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BahtSmart - New Online Money Transfer to Thailand.

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Thanks for the warnings about BahtSmart and their elective exchange rate, seems to be working out for them though as a lot of former Xwing PTY LTD Sydney people are using their service, well the ones that can't count or need to send small money at least.

For mine as long as i'm sending more than $1200 AUD the fees to transfer ($22 AUD from CBA and 250baht from KTB) are taken care of due to the FAR better exchange rate from the bank involved.

Dear Snakedoctor, Pls do not presume to know the business that flows through our platform,

First, I have presumed exactly nothing. I appreciate the reply but I think you would be better served by starting posts without resorting to logical fallacies[strawman] in this instance. You appear defensive.

Secondly, how exactly does one see into the future to know exactly what rate you will apply? You said yourself that daily drop can and will impact the amount in baht received, what if your exchange rates don't follow the market for whatever reason, is there any guarantees here if the market recovers but your rates do not? What about the valid complaints of the users above where the market has recovered but this hasn't been reflected in your transfer.

Finally I've given a dollar figure example based on my circumstances and my observations (from last week), I would (and have) encourage any potential users to do their own calculations for their own circumstances rather than rely on what I see as potentially misleading statements which wouldn't pass by a large banks legal team.

I look forward to reading about your new product, if it doesn't have a locked in exchange rate at time of initiation then unfortunately I won't be able to use it though.

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By Crikey Dwight, maybe you should stay in that cafe and drink more coffee rather than going out and riding that bike mate! Thats a wow about your responses.

You know who I am etc etc and believe it or not I want you to succeed. Flaming people on this forum is not the way to go about it.

Lets recap. You came to this forum as a sponsor and an advertiser. You made certain statements, one being on the timing. Later on, much later on, you sent me an email saying ok its 2 days not one. I accept that. Once we all know that, its fine. I am sure you could easily identify the posters by private PM. If they do not tell you, say that please. Maybe your competitors are using this forum to mess with you? If so thats easy. Send them a PM and if they do not answer say that. For instance Jessi. Jess is say you stuck him on the rate during changes of the rates over three or more transactions. Maybe he is not true but flaming guys won't see success.

Wouldn't be great if we all started saying what a great Deal BahtSmart had instead of saying the boss cocky lost the plot on the forum?

Best regards


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By Crikey Dwight, maybe you should stay in that cafe and drink more coffee rather than going out and riding that bike mate! Thats a wow about your responses.

You know who I am etc etc and believe it or not I want you to succeed. Flaming people on this forum is not the way to go about it.

Lets recap. You came to this forum as a sponsor and an advertiser. You made certain statements, one being on the timing. Later on, much later on, you sent me an email saying ok its 2 days not one. I accept that. Once we all know that, its fine. I am sure you could easily identify the posters by private PM. If they do not tell you, say that please. Maybe your competitors are using this forum to mess with you? If so thats easy. Send them a PM and if they do not answer say that. For instance Jessi. Jess is say you stuck him on the rate during changes of the rates over three or more transactions. Maybe he is not true but flaming guys won't see success.

Wouldn't be great if we all started saying what a great Deal BahtSmart had instead of saying the boss cocky lost the plot on the forum?

Best regards


Hi Nuddy

Sorry if it read like that... wasn't my intention. I wasn't sure what flamin meant so I looked it up on wikipedia.. Flaming is a hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users, often involving the use of profanity.

Not sure I did any of that, or came across as a smart arse, but If I did or it seemed like that I unreservedly apologise to all my legitimate customers out there. (including you Khun Nuddy.)

However, if forum members hide behind anonymity to post incorrect statements (and there have been examples of it.) I have a right of reply and I will do so to make sure that facts are known.

No need to PM you Nuddy .. we have spoken a few times in the past.


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By all means BahtSmart you can send me a PM, Im not a ghost or a fool.

Please answer my question.

I have made 4 transactions with your company.

March 23rd

April 28th

May 26th

June 18th.

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By all means BahtSmart you can send me a PM, Im not a ghost or a fool.

Please answer my question.

I have made 4 transactions with your company.

March 23rd

April 28th

May 26th

June 18th.


If you have a compliant as I have stated before pls follow our complaint process and email us at [email protected] and we will officially reply to your concerns.

We have a legal duty to protect your privacy and I can't discuss your transfer specifics in this forum.



