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When one has lived and worked in Thailand for a long time there comes a point when one starts to see everything in a negative light. When you arrive at this point, you have to pull yourself together, force yourself to remember the time when you had freshly arrived, when you saw everything in a positive light and everything was oh so wonderful.



Hi Maestro,

That is an excellent piece of advice and I propose the above as the "quote of the month".



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If he gives you 2 x 20, 10 and 10 x 1, he expects 1 Baht.

Next time, instead of getting upset, be grateful and fulfill the waiter’s expectation! It’s so easy to make him happy. If you feel in a particularly good mood, top it off with a big smile and say: “Thank you for the coins. I can use them.”, sweep it all up and put one Baht back as the tip.


Yes, I am sure the waiter will be over the moon!

Don't worry if he appears to give you a very pissed off sneer, it is just his way of masking how overwhelmed he is at your generosity and understanding... :D


bkkmadness, I would have just left the 10 one baht coins. Now talking about tipping, I tip nearly all the time, however when I only have 1 drink in a bar and move on I do not tip. I am a regular in one bar and I usually tip 20 baht every time I leave. One day I only had 2 drinks so I left a 10 baht tip to round off the bill. You know what the girl said, tip, tip, keeneeow......? I looked at her and said no no, this is keeneeow and picked up my 10 baht tip and walked out. I will not pay tips for bad service or when they demand it.

Yeah I should say like I was trying to say before (but just realised I missed half a sentence out!) that if 50 baht change comes back as 2 X 20 and a 10 baht coin, and I can live with 60 baht coming as 2 X 20 and 2 X 10 with no problems, but 2 X 20 and 10 X 1 bahts it too much off a pisstake.
You’re getting this all wrong, I’m afraid. The waiter, trying to be helpful, is making an honest effort to make it easy for you to give him the amount of tip he thinks he deserves.

If 60 Baht change comes as 3 x 20, he expects a tip of 20 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20 and 2 x 10, he expects 10 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20, 10 and 2 x 5, he expects 5 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20, 10 and 10 x 1, he expects 1 Baht.

Next time, instead of getting upset, be grateful and fulfill the waiter’s expectation! It’s so easy to make him happy. If you feel in a particularly good mood, top it off with a big smile and say: “Thank you for the coins. I can use them.”, sweep it all up and put one Baht back as the tip.

When one has lived and worked in Thailand for a long time there comes a point when one starts to see everything in a negative light. When you arrive at this point, you have to pull yourself together, force yourself to remember the time when you had freshly arrived, when you saw everything in a positive light and everything was oh so wonderful.




look i got to tell you that im a real switched on cookie but you my top, learn'ed and respected friend are brilliant.

you have just ripped the very thought out of my brain matter.

we must have some phycopathic link to each other or something. :D:o

anyway, your a top bloody bloke in my books.

cheers old cobber. :D

bkkmadness, I would have just left the 10 one baht coins. Now talking about tipping, I tip nearly all the time, however when I only have 1 drink in a bar and move on I do not tip. I am a regular in one bar and I usually tip 20 baht every time I leave. One day I only had 2 drinks so I left a 10 baht tip to round off the bill. You know what the girl said, tip, tip, keeneeow......? I looked at her and said no no, this is keeneeow and picked up my 10 baht tip and walked out. I will not pay tips for bad service or when they demand it.

fair a bloody nough too my mate !!

cheers to you and 20 points for that. :o


What you guys tip 10 baht?? I tip 100-200 baht nearly everytime, if its a cheap meal I tip 50 baht and walk away thinking was I a cheap bastard...

I would be embarrassed to only tip 10 baht.


I've seen this kind of thing done but not too too often. I dont see it done with single baht coins though. This is kind of petty and if it was done to me I'd just leave the coins in there. I mean really now, what is 10 lousy baht anyway? Why create an uncomfortable situation over 10 baht? It's ludicrous. If 10 baht means that much to em, let em keep it

what I've seen happen is getting a bunch of 5 and 10 baht coins in my change instead of paper. this is far more annoying in my book having 100 baht broken into coins in hopes you will leave it


In Phuket a few years ago, I stopped off at a bar on my way home for a coke. As I just wanted one and the staff knew me at this bar, I paid as soon as the bottle was opened, and what do I get? "Tip, tip."

