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ThaiVisa Poster of the Year 2014 Vote Now!


629 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite poster of 2014?.....Vote now!

    • Costas
    • David48
    • Jingthing
    • NancyL

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Say, have you ever even lived in Thailand? I know you drop in occasionally for a visit to your girlfriend's parents farm but were you a resident once upon a time? I can't remember if you've ever said. Personally, I think anyone nominated should at minimum be a resident of Thailand. Makes sense doesn't it?

Makes even better sense to make the money to keep the family, doesn't it?

Sure it does, but that wasn't my point was it? Anyhow, you're saying he was a resident at one time. Maybe you or he could point me to his threads from that period. I know he really encourages the folks to go back and explore the archives.

So the Poster Of The Year has to be resident? For how long? How much absence are they allowed?

Are there any other rules that we should know about?

Do they need to be married to a Thai lady? That seems a bit tough for JT and NancyL?

Do they have to live in the Real Thailand, not Bangkok?

Do they have to be foreign, or could a Thai person represent us?

Do they have to have a proper visa, or would an 'in-and-out' digital pikey be allowed to stand? What about the oilyboys?


I don't have an opinion on your other questions but I think "current or former residents" are more credible. Otherwise you just get a lot of the kind of threads that end up in The Pub.


Say, have you ever even lived in Thailand? I know you drop in occasionally for a visit to your girlfriend's parents farm but were you a resident once upon a time? I can't remember if you've ever said. Personally, I think anyone nominated should at minimum be a resident of Thailand. Makes sense doesn't it?

You know ... you have a point there.

Back in August of this Year, I asked a similiar question ... define-living-in-thailand

Here's one for you ...

Define 'Living in Thailand'

It's probably many things to many people.

Is it defined as ...

I've sold up in the West and I'm 'all in' in Thailand and live here ... but I rent.

I own a home in both places, the West and Thailand and split my time between the two.

I still have a place in the West, but my passport says I spend more time in Thailand then in the West (that's how most Governments define your place of domicile).

An 'off-shore' oil worker, who has a month on month off (or similar) and takes 5 of those months back into Thailand where he has a condo, but takes one of those months and heads back to the West

Not limiting it to the above choices, how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?.

Everyone has a different view.

You ask, 'Am I a resident of Thailand'? ... the Australian Government thinks I am ... and taxes me accordingly ... I'll let you work the finer details out from that.

lanna rebirth ... if the matter is of importance to you ... maybe you could have posted in that thread at the time.



The posters on this forum are a good mix and it makes thing more interesting.

A few Thais, wanna be tourists, active tourists, wanna be expats, short term expats, long term expats, part time expats, and even the occasional Rastafarian.

The diversity enriches the forum as it enriches our lives.

That's one reason I passionately ABHOR those who would use the cover of "pro family" to denigrate the humanity of people who don't fit into their NARROW mold of morality (for cynical political gain).

At last! A sensible post!


Congratulations to Costas for overtaking David48.clap2.gif

David48 voters -- may I humbly suggest you reject the politics of intolerance (coded with "pro-family" BS rhetoric) and switch your vote on over to the massively tolerant, eccentrically witty, and reportedly super HANSUM MAN -- COSTAS?

(The Member with the Mostas.)

Now if you don't think it is fair for me to associate David48 with that dark flavor of politics, be reminded that I invited him to dissociate himself from it, and he did reply and did not dissociate himself from it. So I think it is fair to make the link that a vote for David48 is a vote for cynically using CODED "pro family" rhetoric to denigrate the morality and worth of those who don't fit a certain mold.

  • Like 1

I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie


Congratulations to Costas for overtaking David48.clap2.gif

David48 voters -- may I humbly suggest you reject the politics of intolerance (coded with "pro-family" BS rhetoric) and switch your vote on over to the massively tolerant, eccentrically witty, and reportedly super HANSUM MAN -- COSTAS?

(The Member with the Mostas.)

