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Aust TV - good news


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Don't get too excited. I had almost given up hope that they'd get it "tuned in" on Wetv but just checked late Sunday afternoon and YES! it was there.

Okay, first problem resolved, despite the folk at Australia Plus sending me an email a few weeks ago saying the ONLY outlet that would carry their service in Thailand would be "True Visions" it is up and running again on WEtv....for how long....who knows??

Next problem, again to do with BUDGET Cuts at the ABC in Oz, the programmes being aired on "Australia plus" may be augmented with very OLD shows. Tonight there was an Talk-fest about various countries trying to Stifle the Media. Looked and sounded interesting, till I saw the Logo on the back of the Studio set, advertising something taking place in 2013.

Yes, they had ABC NEWS this evening but then went to some "Artie/ Fartie" rubbish and then what I suspect (but haven't confirmed) was an OLD "My Kitchen Rules."

Fingers Crossed!!!!

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Don't get too excited. I had almost given up hope that they'd get it "tuned in" on Wetv but just checked late Sunday afternoon and YES! it was there.

Okay, first problem resolved, despite the folk at Australia Plus sending me an email a few weeks ago saying the ONLY outlet that would carry their service in Thailand would be "True Visions" it is up and running again on WEtv....for how long....who knows??

Next problem, again to do with BUDGET Cuts at the ABC in Oz, the programmes being aired on "Australia plus" may be augmented with very OLD shows. Tonight there was an Talk-fest about various countries trying to Stifle the Media. Looked and sounded interesting, till I saw the Logo on the back of the Studio set, advertising something taking place in 2013.

Yes, they had ABC NEWS this evening but then went to some "Artie/ Fartie" rubbish and then what I suspect (but haven't confirmed) was an OLD "My Kitchen Rules."

Fingers Crossed!!!!

I have had regular email updates from the ABC, I must have,registered at some time for programming information updates.It was made pretty clear after the Governments budget cuts that Australian Network would be replaced by Australia Plus and a lot of the regular shows,that we have come to love over time, would be missing and they would rely on repeats to fill the gaps and save money.In a word a very poor imitation.Those shows will not return

Lot of staff lay offs and in the end a major reduction of what we once had. Pie warmer AFL doesn't interest me one bit but good luck for you.I will miss the political content and the 24 hour news service.Their coverage of the Blue Mountains bush fires last year was outstanding.

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It's hard to beat the news coverage from ABC, it's something as a migrant I noticed the day we landed in Melbourne. I was playing with the TV around 6pm and found news, I think it was Channel 9. It was appalling, so I started flicking and got to Channel 7 I think which was worse, then the last one was definitely Channel 10, it was so bad it was funny. As a news junkie I was alarmed, but at 7 o'clock the ABC news came on and put my mind at rest.

It's hard to describe to anyone from UK - I have tried several times - as news is news whichever channel with little difference. I ended up saying it was the difference between a tabloid and a broadsheet, but that instead of being really highbrow the ABC & SBS news was as good as it was in UK, the commercial networks just tabloid. I often told of a news story not long after we arrived, more than 15,000 people dead and over 150,000 homeless in floods in Bangladesh and the networks didn't even report it. 'Cat stuck in tree rescued by fireman' was important enough for Channel 10 to report on that day (there was an indepth thing in the Age the following weekend), but not 15,000 dead.

In much the same way, I could never explain to people in Aus how disgusting the UK tabloid newspapers were (and I think still are). They'd say 'Yeah, we've got the Sun (then Herald Sun) and the evening Herald, they're what people who don't know long words read' but there is absolutely no comparison with the admittedly down-market HS and the UK tabloids. The HS may be classed as a tabloid, and compared to the Age or the Australian it is, but can any Aussie really believe that a HS journalist would hack the voicemail of a murdered child and delete messages so more could be left? That is extreme, and he got caught and punished, but all of the set-up's to get sportsmen in compromising situations for a headline - remember Shane Warne and his little threesome that made front page? Complete set up. The girls were in on it, knew that there was someone hiding and filming it and not bright enough to have come up with it themselves. I think this one came out into public knowledge that a journalist had set the whole thing up. The tabloids in the UK can literally destroy people, and often have. There are some very distressing stories on how they go after people and the families are blown apart in the aftermath.