Edited by BahtSmart
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  • 2 weeks later...

but at the same time our Thai banking partner has decided to an extra day to send our liquidity from Australia to Thailand, meaning we are taking an extra day to process. We expect to have a resolution to this problem asap in the coming weeks and I will keep this channel updated on progress.

Well I'm now into my 50th hour awaiting a transfer, on the positive side I was quoted 74366 Baht for my AUD $3000. The rate quoted by BahtSmart at the moment is 74992 Baht, looking forward to the extra 600 odd Baht! --- Assuming the transfer goes through today --- I'll will be EXTREMELY pissed if I have to wait until Tuesday next week!

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Pls feel free to use another service. There are lots out there. Western Union, Australian banks and Thai banks. Also try Own Money services on Facebook. (This is in no way a recommendation for these services..)

Obviously what we deliver and what you want are two different things. I have addressed all these questions many times before in this channel. I don't plan to address them again.

We have 1000's of satisfied customers who continue to use our service day in day out. I want to focus my attention on improving the service for these satisfied customers.

Good luck with another provider,



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Pls feel free to use another service. There are lots out there. Western Union, Australian banks and Thai banks. (This is in no way a recommendation for these services..)

Obviously what we deliver and what you want are two different things. I have addressed all these questions many times before in this channel. I don't plan to address them again.

We have 1000's of satisfied customers who continue to use our service day in day out. I want to focus my attention on improving the service for these satisfied customers.

Good luck with another provider,



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By all means BahtSmart you can send me a PM, Im not a ghost or a fool.

Please answer my question.

I have made 4 transactions with your company.

March 23rd

April 28th

May 26th

June 18th.


If you have a compliant as I have stated before pls follow our complaint process and email us at [email protected] and we will officially reply to your concerns.

We have a legal duty to protect your privacy and I can't discuss your transfer specifics in this forum.



Well yes you want us to write complaints by email not on here.....WHY?

Because on here the complaints can be seen by one & all.

You dont answer questions on here you just talk around them........Like another member said you talk shit.

I cant see you staying in business very long with your attitude.

I gave praise to your company about it being a great service but then when you were caught out cheating people on the exchange rate you didn't like it and refused to talk about it.

Please beware people.

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It is my pleasure to inform Dwight I will no longer use his business and as @Jessi suggests:-

Please beware people.

Just for him to double post must have hit a nerve!

Edited by bdenner
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Come on guys. This is not right.

You are using technical issues when the guy was posting on our forum. Why are you getting "hot" about it?

Is it the "never borrow my horse without asking me"? I see successful transactions, some a bit late maybe like bdenner, but just hang on, he got the Baht he contracted to get. Yeah yeah you can go on about technicalities. Lets see if you can get such an open discussion with the other banks. You cannot even discuss it with a Thai or Australian Bank, in my experience.

Look I too took Dwight to task but mates, (if I can call unknown ThaiVisa people this) the dosh was delivered. And so the exchange rate changed, For instance I do not get that opportunity with my banks ever. Why suggest about his financial integrity, thats entirely unfair and you blokes should be ashamed. I use the service just like you but now I know clear, as you do what the deal is. By crikey Dwight is starting a new company and it seems fine to me. I do not recommend him against other but I fail to see why he should put up with unfair and untruths. AS well he sponsors this forum. Let us be fair guys.

Best Regards

Disclaimer: I have no financial or other interest in BahtSmart other than as a USER. But I want to see a new business succeed. Actually I may ask Dwight if I can invest in his company, I love startups.

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The problem is if the rate changes down, bahtsmart transfer less than quoted, if the rate goes up, you get the quoted amount and bahtsmart pockets the extra cash.

That IS questionable and isn't mentioned in the terms and conditions, it misleads you.

Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) - 1300 780 808
FOS handles complaints about banking, credit, loans and debt collection, life insurance, superannuation, financial planning, insurance broking, stockbroking, investments, managed funds, timeshares, general insurance, finance and mortgage broking. They cover complaints where the value of the claim is $500,000 or less.

I know for a fact that FOS will give these guys a hiding if they receive these complaints.

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@ Nuddy! You need to get your medication checked!

Dwight, in his disclaimer has always said the final transfer will depend on the xrates at the time. BUT If it goes down we get the lessor ----- When it goes up we get the quoted!

How the fvvk do you defend that? NOW WHEN WE ARE LOOKING AT A 56+ HOUR TRANSFER.

Some of you, including Dwight, remind me of my long standing (35 year) CBA bank Manager and Branch.