Now if you don't think it is fair for me to associate David48 with that dark flavor of politics, be reminded that I invited him to dissociate himself from it, and he did reply and did not dissociate himself from it. So I think it is fair to make the link that a vote for David48 is a vote for cynically using CODED "pro family" rhetoric to denigrate the morality and worth of those who don't fit a certain mold.

David will never disassociate himself from family values as you suggest. He lives for his family, a trait we should all admire.


Costas ... you live in Thailand, right?

On the issue of residency, if I do become Poll Lord, I would not have any rules about residency requirements.

I would however, rule out mods, admins, and previous contest winners.

Humm ... that's an interesting concept.

Are you also suggestion that Obama should have been a one term President of the USA also?

He had won it the previous time, should that cancel his rights to contest it again?

Should the Mod Sheryl not won this accolade multiple times?

Just asking like ... coffee1.gif


  • Like 1

I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie

I don't think you should be able to drop out at all, but I think you should have to grant your permission to be included as a nominee. The flaw in your plan IMO is that perhaps the voter whose vote is being traded doesn't approve of the new use his vote has been put to.

  • Like 1

I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie

I hope that he thinks it is ridiculous, because it is. The person who gets the most votes from individual members should be the winner, just like always. Changing the rules every time that Jingthing pulls ahead is not fair.

  • Like 1

I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie

Not happening.

Each member casts his or her own vote.

Also where a poster is sitting in front of their laptop has no bearing on this contest.


I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie

Preferential voting ... an interesting concept.

Though ... more fun had all the participants still participating.



Costas ... you live in Thailand, right?

On the issue of residency, if I do become Poll Lord, I would not have any rules about residency requirements.

I would however, rule out mods, admins, and previous contest winners.

Humm ... that's an interesting concept.

Are you also suggestion that Obama should have been a one term President of the USA also?

He had won it the previous time, should that cancel his rights to contest it again?

Should the Mod Sheryl not won this accolade multiple times?

Just asking like ... coffee1.gif


This material has been covered many times before and the mods agreed they shouldn't be included in this contest for the MEMBERS already, so that's a done deal.

If you're snarkily suggesting I don't admire Sheryl. that is a total crock.

I think she's great.

Yes she did win before that rule was changed, and good for her.

You won ALREADY too, so good for you too.


There are many attempts at character assasination going on here. I have been accused of protecting David and being a hired hand. Normally I would take offence to this but having had the honour of comminicating with 48 on a number of occasions, I am glad that his passive influence has rubbed off on me. Vote with your hearts. That's my message.

  • Like 1

I suggest a new rule be added to the poll to make it more exciting.

Any of the candidates can decide at any point to donate his received votes to any of the other candidates.

What you think Smokie

I hope that he thinks it is ridiculous, because it is. The person who gets the most votes from individual members should be the winner, just like always. Changing the rules every time that Jingthing pulls ahead is not fair.

I agree, Jingthing is winning fair and square, though it doesn't necessarily mean he will be the winner.

I have a feeling there will be a lot of voting on the 30th, but have no idea which way it will be.


Costas ... you live in Thailand, right?

On the issue of residency, if I do become Poll Lord, I would not have any rules about residency requirements.

I would however, rule out mods, admins, and previous contest winners.

Humm ... that's an interesting concept.

Are you also suggestion that Obama should have been a one term President of the USA also?

He had won it the previous time, should that cancel his rights to contest it again?

Should the Mod Sheryl not won this accolade multiple times?

Just asking like ... coffee1.gif.

This material has been covered many times before and the mods agreed they shouldn't be included in this contest for the MEMBERS already, so that's a done deal.

If you're snarkily suggesting I don't admire Sheryl. that is a total crock.

I think she's great.

Yes she did win before that rule was changed, and good for her.

You won ALREADY too, so good for you too.

"If you're snarkily suggesting I don't admire Sheryl. that is a total crock." ... JT ... not for a nanosecond.

If my reply came across as that, I offer my humblest apologies to both you and to Sheryl.

My point, I was trying to make was, as with the Obama reference was ... if you voted the person in once, and the next time, you think the member has done a good/great job then the person should be eligible again.