On a brighter note, I tried to steam ABC news channel from their website but you have to be in Australia (or have an Aus IP address, which I had problems with), but I now have found a stream with the ABC 24 News Channel, I won't give details here as I'm not certain of the legalities, PM if interested.

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It's hard to beat the news coverage from ABC, it's something as a migrant I noticed the day we landed in Melbourne. I was playing with the TV around 6pm and found news, I think it was Channel 9. It was appalling, so I started flicking and got to Channel 7 I think which was worse, then the last one was definitely Channel 10, it was so bad it was funny. As a news junkie I was alarmed, but at 7 o'clock the ABC news came on and put my mind at rest.

It's hard to describe to anyone from UK - I have tried several times - as news is news whichever channel with little difference. I ended up saying it was the difference between a tabloid and a broadsheet, but that instead of being really highbrow the ABC & SBS news was as good as it was in UK, the commercial networks just tabloid. I often told of a news story not long after we arrived, more than 15,000 people dead and over 150,000 homeless in floods in Bangladesh and the networks didn't even report it. 'Cat stuck in tree rescued by fireman' was important enough for Channel 10 to report on that day (there was an indepth thing in the Age the following weekend), but not 15,000 dead.

In much the same way, I could never explain to people in Aus how disgusting the UK tabloid newspapers were (and I think still are). They'd say 'Yeah, we've got the Sun (then Herald Sun) and the evening Herald, they're what people who don't know long words read' but there is absolutely no comparison with the admittedly down-market HS and the UK tabloids. The HS may be classed as a tabloid, and compared to the Age or the Australian it is, but can any Aussie really believe that a HS journalist would hack the voicemail of a murdered child and delete messages so more could be left? That is extreme, and he got caught and punished, but all of the set-up's to get sportsmen in compromising situations for a headline - remember Shane Warne and his little threesome that made front page? Complete set up. The girls were in on it, knew that there was someone hiding and filming it and not bright enough to have come up with it themselves. I think this one came out into public knowledge that a journalist had set the whole thing up. The tabloids in the UK can literally destroy people, and often have. There are some very distressing stories on how they go after people and the families are blown apart in the aftermath.

On a brighter note, I tried to steam ABC news channel from their website but you have to be in Australia (or have an Aus IP address, which I had problems with), but I now have found a stream with the ABC 24 News Channel, I won't give details here as I'm not certain of the legalities, PM if interested.

Agree with your sentiments and hard to explain to others why we loved our ABC and miss it. The current Government's election promise of "no cuts to the ABC and SBS" will not be forgotten by many mature, aka "older" Australian voters.Media choice, if you are living In Oz, you are now drowning in mediocrity courtesy of Rupert Murdoch and co.

PM sent

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Agree with your sentiments and hard to explain to others why we loved our ABC and miss it. The current Government's election promise of "no cuts to the ABC and SBS" will not be forgotten by many mature, aka "older" Australian voters.Media choice, if you are living In Oz, you are now drowning in mediocrity courtesy of Rupert Murdoch and co.

I have a very strong memory of the Howard government doing the same thing, but rather than it being completely dead Channel 7 took it over for a while. Maybe 10 years ago???

The liberal governments really do have a thing for the ABC though. I remember when Jeff Kennet, premier of Victoria, refused to appear on ABC for a very, very long time.

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If you want to watch ABC,BBC,ITV or any free to air network including HULU etc etc .

Use Firefox as your browser and install the add-on called "Media hint" (google it).

This add-on allows you to access all free to air networks without having to install a VPN.

Works a treat....enjoy.

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I did a vey quick search on Media Hint and you now have to pay a monthly fee (since April) Alarms went off for me when their home page offers a free trial without giving the price, and you can't go further without signing in. Also, the latest reviews are poor, although many say it used to be really good..

Hola is similar, good reviews and free.

