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Phuket Gov aims for fewer casualties in 7 Days of Danger


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Phuket Gov aims for fewer casualties in 7 Days of Danger
Nattapat Tuarob

Law-abiding tourists wear the life jackets. Those who don't risk a B500 fine.

PHUKET: -- Governor Nisit Jansomwong has set a target of reduced accidents and deaths on Phuket’s roads and seaways during the annual Seven Days of Danger around the New Year.

He told a meeting of officials this afternoon (December 16), “I would like to ask all of you to be on duty during this seven days of danger from December 30 to January 5, because my target is to reduce the number of the accidents and death toll.”

Last year at the same time, five deaths were recorded on the roads, along with 28 crashes involving people being hospitalised.

The statistics for last year showed that most of crashes took place at night. In Patong most of the accidents involved drunkenness. In Thaland and Phuket Town most injuries occurred because people were not wearing helmets.

So in order to prevent road mayhem as much as possible this year, the Governor has set up three main integrated bodies, one per district, with a vice-governor in charge of each.

Apaty from setting up checkpoints in various parts of the island, the Governor also told the Rural Roads Department and the Highways Department to ensure that all road signs are clearly visible to road users.

“I want officals to install lights or signs that can be seen vividly in order to prevent losses such as the recent death of a seven-year-old child [Molly Baily]. I don’t want to see that repeated.

“Also, the Transportation Department needs to keep a look-out for buses and other types of mass transport coming in from other provinces, whose drivers may not be familiar with Phuket’s roads, especially the road over patong Hill.

“You need to install checkpoints in high-risk areas and report back to me. Check their power and their brakes.”

He also addressed marine safety. “I know it is hard for government officials to control and force tourists to follow the rules and regulations but we need to do it for their own sake. We will enforce the tour boat rules strictly. And if we find tourists breaking the law [by not wearing life jackets], then we will fine them [b500 per head].”

He also urged the Marine Department to enforce rules – to be officially announced on Thursday (December 18) – governing jet-skis. He added that he had many expressions of concern about this topic from ambassadors of other countries.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-gov-aims-for-fewer-casualties-in-7-days-of-danger-50133.php

-- Phuket News 2014-12-17

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So when tourists come to Land of Scams they have to spend some days to study the Laws of sailing when going on a tour or they will be fined 500B ... What a moron - try to make your own god damn people to behave decently and not like they are living in the jungle

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So when tourists come to Land of Scams they have to spend some days to study the Laws of sailing when going on a tour or they will be fined 500B ... What a moron - try to make your own god damn people to behave decently and not like they are living in the jungle

Does it really take "some days" for you to learn: "Wear a life jacket or be fined 500 baht".

There, I learned it in about 3 1/2 seconds.

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A good start would be to sack Puriphat from marine 5 who does not enforce any safety laws when it affects his thick brown envelopes coming from the parasail and jet ski clan. Unbelievable how many "last warnings" have been issued, then more death and carnage has followed since numerous last warnings.

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