My tip was telling her not to go out in the rain without an umberella or her hair would get wet.

As for getting change in 1 Baht coins, dont even get me <deleted> started.


Generally I don't really mind if the last 10, 20 baht or so is in coins, as long as the rest of the change is in reasonable denominations. If I was going to tip that amount of change anyway, I will; and if not I don't really feel inconvenienced if I pocket the loose change as it'll go pretty quickly on motorcycle taxis, tuk tuks or whatever anyway. Also, did you know that you can feed 1 Baht coins into the BTS ticket machines?

There's a place I used to go near Khao San Road where the guy really took the piss, breaking everything down into very small denominations to try and engineer a tip. Once I gave him 1,015 for a 515 bill (clearly to get back a nice, even 500 Baht note) and he still broke this 500 baht change down into small notes and coins!

I would love to be able to do what PeaceBlondie does but the fact of the matter is that the ATMs I use are usually nowhere near a bank, and moreover my usual ATM withdrawal time is outside of bank opening hours. It's bloody annoying though the way that ATMs will always give out thousand notes, and I'm now in the habit of drawing out 1,900 instead of 2,000 each time.


Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.


Hi All,

Due to a national shortage of coins in Brazil, the majority of shops give sweets instead of coins.

I reckon those complaining about getting excess loose change should consider themselves very lucky.



Its called smart business

And if they're doing the smart thing, what does that makes me? A dumb ass?

Its called smart business

could be but not when they try it with me. I will leave zero tip in this case

Same here, when I get that really small change I always do that, otherwise, I always tip 8 to 10% of the bill if the service was at least ok.


come on guys,

Its a small amount of money, why do you guys get winded up so easily???

Oneeyedjohn, now start slagging them off as children doing a grown ups job speak alot about your attitude. Maybe you need to get out more.

Alexth, you said it not me.

Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.

You know what really annoys me? Is when someone comes in and has a coke and a bucket of ice and then drinks their own alcohol. Makes me want to charge them for the ice :o


The funny thing is when we drink/eat in places that have the plus plus added i.e. Vat @ 7% and Service @ 10% you

are going to get odd numbers of Baht back, and

human nature what it is, a tip is also left in the black folder :o

How hot is the waitress is my criteria for tipping and I can live with myself. :D

The funny thing is when we drink/eat in places that have the plus plus added i.e. Vat @ 7% and Service @ 10% you

are going to get odd numbers of Baht back, and

human nature what it is, a tip is also left in the black folder :o

How hot is the waitress is my criteria for tipping and I can live with myself. :D

I never tip if VAT and service charge is on the bill. The tip is already included in the service charge.


Placing a service charge on the bill gets me annoyed to the point that I will not go back there again.

I have no problem in leaving a tip for good service, and much to my wife's annoyance do so all the time. I do however have a big problem in enforced tipping no matter what the amount.

The funny thing is when we drink/eat in places that have the plus plus added i.e. Vat @ 7% and Service @ 10% you

are going to get odd numbers of Baht back, and

human nature what it is, a tip is also left in the black folder :o

I never tip if VAT and service charge is on the bill. The tip is already included in the service charge.

What you guys tip 10 baht?? I tip 100-200 baht nearly everytime, if its a cheap meal I tip 50 baht and walk away thinking was I a cheap bastard...

I would be embarrassed to only tip 10 baht.

you know why your a top tipper donz ?

its not hard to work out but i reacon i got all the punters hanging out for me to tell em. :D:o

the reason you are a top tipper is because your a ripping aussie fella. :D

cheers mate

come on guys,

Its a small amount of money, why do you guys get winded up so easily???

Oneeyedjohn, now start slagging them off as children doing a grown ups job speak alot about your attitude. Maybe you need to get out more.

Alexth, you said it not me.

fair enough donz,

cricky's mate these lot bite like a <deleted> white pointer.

yer saying that the waiters are like children, now thats just plain old bollicks fella.

maybe they need to have a bex and a nice lay down ?

cheers mate :o


Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.

