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how many differnt ants here that bite


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white ant leave wood handle shovel on ground 2days eating it

black ant hide under ground dig and bite feet that send you running

red ant little bastarts bite and sting a 100 at a time on legs

green ant brush a bush in garden 1000 over head and back all want

to bite same time

another one colour not known night time sneeks into bed and bites

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which ones don't?

boy do i have stories, some beyond belief, as outside we have a 'relationship'

there are these medium sized fast black ones however that ONLY bite with no poison or after effect, i call them my zen masters, as they alert me or wake me up with no residual effect

since the bed was mentioned:

RULE NUMBER ONE IN THAILAND (or way up there at least): DO NOT EAT IN BED

Edited by infinity11
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