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Thai Muslims in Australia warned to be more cautious


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Thai Muslims in Australia warned to be more cautious


SYDNEY: -- The Thai consular office in Sydney has warned Thai Muslims living in the city to be extraordinarily cautious following the hostage drama at Sydney downtown which ended with the gunman and two hostages killed and several wounded.

Mr ChaiwatKaewpaluek, a representative of Thai Muslims in Australia, said today that the hostage taking incident might anger some Australian people who might pick on Muslims in general, including Thai Muslims, to vent their anger.

He said that the Thai Consular Office was concerned that the incident might provoke public anger and warned Thai Muslims to be cautious and to avoid crowded places.

Mr Chaiwat blamed the incident on extremists who defied Islam. He maintained that Thai Muslims in Australia are peace lovers and wanted to live peacefully with people of the other religious faiths.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thai-muslims-australia-warned-cautious

-- Thai PBS 2014-12-16

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Are you really so IGNORANT

Learn what the word racist means before using it because it make you look like an idiot.

Islam is not a race it is a political ideology and is not based on any specific race muslims can be white, black, brown, yellow or any other shade additionally Muslims come from many races

Calling someone who is anti muslim a racist just shows that the person doing that is a complete moron

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Are you really so IGNORANT

Learn what the word racist means before using it because it make you look like an idiot.

Islam is not a race it is a political ideology and is not based on any specific race muslims can be white, black, brown, yellow or any other shade additionally Muslims come from many races

Calling someone who is anti muslim a racist just shows that the person doing that is a complete moron

Diamondking, you're such an ass. Why the stupid insults? People know what I mean, whether it's simple bigotry or racism...what difference does it make, really? Are you trying to defend your hatred of Islam as not being racist? Fine, big deal. Just don't be so retarded all the freakin time.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Well you have Muslim Extremists to thank for that fact if people constantly see those types attacking and killing people then people will have a reaction when they see someone that looks like them bit like this latest attacker he looks just like what i would expect a Muslim terrorist to look like unfortunately he also looks like every other muslim when drive through a muslim area

Cant blame people for that

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The last thing Muslims do in any country is live in peace with other religious except Saudi Arabia and the only reason they live in peace with everyone else is NO OTHER RELIGION IS TOLERATED

Give me a break Muslims are out to Kill simple as that and can be backed up with hundreds of pages of attacks

This is just the start of Lone Wolf Attacks all over the world and eventually whenever people see anyone that looks remotely like a muslim you can bet that patience and tolerance will not be as much as it is now if every time you go for a coffee your scared some muslim terrorist is going to try and kill you.


Edited by Amir
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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

Hey Diamondking, this should qualify as "racism" since you're so anal about the proper use of the word. Get it now?

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

I am very vocal about Muslims but I know the difference between Sikhs Hindus and the like, unfortunately not everyone is and they are just as bad and their is no excuse for that behaviour.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

Hey Diamondking, this should qualify as "racism" since you're so anal about the proper use of the word. Get it now?

You obviously dont get it but then again Lefty Liberal nutters never do

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The last thing Muslims do in any country is live in peace with other religious except Saudi Arabia and the only reason they live in peace with everyone else is NO OTHER RELIGION IS TOLERATED

Give me a break Muslims are out to Kill simple as that and can be backed up with hundreds of pages of attacks

This is just the start of Lone Wolf Attacks all over the world and eventually whenever people see anyone that looks remotely like a muslim you can bet that patience and tolerance will not be as much as it is now if every time you go for a coffee your scared some muslim terrorist is going to try and kill you.


I agree Islam is racist and hateful to any non muslim the link you are making is good however Islam is was worse than the KKK ever was

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yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

Hey Diamondking, this should qualify as "racism" since you're so anal about the proper use of the word. Get it now?