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I did a vey quick search on Media Hint and you now have to pay a monthly fee (since April) Alarms went off for me when their home page offers a free trial without giving the price, and you can't go further without signing in. Also, the latest reviews are poor, although many say it used to be really good..

Hola is similar, good reviews and free.

Hi Konini

I downloaded Mediahint over a year ago, using firefox. At that time it was a paid service for Chrome users, but free for firefox. I am still using it through firefox everyday and it is still a free service (for me a least). I remember that when installing it i first visited mediahint's website and they wanted details. Like you alarm bells rang. instead of downloading the add-on from there website i used softonic.


I am not sure if this route still works (for free) i am reluctant to unistall and reinstall the version i have, in case my free ride is over!

I would say that any recent reviews suggesting the service is poor are wrong. It works perfectly for me everyday. I access BBC iPlayer, ITV, Channel 4 for UK TV

It was only after reading this thread that i tried ABC.... and their Iview service works too.

I have tried Hola, For me it only worked for some sites intermittently.

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I did a vey quick search on Media Hint and you now have to pay a monthly fee (since April) Alarms went off for me when their home page offers a free trial without giving the price, and you can't go further without signing in. Also, the latest reviews are poor, although many say it used to be really good..

Hola is similar, good reviews and free.

Hi Konini

I downloaded Mediahint over a year ago, using firefox. At that time it was a paid service for Chrome users, but free for firefox. I am still using it through firefox everyday and it is still a free service (for me a least). I remember that when installing it i first visited mediahint's website and they wanted details. Like you alarm bells rang. instead of downloading the add-on from there website i used softonic.


I am not sure if this route still works (for free) i am reluctant to unistall and reinstall the version i have, in case my free ride is over!

I would say that any recent reviews suggesting the service is poor are wrong. It works perfectly for me everyday. I access BBC iPlayer, ITV, Channel 4 for UK TV

It was only after reading this thread that i tried ABC.... and their Iview service works too.

I have tried Hola, For me it only worked for some sites intermittently.


I dusted off an old laptop that i have because i was curious if this service is still available for free.

It Is!

Using firefox i downloaded the add-on via download.com


it took less than a minute. Firefox asked if i wanted to install outdated software..... i said yes and bingo.... straight to bbc iplayer and it worked perfectly.

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I'm due to reinstall Windows so I've had a quick play around. It was a non-starter in Chrome as it won't let me do anything without an account, tells me it's installed in Firefox but there's nothing to see for me to play around with and no options when I go into the add-on, just the option to remove. It looks like most of the bad reviews were from April when they started charging for the premium service - if I just bite the bullet and open an account I'll probably see the option of free or paid, but they haven't updated it (from your 'old software' warning, but I didn't get that either) and it doesn't appear in the add-on's if you search for it. I wonder if they're transitioning to being a paid service? Either way, it's a bit dishonest as a lot of people seem to have believed that they had no choice but to pay, and from their home site there's no mention of a free service, just a 7 day free trial (with no indication of how much after the trial presumably unless you log in). I'll see how much time I have later.

It isn't a huge amount of money anyway if you're using it and it's working well for you, I think I read $4 a month, but there are plenty of options for full VPN's for UK. Australia not so, and last time I looked they were all about $7 to $8 a month, but no idea how reliable they are.

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I'm due to reinstall Windows so I've had a quick play around. It was a non-starter in Chrome as it won't let me do anything without an account, tells me it's installed in Firefox but there's nothing to see for me to play around with and no options when I go into the add-on, just the option to remove. It looks like most of the bad reviews were from April when they started charging for the premium service - if I just bite the bullet and open an account I'll probably see the option of free or paid, but they haven't updated it (from your 'old software' warning, but I didn't get that either) and it doesn't appear in the add-on's if you search for it. I wonder if they're transitioning to being a paid service? Either way, it's a bit dishonest as a lot of people seem to have believed that they had no choice but to pay, and from their home site there's no mention of a free service, just a 7 day free trial (with no indication of how much after the trial presumably unless you log in). I'll see how much time I have later.

