After I checking my Passenger and got my passenger out of the street onto the sidewalk. The truck driver had only stopped because traffic going the other way was too heavy and wouldnt let him in. I went to the Truck drivers door and opened it. Making him wait along with me until 5 uniformed TRP officer arrived on the scene. The TRP Officers called for an Ambulance to take my Passenger to Pattaya Memorial Hospital. The TRP Officers also to the drivers and my information and let the driver go.

By the time I got to the Hospital Mary was already in the Hospital Emergency Room when I caught up. Mary told me seriously that the Thai trained Emergence Room Nurse informed her Blood Pressure was 140/90. Along with how afraid she was of being treated by the Thai trained Medical Staff in the Hospital. Not one of the Hospital staff in the Emergency Room ever offered or provided Mary a pillow while she laid on the flat gurney. After having the Emergence Room RN told Mary that her blood pressure was normal at 140/90 for a 5-2, 50 kilo Asian woman?

When the Emergence Room Doctor call me to discuss her required treatment and x-rays. He did not seem very well trained or able to read Marys x-rays. I had to point out some things to him. When I questioned the medications he was planning to give Mary was too strong for her for her size. Mary had told me it was just a tromping type pain or pains. He quickly agreed and changed it to something milder 6 Arcoxia, 90mg tabs. Which also proved to be too strong for Mary and she only took 2 tabs of the 6 tabs. The Vitamins prescript Mary did not trust either.

Oh, I forgot to say Mary is also a trained Nurse, which she also did no mention to any of them.

When I went to pay for the bills of around 3,800 baht and asked for an itemized list in English both the cashier and supervising Nurse had refused to provide one to me. The supervising Nurse gave me one of the Thai famous fake smiles and said to me as if she were talking to a child, Secret. I had never felt more insulted, by a so called professional Hospital worker, a Thai RN Nurse too. Along with easily becoming able to fully understand Marys feeling and fear of being left there in the Thai Hospitals care. I was never reimbursed for Marys medical bill thanks to the TRP (Thailand Royal Police) Officers

Signed accident report.

I come to believe and think after reading the Thai-Visa News here in Thailand. That most Thais believe, think and feel this Thai-ness in Thailand. Thai-ness is;

1. Thais dont have respect for or have any concern for anyone feelings with less status or money.

2. Thais refuse to admit their mistakes always blaming others, or of Thais ever do anything wrong.

3. Thais believe in a class system where the more powerful or higher ranking is never questioned.

4. Thais have an undying superior complex no reason/compromise only truly trusting other Thais.

5. Thais love wasting showing off how much more they have and can do than others, even Thais.

6. Most Thais always boastful to be first feeling overly superior, egotistical arrogant and prideful.

7. Most Thais use family members, love and relationship valuing only money status and power.

8. Thai education system doesnt allow open discussion or talking back to superior or betters.

9. Thais believe in a status system of looking down on everyone below or lower than they are.

10. As Buddhist, Thais can be forgiven for anything they do, if they publicly show remorse.

Thais do not call foreigners, foreigners. Thais call all Foreigners Farang usually in an insulting way.

11. Most Thais believe Thailand is for Thais not Foreigners, unless the Foreigner pays them to stay.

12. Most Thais double standards one low for Thais and another higher over charging all Foreigners.

13. Thais usually have a fake smile, Ive only seen a real Thai smile when handing Thais money.

14. If anything happens between any Thai and any Foreigner the Thai should always be paid. (Thais believe if the Foreigner had not come to Thailand whatever happen would not have happened. So the Foreigner must be the one to pay, even if it is a Thais fault.)

15. Thais believe its every Thai right to lie cheat and scam as much as they can out of every Foreigner. Some believe its their right to even kill foreigners and not to be punished harshly.

16. Most Thais women only marry foreigners for money, status and power waiting for them to die.

17. Thai women dont talk back to Thai men, but Thai women will argue, fight even kill foreign men.

18. Foreigner only have the right to is to waste, spend and pay money to stay in Thailand.

19. Thais believe all Foreigners are rich with money to waste.

20. There is no such thing as REAL FEEDOM in Thailand is not a democracy it is a Monarchy!

All Foreigners visiting or living in Thailand better learn and not forget any of the above.

Oh Thailand does not have to worry. I will only be returning once for one day to close bank accounts and take care of any unpaid bills.. After that trip I will not be returning to Thailand either. May GOD protect those of you who are staying or already hooked and trapped. Because I doubt Buddha or the coconut tree will... Truth is truth... Good Luck!

biggest load of rubbish ever read on TV....but the topic is intersting and most comments balanced.

I'll bet he's one of the loudest complainers about racism toward native americans back home!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see STICKMAN of Stickman Bangkok fame is packing his bags for good and going back to his home country of New Zealand this month.

Not sure whats happening to his weekly columns?

Cant believe so many expats are packing up and going,what with Mr Drummond and a few others times are certainly changing.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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I see STICKMAN of Stickman Bangkok fame is packing his bags for good and going back to his home country of New Zealand this month.

Not sure whats happening to his weekly columns?

Cant believe so many expats are packing up and going,what with Mr Drummond and a few others times are certainly changing.

GG Could you please quote a source for that information? I've been searching his column and can't seem to find it.

Admittedly, this one http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/StickmanWeeklyColumn2013/Bangkok-expat-exodus.htm discusses an "exodus" of expats, but he doesn't mention leaving himself.

You're right in that times are certainly changing as many of the posts on this thread will confirm

I can assure you that there are some people who, having made long-term plans to retire in Thailand, are now reconsidering their futures. xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

I also know a couple of expats who, were they not committed to Thailand in some way, would move on.

But, I suppose nowhere stays the same forever - THAT is a double-edged sword too!

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I think its here where Stickman says its his last column.Bottom of the page on your link.

You are of course, correct - thank you! clap2.gif My bad for not reading it properly! whistling.gif He actually says:"My mind has not changed and Q1 of 2015 will see this column come to an end. Not long to go."

In fact the article I linked to, links in turn to a one dated Jan 2014 http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/StickmanWeeklyColumn2013/Staying-in-Thailand.htm where he says "Another year and I'm out of here. Just one more year"

Looks like he means it and sadly, I'm not surprised. sad.png

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Well im surprised ! He must be selling his website i would of imagine or already sold it?

Yeah he seems desperate to go.."only 1 more year " he says ...omg ..lol..some of us are counting the days to go back to Thailand .he's counting the days to leave !!

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Well im surprised ! He must be selling his website i would of imagine or already sold it?

Yeah he seems desperate to go.."only 1 more year " he says ...omg ..lol..some of us are counting the days to go back to Thailand .he's counting the days to leave !!

And that was last year!

Actually, I used to count the days to go back.......... now, I think "I'll go back.....sometime"

In the past I've spent Jan-May in Thailand - last winter I was working; this winter....just can't be bothered!

And that's odd because mates are telling me that Pattaya and Phuket are relatively empty during "high" season.

All I can say is that the Thailand I first loved in 1985 (!!) seems not to be there any more......or I've changed.... or something?

Which pretty well brings it back on topic - "my feelings about Thailand" to which I allude above in post # 164 xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

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OMG 2 years and you havent been back !!!

empty yes...i've just come back and it never looked like the high seasons of say 10 years ago.The place was practically empty,no waiting for baht buses,plenty of space,hardly any people really.

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