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Security Question


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I visit a few different forums. So far I have used but one name, Thaibebop. Well, I found some others I wanted to be apart of and I wondered, is there a danger to spearding one name around too much as far as posting in forums?



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Not unless you are frequenting other forums that have questionable subject matter and you don't want any links to them... how anonymous do you want to be? Up to you...

No, nothing naughty. This forum, one other like it and some art and history forums. I didn't think it was anything too dangerous. I really like my name and am too lazy to think up something else. :o

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I've been using my same "handle", higgy88, for a number of years with a number of different things like forums, instant messengers, email addresses, etc. I had the same concerns as you, but decided to do it anyways, for basically the same reason as you, and I have had no problems over the years. Actually I wanted to make higgy (from my initials HIG) my handle, but sometimes it was already taken, so I added the numbers 88 (the number of keys in a full sized piano, at least that was what I was told because I do not play the piano) to it and I have had no problems. I am very carefull about what I do online, what sites I frequent, I don't use my computer for business, and I am not into any questionable activities, but I do like my privacy and do not like it when I think my privacy is being invaded. So obviously I would say do it and don't worry, be happy.


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I have been using the same handle 'opalhort' for years in all forums I subscribe to without any problems even though 'opalhort' is well exposed on the net because it is also our web address.

As long as you 'behave' online and don't subscribe to 'questionable' forums you won't have any problems.

If you are residing in Thailand though, it may be advisable to refrain from severe negative political remarks when posting under your regular handle, it could backfire.


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Personally I am bit cautious about that, especially if they all trace back to the same email address that you used to register for the forum. Of course you don't want to use the same password on all of them.

It is a common sense thing really. Just think about all your posts. Are there any on one forum that are specific enough to pin down the area, if not the exact locaton you live at? Have you made some enemies on another forum using the same name? Call me paranoid, but I would not like to be in that position and as the expression goes, even paranoids have enemies!


I visit a few different forums. So far I have used but one name, Thaibebop. Well, I found some others I wanted to be apart of and I wondered, is there a danger to spearding one name around too much as far as posting in forums?



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If you do not want people to see where you are,

or do not want you ISP to see what you are reading and where,

then you should use Total Net Shield (www.anonymiser.com)

Then outsiders will see the ip address of the anonymiser

and your local isp will only see an encrypted data stream in and out

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Did you mean http://www.anonymizer.com? I believe that is blocked out of Thailand and there is no such site as www.anonymiser.com - not at the moment - perhaps there used to be. Torpark works but it is really slow.


If you do not want people to see where you are,

or do not want you ISP to see what you are reading and where,

then you should use Total Net Shield (www.anonymiser.com)

Then outsiders will see the ip address of the anonymiser

and your local isp will only see an encrypted data stream in and out

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I have been using my own name for long time in every forum I have visited or participate, except one, the overclocker forum where my name is i686 :o

so far, no problem, I have nothing to hide and happy like this :D


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