Last April, while in Perth I went in dressed in 'Stubby' shorts, Tee shirt and Thongs and told the woman on the customer service desk that I was closing 2 of my 4 accounts. She looked down her nose at me 'sneered' (I could read her mind = "another $200 wacker")!

Well after swiping my card her face turned purple "I can't do this!" -- I told her to get the person who can.

The Manager came out immediately and began to plea with me saying "Boutigue banks are only covered by a government guarentee of $200K (it was a much larger sum I transfered)" I told him to swipe his card as at least with Suncorp-Metway I was receiving an honest service, much better interest rates and a flexable service!

There is no flexibility with BahtSmart. It's all one way!

Edit: obsanities

Edited by bdenner
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Ok I had to sign in again because SnakeDoctpr posted. I don't care much what you do mate because as I said I have no "interests" in Baht Smart.

What is you message ? Is it you will "dob them in"? Why would they care? Have you any idea of what crap they would have been through so far to get set up? I do not but I can imagine it, Thai people do not trust any one, absolutely no one, not Papa or especially Farangs setting up a financial business, just imagine it. Go on, be more of a Dick and complain to FOS, and what do u expect out of it? You are complaining about an exchange rate resulting in less/more of about 10 bucks Aussie. Far out mate thats in pull you pud country. Go for it I reckon. And maybe after an expensive investigation they order BahtSmart to pay you ten bucks more. Give me a break.

I wrote before I like Fair. Fair works with Thai people. I say you are being Unfair.



Disclaimer I have no interest/s in Baht Smart. I am a user of Baht Smart. I'll be approaching Dwight to invest in his company. What are you Snake Doctor, oh yes ...I know you must be a competitor who cannot compete on even ground.

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Disclaimer I have no interest/s in Baht Smart. I am a user of Baht Smart. I'll be approaching Dwight to invest in his company. What are you Snake Doctor, oh yes ...I know you must be a competitor who cannot compete on even ground.

I am not a competitor, was just a potential customer who Googled and found this thread, equating criticism with being underhanded is somewhat disturbing. What other competitors are there so I can go try them?

I send a fair bit of cash each month[now via CBA], so do my Sydney based Thai friends who asked me about this service.

XWING pty ltd got done by govco here so the old faithful is gone and we need alternatives, sending by bank suits me fine but my Thai friends are scared of banks so they use CT transfer currently, the rate is really bad though, not for me.

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Ok I signed in again, I think you two are trying to take me on! But I am talking about Fair, not about what happened to you. Thai people come to my estate to do work and as some do, jacked up the price, we say 'be fair". We say we are giving you a job and you need to be FAIR about it. They clear;y understand that!.

What you two guys are doing is not fair. As well you are being unfair to me! I do not need to check my medication, it is more like you need to be fair.

Yes bdenner, I have seen your posts before. You I accuse of being unfair. So you have so much dosh you got a small Branch type manager to beg u? Well why do spend your time here bashing Baht Smart? Oh yes I forgot, you have heaps of dosh, Come on give me a break. With all your dosh and special treatment at the CBA why would you use BahtSmart and why would you bash them? I bank with the CBA and I could bash the CbA every week for stuff they do, however They are my bankers and I Trust them. I do not trust you! Dwight, one of our sponsors on here has been open and trusting, but you have been just bragging about how much dosh you have. Some of your posts, in my opinion break the rules of this forum but thats not for me to say.

Oh I forgot, you need people to beg for your business. Haha ...wan..er.

Disclaimer, I have no financial interest in BahtSmart other than as a user.

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Nuddy; Be fair and discuss the topic not the poster?

I'll repeat. I am not a competitor, was just a potential customer who Googled and found this thread, equating criticism with being underhanded is somewhat disturbing. What other competitors are there so I can go try them?

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Personally, from what I've read here, I'd love to see Bahtsmart in Canada.

I use CanadianForex and while I'm happy with the service generally, last time they received my money on a Friday and it wasn't received in a Thai bank until the following Friday.

50 hours would be awesome compared to that.

On the other hand, they always give their quoted rate.

Of course, last time I watched, while they held the money and the Thai baht dropped about 3 %....so cost me about 3000B for mistiming.

My opinion, though, is I contracted for a rate and I got that rate. Fair enough. I just wish it was faster.

So I can see being a little peeved of you get less than your quoted rate but I'd imagine if the transfer was 24-48 hours the difference would tend to be minimal in most cases.

