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Taking Care Of Family In Uk-dhss Entitlement.

slippery when wet

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I have a couple of children to a Thai wife and we have been living in the uk for some while now.

My wife has decided that she wants to return to Thailand and leave the children for me to look after.

I would be more than happy( not realy but the children come first) to do this but my finances don't add up for me to be able to do this.

The problem is that I own a couple of properties and rent them out, I make no money from this investment as they only just cover the mortgage payments. Selling is not an option either as there has been no profit made to only having recently purchased them.

If I were to become unemployed due to giving up my job and taking care of my children I can't see that as a property owner I would be entitled to any government benefits.

I 'm not sure the best way out of this predicament as I cant take care of the children and continue to work.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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There is a limit on savings that you can have in order to be elligible for some benefits and this I think is quite low (£16,000) Anything above £6,000 can also affect the amount you get. I am guessing that you bought these houses using some kind of deposit so unless prices have dropped since you bought them, they may see you as having more than the minimum amount of savings and expect you to sell the houses before they can look at a claim. However, I am no expert so take a look through the DWP website starting here:


...and see what you can find. Citizens advice bureau's are also a good place to get advice from:


Good luck

PS I can imagine that this was a difficult and momentus decision for you to take and commend you for wanting to stand up to the plate and take care of your kids.

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You really need to see a welfare rights officer, (loads of solicitors have them) don’t rely on the DWP to help you they wont. In fact they will answer questions but won’t offer advice as to your entitlement.

As to your houses they will look at your income and outgoing and make adjustments but tell them because someone else will.

Les :o

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Good advice from Mr Jones regarding seeing a welfare rights advisor. Also ask about your rights to tax credits and family income support (as the primary carer you will be entitled to a family allowance and tax credits).

You do not say under what circumstances your wife is returning, if she is doing so because you are ending your relationship then I would advise that you let her go and consult with a lawyer regarding filing for legal seperation and divorce on the grounds of desertion after she has left the UK (NOT BEFORE).

The reason being she could still claim a part of your family wealth and if she takes the children she could claim child support.

She would be advised of this if she seeks legal advice in the UK after receiving notification of divorce procedings.

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Good advice from Mr Jones regarding seeing a welfare rights advisor. Also ask about your rights to tax credits and family income support (as the primary carer you will be entitled to a family allowance and tax credits).

Good point there. You can earn upto about £50k and still get tax credits. We get £20 a week tax credit and £17 a week family allowance. As far as talking to someone goes ring revenue and customs as they are the ones that deal with tax credits, not the dss as it isnt a benefit. Their number is 0845 300 3900.

Also if you work you are entitiled to, upto 80% of child care costs if you place your kids with a registered childminder, depending on your income.

Hope this is a start and helps you out a bit. Its not going to be easy, i struggle with our little un for the day when the wife goes out, but it is without a doubt the most rewarding thing i do in my life :o

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