You obviously dont get it but then again Lefty Liberal nutters never do

Lefty liberal nutter, eh? Not really. I'm not defending what that crazy dude did in Australia, or ISIS, or any other lunatic out there intending to do harm to innocent people. But I don't recall one Thai Muslim involved in any terrorist activity. There are western Islam converts in ISIS, more so than Thai Muslims, which is what the OP is about. Anyways, I really don't want to get in the middle of this. Believe as you will.

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Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

Hey Diamondking, this should qualify as "racism" since you're so anal about the proper use of the word. Get it now?

You obviously dont get it but then again Lefty Liberal nutters never do

Lefty liberal nutter, eh? Not really. I'm not defending what that crazy dude did in Australia, or ISIS, or any other lunatic out there intending to do harm to innocent people. But I don't recall one Thai Muslim involved in any terrorist activity. There are western Islam converts in ISIS, more so than Thai Muslims, which is what the OP is about. Anyways, I really don't want to get in the middle of this. Believe as you will.

Just reading my own comment, I do know that southern Thailand has some unrest. I guess I meant to say terrorist activity in the west...but I suppose it doesn't make any difference.

Edited by Berkshire
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You obviously dont get it but then again Lefty Liberal nutters never do

Lefty liberal nutter, eh? Not really. I'm not defending what that crazy dude did in Australia, or ISIS, or any other lunatic out there intending to do harm to innocent people. But I don't recall one Thai Muslim involved in any terrorist activity. There are western Islam converts in ISIS, more so than Thai Muslims, which is what the OP is about. Anyways, I really don't want to get in the middle of this. Believe as you will.

Maybe you should follow the news for the south of Thailand thai muslims seem to be doing the same as they are all over the world including blowing up people killing teachers etc etc

Lots of examples if you follow the south news

If you mean outside thailand correct I have not heard that yet either but Thailand has its own Muslim issue as do most countries

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The last thing Muslims do in any country is live in peace with other religious except Saudi Arabia and the only reason they live in peace with everyone else is NO OTHER RELIGION IS TOLERATED

Give me a break Muslims are out to Kill simple as that and can be backed up with hundreds of pages of attacks

This is just the start of Lone Wolf Attacks all over the world and eventually whenever people see anyone that looks remotely like a muslim you can bet that patience and tolerance will not be as much as it is now if every time you go for a coffee your scared some muslim terrorist is going to try and kill you.


I agree Islam is racist and hateful to any non muslim the link you are making is good however Islam is was worse than the KKK ever was

Look man, Islam was created long time ago... things evolve in time and people adapt... those who don't are called fanatics which is not necessarly good.

I agree that some statements in the Coran are maybe a little agressive, but it's not better in the Bible. Just some example:

Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.

Wow and these ones (imagine how many should be put to death...):

Leviticus 20:9

If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. 20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death. Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
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It's not too unreasonable to expect some kind of anti-Muslim backlash in Australia. It's not fair but it does happen in the wake of such incidents.

I hope not. It will not be the radical Muslims that get retaliated against. It will be regular people that just happen to look like Arabs. sad.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It's not too unreasonable to expect some kind of anti-Muslim backlash in Australia. It's not fair but it does happen in the wake of such incidents.

Why is it not fair

If the muslim population does not come out onto the streets in their tens of thousands to protest Islams name being taken in vein and denouncing these acts in the name of Islam how do they expect people not to think that they are complicit and SUPPORT that these people are doing .

A guy danish guy drew a cartoon of their prophet with a bomb on his head as a turban and the whole Muslim population were out out on the streets all over the world burning flags shouting kill him I am talking hundreds of thousands of muslims from London to munich ALL OVER A CARTOON

Then again tens of thousands on the streets protesting Israels latest attack on the Palestinians and again there they are in their tens of thousands marching through the streets

Now lets look at the murder of Lee Rigby on the streets of London all in the name of Islam

NO MUSLIM protest on the streets

How about the 7/7 bombings

NO MUSLIM protests on the streets



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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

Edited by weegee
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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

Another Atrocity by the religion of peace

Daily occurance

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