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Well what a effin surprise! The funds went in at 14:00 BKK time (17:00 EST) at 74366 Baht. NOT 74988 as quoted at the time of transfer! So much for my pleasant surprise of an extra 600 Baht!


WE ARE NOT GETTING THE XRATES QUOTED AT THE TIME OF TRANSFER if the rates increase during the NEW 56 hour waiting period.

As for the new 2 day process period, I now question if that is an ANZ initiative OR you have a cash flow problem?

Just come clean and tell it the way it is! Stop jerking @Jessi, me and others around with CRAP!

EDIT: Calm my anger and typ

i did a transfer last week with bahtsmart.

when i started the transaction the x change rate was 24.745B =$1

when the funds transferred to my a/c in thailand it was 24.920B =$1

i was paid 24.684B =$1

to me that is very misleading. in other words they will only pay the lowest x change rate they can get away with.

no more bahtsmart for me once was enough.

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As stated before, it is taking us from 1 to 2 biz days to process transfers at the moment. We are working on a fix by moving to new bankers in Thailand. We expect this to be in place in the next couple of weeks. My first priority as I have said before is to keep your money safe and make sure it stays in the Thai and Australian banking systems. We appreciate your patience while we get this fixed.

Also we do protect you on the downside if the rate moves more than 3% luckily this hasn't happened, but even when you are getting lesser rates due to the AUD falling, as I showed last weeks update you are still getting a better rate transferring via our platform than through other platforms. Given we are NO Fees and No Charges with tight spreads.

If you need guaranteed rates check out our new platform at AUDSmart.com today. This doesn't replace bahtsamrt.com, but is just a different way of transferring to 35 countries, including Thailand. They are fixed rates at time of transfer. Also the message will take 4-6 biz days to reach Thailand via our UK banking partners and the Thai bank will deduct a swift fee depending on amount. There is again No fees and Charges on our side. So pls check it out.. for example the current AUDTHB 10k rate is 25.15... This platform is ideal for larger amounts who are less time sensitive in the transfer.

No need to register again, just use the same bahtsmart.com login and password...

So if you do want a real time great dealable rate.. then checkout audsmart.com.

Again , for those using Bahtsmart we thank you for your business and I will let you know asap when we have moved to a new Thai Banking partner and been able to reduce the time to transfer.



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Also we do protect you on the downside if the rate moves more than 3% luckily this hasn't happened, but even when you are getting lesser rates due to the AUD falling, as I showed last weeks update you are still getting a better rate transferring via our platform than through other platforms. Given we are NO Fees and No Charges with tight spreads.




As has been said "You must have been a Politician - In a past life" Always addressing a downward movement but NEVER upward! Which is non existant.

The more I study your business stradagy the more I put the pieces together, the deposits going into my account coming from Chang Mai triggered my research.

Good luck to you and @Nuddy = my last post!

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I have used Baht Smart many times

The last one last week, and I transferred the funds on Thursday morning (early in Thailand) to their ANZ account.

I do not know the details but the funds arrived in the early afternoon on THURSDAY. THE SAME DAY.

As far as the rate goes I calculated that, at the Best Bangkok Bank rate, compared to what I received would have amounted to a difference of A$10.

But if I had done it with my own bankers I would have paid them A$22 plus the equivalent of A$10 bucks to the Thai Bank.

There is no issue. If you are sending say A$2K or less a couple of times a month, BahtSmart are the ones to use.

They say two days but I am getting it in one day.

Its a no brainer!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed on their facebook page that they are ow guaranteeing monies they receive will be in your account by 6pm the same day.

Given my previous experiences I thought I would give them one last try this week.

So I transferred money on tuesday night knowing that the exchange would happen on Wednesday morning Aust. time. Well I got a message on my phone at 11.30am saying the funds were recieved and they would process very soon. Cool by 6pm tonight .. I'm good with that.

6pm .. nothing! So what is going on? I went to their facebook page to find the post where I had written several times and it has vanished!

I am not really happy and given the small amount of money in difference, I would have been paid this morning by 10am, so I will no longer use this system of transfer.

Too slow, too unreliable and poor service.

Now I am waiting to see what rate I get! This will be the clincher.

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wonder621.. not sure where you saw same day next day service.. we are 1-2 working days for settlement at the moment. having said that we do endeavor and have been processing the vast majority of payments same day/next business day for last few weeks.Today we did have a problem with our Australian banking partner and will be crediting all funds asap tmr. We have locked in the rate for you so any exchange rate movement becomes our loss.apologies if this is not what you expected and caused any inconvenience. .

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