Should Costas win it this year ... writes a lot of fun stuff in 2015 ... then I believe he should be in the running again.




It's a difficult task every year, but smokie does a great job and will again next year.


I agree it's a difficult task. But I also think there is no logical reason the same member should run it year after year if there are others offering their services and pledge to do it better. Is Smokie Poll Lord for life? Is so, why?

One huge flaw this year (among a number) is the LENGTH of the process. It was obviously way too long.

Yes it is easy to criticize. But I am doing more than that. I am stepping up and suggesting to put my neck on the line with my pledge that I can and will do it BETTER.


In response to David48, in the probably unlikely event that I am given the opportunity to become Poll Lord I will present an outline of all of my proposed policies and scheduling, including my intention to not include any previous winners along with my reasoning, and they will have the opportunity to nix anything they object to (as we are the pawns here, don't forget). Beyond that, I am not interested in discussing this with you further at this time, also considering it is really OFF TOPIC.



It's a difficult task every year, but smokie does a great job and will again next year.


I agree it's a difficult task. But I also think there is no logical reason the same member should run it year after year if there are others offering their services and pledge to do it better. Is Smokie Poll Lord for life? Is so, why?

One huge flaw this year (among a number) is the LENGTH of the process. It was obviously way too long.

Yes it is easy to criticize. But I am doing more than that. I am stepping up and suggesting to put my neck on the line with my pledge that I can and will do it BETTER.

I'm sure you would do a great job, but what do you think would be a FAIR way for you to become Poll Lord?



It's a difficult task every year, but smokie does a great job and will again next year.


I agree it's a difficult task. But I also think there is no logical reason the same member should run it year after year if there are others offering their services and pledge to do it better. Is Smokie Poll Lord for life? Is so, why?

One huge flaw this year (among a number) is the LENGTH of the process. It was obviously way too long.

Yes it is easy to criticize. But I am doing more than that. I am stepping up and suggesting to put my neck on the line with my pledge that I can and will do it BETTER.

I'm sure you would do a great job, but what do you think would be a FAIR way for you to become Poll Lord?

I have opinions about that but I think this is getting too off topic. Let's focus on the contest here and now at hand.


haha. Lot of fun reading this. Some poster need help from doctor cheesy.gif

Last year how many votes winner get? Get more votes than 2014?

Looking at winner now, jingthing is 140 votes. that more or less last year?

somone tell me please?



It's a difficult task every year, but smokie does a great job and will again next year.


I agree it's a difficult task. But I also think there is no logical reason the same member should run it year after year if there are others offering their services and pledge to do it better. Is Smokie Poll Lord for life? Is so, why?

One huge flaw this year (among a number) is the LENGTH of the process. It was obviously way too long.

Yes it is easy to criticize. But I am doing more than that. I am stepping up and suggesting to put my neck on the line with my pledge that I can and will do it BETTER.

But JT ... that's the fun of Christmas. The time when this Poll is usually run.

Why change Santa Clause?

We liked him last year ... and years before that.

Surely you like Santa Clause?



haha. Lot of fun reading this. Some poster need help from doctor cheesy.gif

Last year how many vote winner get? Get more vote than 2014?

Looking at winner now, jingthing is 148 votes. that more or less last year?

somone tell me please?



It's a difficult task every year, but smokie does a great job and will again next year.


I agree it's a difficult task. But I also think there is no logical reason the same member should run it year after year if there are others offering their services and pledge to do it better. Is Smokie Poll Lord for life? Is so, why?

One huge flaw this year (among a number) is the LENGTH of the process. It was obviously way too long.

Yes it is easy to criticize. But I am doing more than that. I am stepping up and suggesting to put my neck on the line with my pledge that I can and will do it BETTER.

I'm sure you would do a great job, but what do you think would be a FAIR way for you to become Poll Lord?

I have opinions about that but I think this is getting too off topic. Let's focus on the contest here and now at hand.

Too off topic? laugh.png This thread has done more U turns than a Tuk Tuk.

But I understand if you simply don't want to discuss it.

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