It isn't a huge amount of money anyway if you're using it and it's working well for you, I think I read $4 a month, but there are plenty of options for full VPN's for UK. Australia not so, and last time I looked they were all about $7 to $8 a month, but no idea how reliable they are.

Sounds to me like you have it!

If it is there in your add-ons (extensions).

for me that is the only way i know its there. There are no icons or toolbars. It just runs in the background.

Best way to see is go to BBC iPlayer and if it works...... Thats it!

(also try.... ABC IVEIW thats what this thread was about0

I agree its not alot for the premium version but you would probably be better off using a VPN rather than media hint.

I also use VPN's on occasion.... Free to Use Anonymox (for firefox) Gives UK and NL ip Address.

Paid version i can recommend is Strong VPN. for UK.or US..

the reason i like media hint is the fact it doesnt seem to slow anything down.

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I'm due to reinstall Windows so I've had a quick play around. It was a non-starter in Chrome as it won't let me do anything without an account, tells me it's installed in Firefox but there's nothing to see for me to play around with and no options when I go into the add-on, just the option to remove. It looks like most of the bad reviews were from April when they started charging for the premium service - if I just bite the bullet and open an account I'll probably see the option of free or paid, but they haven't updated it (from your 'old software' warning, but I didn't get that either) and it doesn't appear in the add-on's if you search for it. I wonder if they're transitioning to being a paid service? Either way, it's a bit dishonest as a lot of people seem to have believed that they had no choice but to pay, and from their home site there's no mention of a free service, just a 7 day free trial (with no indication of how much after the trial presumably unless you log in). I'll see how much time I have later.

It isn't a huge amount of money anyway if you're using it and it's working well for you, I think I read $4 a month, but there are plenty of options for full VPN's for UK. Australia not so, and last time I looked they were all about $7 to $8 a month, but no idea how reliable they are.

Sounds to me like you have it!

If it is there in your add-ons (extensions).

for me that is the only way i know its there. There are no icons or toolbars. It just runs in the background.

Best way to see is go to BBC iPlayer and if it works...... Thats it!

(also try.... ABC IVEIW thats what this thread was about0

I agree its not alot for the premium version but you would probably be better off using a VPN rather than media hint.

I also use VPN's on occasion.... Free to Use Anonymox (for firefox) Gives UK and NL ip Address.

Paid version i can recommend is Strong VPN. for UK.or US..

the reason i like media hint is the fact it doesnt seem to slow anything down.

I installed Firefox and then MediaHint from the cnet site. (Thanks for the tip!) I had to install Adobe Flash but eventually got both BBC iplayer and ABC iVeiw to work.

I have been using Astrill as my VPN paying around $7 per month. I agree that if you just want a VPN to watch these two then MediaHint is much better, even if I have to pay $4 per month for it. However, for the moment it seems as though MediaHint still works as a free version when downloaded from cnet, but insists on the pay for version if you go to the MediaHint website to download it.

Astrill can be very slow at times to the point of not being able to watch video. I won't be renewing it in April when my renewal is due.

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I'm due to reinstall Windows so I've had a quick play around. It was a non-starter in Chrome as it won't let me do anything without an account, tells me it's installed in Firefox but there's nothing to see for me to play around with and no options when I go into the add-on, just the option to remove. It looks like most of the bad reviews were from April when they started charging for the premium service - if I just bite the bullet and open an account I'll probably see the option of free or paid, but they haven't updated it (from your 'old software' warning, but I didn't get that either) and it doesn't appear in t he add-on's if you search for it. I wonder if they're transitioning to being a paid service? Either way, it's a bit dishonest as a lot of people seem to have believed that they had no choice but to pay, and from their home site there's no mention of a free service, just a 7 day free trial (with no indication of how much after the trial presumably unless you log in). I'll see how much time I have later.

It isn't a huge amount of money anyway if you're using it and it's working well for you, I think I read $4 a month, but there are plenty of options for full VPN's for UK. Australia not so, and last time I looked they were all about $7 to $8 a month, but no idea how reliable they are.