You know what really annoys me? Is when someone comes in and has a coke and a bucket of ice and then drinks their own alcohol. Makes me want to charge them for the ice :D

well sbk,

if you were a real switched on business person you would not let them drink there own alchohol at your place.

and further more charging for ice is a normal part of business,

you know why that is sbk ?

because it takes energy to make ice and you as the business owner has to pay for that right ?

geez, glad your not my business partner as we would be eating rice for ever.

but good luck anyway :o


tipping in thailand is not required. many thais will usually leave a few baht, as a "gesture" of generosity. at upscale establishments a service charge is included, which should translate as "tip included". this is the standard.


Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.

You know what really annoys me? Is when someone comes in and has a coke and a bucket of ice and then drinks their own alcohol. Makes me want to charge them for the ice :D

well sbk,

if you were a real switched on business person you would not let them drink there own alchohol at your place.

and further more charging for ice is a normal part of business,

you know why that is sbk ?

because it takes energy to make ice and you as the business owner has to pay for that right ?

geez, glad your not my business partner as we would be eating rice for ever.

but good luck anyway :o

Guess I should have used the little whistling smiley.

Even Americans can use irony sometimes you know :D


Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.

You know what really annoys me? Is when someone comes in and has a coke and a bucket of ice and then drinks their own alcohol. Makes me want to charge them for the ice :o

institute a corkage charge .... equal to the profit off the bottle they drink

tipping in thailand is not required. many thais will usually leave a few baht, as a "gesture" of generosity. at upscale establishments a service charge is included, which should translate as "tip included". this is the standard.

Not exactly accurate ....

Tipping is not required/standard in exclusively Thai places. In More up-scale places it is customary, particularly in places frequented by farang. Salaries in places that tipping is expected tends to be lower and tipping is pooled ... more often than not if you leave your tip INSIDE the folder that your bill comes in it goes to a pool to b divided amongst the employees. However if you take part or all of it out of the folder and place it on top that portion goes directly to the person picking up the change.


Who gives a toss how the change comes, its all money, so at the end of the day if u wish to tip, do so and don't let their attitude/ignorance upset you. They generally are children trying to do a grown up type job anyway.

What really is more annoying than anything else is being charged for ICE when in a bar or restaurant.

I'm afraid it gets my goat beyond belief. Not only that, but places that charge for multiple buckets of ice....well.

Somewhat similar to enjoying a nice meal then spoiling it all with a <deleted> cup of coffee at the end.

You know what really annoys me? Is when someone comes in and has a coke and a bucket of ice and then drinks their own alcohol. Makes me want to charge them for the ice :D

well sbk,

if you were a real switched on business person you would not let them drink there own alchohol at your place.

and further more charging for ice is a normal part of business,

you know why that is sbk ?

because it takes energy to make ice and you as the business owner has to pay for that right ?

geez, glad your not my business partner as we would be eating rice for ever.

but good luck anyway :o

Guess I should have used the little whistling smiley.

Even Americans can use irony sometimes you know :D

your spot on there sbk and your right ?

you should of used the whistler and then i would of not thought you are just a shocker of a business person and just having a little giggle.

actually i read one of your posts that advised a punter to use those immotions and his meaning was so clear you could see it from the moon.

btw, any chance of a free drink ?

urr, my mate mr gracie will spot me for it.

you know where he is dont you ?

nice beach bungalows, tong nai pann.

but you be bloody carefull riding your motor bike over that mountain as she's a real killer road specially if its been raining.

cheers to you sbk. :D


tipping in thailand is not required. many thais will usually leave a few baht, as a "gesture" of generosity. at upscale establishments a service charge is included, which should translate as "tip included". this is the standard.

Not exactly accurate ....

Tipping is not required/standard in exclusively Thai places. In More up-scale places it is customary, particularly in places frequented by farang. Salaries in places that tipping is expected tends to be lower and tipping is pooled ... more often than not if you leave your tip INSIDE the folder that your bill comes in it goes to a pool to b divided amongst the employees. However if you take part or all of it out of the folder and place it on top that portion goes directly to the person picking up the change.

forgive me if i am misunderstanding. universally,a service charge is understood as exactly the same as a tip. if thailand has it's own esoteric system, then that is up to them. a "folder" is meant to "hold" the gratuity, if any.

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