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Thai Muslims in Australia warned to be more cautious


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Man Manis was a mentally ill person. It was his lunacy that precipitated this incident. He could just as easily have been Catholic,Jewish or a Buddhist.

Not really. He may be mentally ill, but the same could be said of many Islamic terrorists who carry out attacks. If he was Catholic, Jewish or a Buddhist, his religion would tell him to not hurt other people. The Quran calls for violence against unbelievers and Mohammad Hassan Manteghi Bourjerdi was only too happy to oblige.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Hmmm...let's see what the actual verse says:

Quran 8:12 - "When your Lord commanded the angels, saying, 'I am with you, so make those who believe stand firm. I will instill fear in the hearts of those who deny the truth: so strike their necks and strike all their finger joints.'"

I see little difference with, or without, the other sentence and there are PLENTY more where that came from. YOU seem to be the one trying to spin your way out of what is clearly written in the Quran for everyone to see.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

They are just following Islam, the instructions are explicit and cited universally by those murdering, maiming and torturing in its name.


Your Islam bashing bigoted agenda is transparent. My kind and generous Muslim neighbors obviously haven't read their instructions yet. They are too busy concentrating on just being decent fellow citizens.

To expose Islam for what it really is as against what some would like to believe it is is not bigoted, but honest. The fact that your neighbours are not killers does not alter the fact that the creed they believe in is responsible for the attack in Sydney and the murder of over 100 kids in Pakistan, and that's just this week.

Edited by dragonfly94
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Let's set a few things straight.

After Mr Rigby's murder there was a huge anti Islam back lash in the UK. Multiple Muslim buildings were attached and set on fire. This was nearly completely hidden from the media to stop it escalating. Honestly this is true I know this for a fact.

There are no anti Islam protests in London because we are now outnumbered by them.

Can you give us the religious population demographic statistics for London please?

You say that 'we are now outnumbered by them'. Do you have any reliable independent evidence to prove this assertion?

No sir I do not have anything reliable or official to back this up at all.

I am just saying what I see. You only need to get on a tube a train or a bus to see the increase in the last 15 years.

I'm not kidding its unbelievable compared to to 90s / 00s

I'm not racist at all I'm just saying that right now the tube train that I'm on is far far more than half of the people are from an Asian back ground.

Really just take a journey through London and you will see.

I don't think any reasonable person would disagree that most Western countries have a problem with Islamic extremism. It adds absolutely nothing to the argument however to post nonsense like,"I am not a racist but", and then go on to claim that you know as a fact that London's indigenous population is outnumbered by Muslims. Sadly that means you just come across as exactly what you claim not to be, ie, a racist. These are the facts.

40% of England's Muslims live in London. The Muslim population in London is 12.5 % So not even close to being outnumbered.

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This topic is about Thai Muslims and Australia. Discussion of the situation in the UK (or anywhere else) is off topic.

Understood Scott. I just felt that the false claims in the post i was responding to needed to be addressed, in the interests of accuracy if nothing else.

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