Sounds to me like you have it!

If it is there in your add-ons (extensions).

for me that is the only way i know its there. There are no icons or toolbars. It just runs in the background.

Best way to see is go to BBC iPlayer and if it works...... Thats it!

(also try.... ABC IVEIW thats what this thread was about0

I agree its not alot for the premium version but you would probably be better off using a VPN rather than media hint.

I also use VPN's on occasion.... Free to Use Anonymox (for firefox) Gives UK and NL ip Address.

Paid version i can recommend is Strong VPN. for UK.or US..

the reason i like media hint is the fact it doesnt seem to slow anything down.

Thank you, it works like a charm. It has a very small footprint.

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I'm due to reinstall Windows so I've had a quick play around. It was a non-starter in Chrome as it won't let me do anything without an account, tells me it's installed in Firefox but there's nothing to see for me to play around with and no options when I go into the add-on, just the option to remove. It looks like most of the bad reviews were from April when they started charging for the premium service - if I just bite the bullet and open an account I'll probably see the option of free or paid, but they haven't updated it (from your 'old software' warning, but I didn't get that either) and it doesn't appear in the add-on's if you search for it. I wonder if they're transitioning to being a paid service? Either way, it's a bit dishonest as a lot of people seem to have believed that they had no choice but to pay, and from their home site there's no mention of a free service, just a 7 day free trial (with no indication of how much after the trial presumably unless you log in). I'll see how much time I have later.

It isn't a huge amount of money anyway if you're using it and it's working well for you, I think I read $4 a month, but there are plenty of options for full VPN's for UK. Australia not so, and last time I looked they were all about $7 to $8 a month, but no idea how reliable they are.

Sounds to me like you have it!

If it is there in your add-ons (extensions).

for me that is the only way i know its there. There are no icons or toolbars. It just runs in the background.

Best way to see is go to BBC iPlayer and if it works...... Thats it!

(also try.... ABC IVEIW thats what this thread was about0

I agree its not alot for the premium version but you would probably be better off using a VPN rather than media hint.

I also use VPN's on occasion.... Free to Use Anonymox (for firefox) Gives UK and NL ip Address.

Paid version i can recommend is Strong VPN. for UK.or US..

the reason i like media hint is the fact it doesnt seem to slow anything down.

I installed Firefox and then MediaHint from the cnet site. (Thanks for the tip!) I had to install Adobe Flash but eventually got both BBC iplayer and ABC iVeiw to work.

I have been using Astrill as my VPN paying around $7 per month. I agree that if you just want a VPN to watch these two then MediaHint is much better, even if I have to pay $4 per month for it. However, for the moment it seems as though MediaHint still works as a free version when downloaded from cnet, but insists on the pay for version if you go to the MediaHint website to download it.

Astrill can be very slow at times to the point of not being able to watch video. I won't be renewing it in April when my renewal is due.

Glad to hear you've got it working. Free is always best in my book! I use it every day and have for over a year, never once has it failed or slowed my computer.

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I installed Firefox and then MediaHint from the cnet site. (Thanks for the tip!) I had to install Adobe Flash but eventually got both BBC iplayer and ABC iVeiw to work.

I have been using Astrill as my VPN paying around $7 per month. I agree that if you just want a VPN to watch these two then MediaHint is much better, even if I have to pay $4 per month for it. However, for the moment it seems as though MediaHint still works as a free version when downloaded from cnet, but insists on the pay for version if you go to the MediaHint website to download it.

Astrill can be very slow at times to the point of not being able to watch video. I won't be renewing it in April when my renewal is due.

If you paid by credit card, may I recommend that you contact them in at least a month in advance and make enquiries as to cancellation, as you may have unwittingly agreed to be charged annually. I've been working on internet related things since before pretty much anyone knew what the internet was and last year, for the first time ever, I got caught out. I'm very vigilant on such things and never do anything fiscal when tired or distracted, so it must have been really sneaky and well hidden.

Not the same company of course, but I honestly thought I'd never get caught out on this old trick, particularly as I actively look for it.

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