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DLT: Taxis that do not pass inspection are not eligible for using new fare


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Some accident was due to driver fell on sleep , I few incidents where midnight driver nearly hit the divider on the street as in 4-5 a.m is the most brain shut down. Land department should giving course for driver to stop for rest ,wash face and red bull.

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Seat belts in the back? I'll believe it when i see it....Never seen any yet...

in nanny state has the seat belt behind theif you've never seen seatbelt behind, you're blind or you need glasses? hve time I have taken the taxi as there are seat belt in the rear. taxi, it should not be required to use, whether to use or not is a personal choice, my body, my choice, the authorities do not own my body.

your body , your choice. Until something happens in the road and the driver has to slam on his breaks causing you to continue moving forward (can you defy physics?) at 50 /60 /70 miles per hour into the poor drivers seat . seriously injuring him and yourself . becoming a burden to hospitals and loved ones.

90 kg slaming into someone at 60mph is no joke but your body your choice eh?

WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS PEOPLE this is a dangerous country on the roads. lead by example.

*14 years experience cutting numbskulls out of car wrecks

Its the land of the free - you are free to get in a taxi and die - i will be in my 5 star safety rated SUV with 7 airbags - driving slowly and praying to God you don't come near and injure my family...

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