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Worried about possible pain/complications of getting dental implant


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I'm middle-aged, recently had extracted a lower molar that was broken. Samitivej dentist recommended an implant. But while researching this on the Net, I've read many worrisome stories of patients in U.S. who had serious surgical and post-surgical pain and complications (infection, misaligned jaw, etc.) that took a long time to resolve or did not fully resolve. And that adds to my worries that I'm having this done in Thailand and not in the U.S. So now I'm having second thoughts, and I don't know whether I should be having second thoughts. And the alternatives to implants -- bridge, dentures, etc. -- seem to cause less pain/complications and are much cheaper but have their clear cons as well.

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's been in this situation, had an implant in Bangkok, or decided against it for alternatives. How did it go?

Thanks very much.

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I have one and my mother got 1 with 70 year old.

No problems at all. But be warned it is much more unpleasent than they tell you.

Alone the muscles in the face hurt terrible for a week at my mother, not to even mention the other pains.

Than after it is in it, it feels like there is something wrong inside 24 hours a day, very irritating. But that goes away after a couple of months.

Afterwards if feels perfect like natural.

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There are 3 options normally. I would highly recommend a fixed bridge if teeth on both sides are able to support - completely natural feeling - only negative is can be hard to keep clean below bridge and sides of adjoining teeth (need to pull floss under the bridge each time). But I had one for many years before adjacent tooth became too decayed to remain. Then it was implant or removable denture (two teeth). As there was some concern with sinus being close to bone, and really not wanting to pay for two implants, went the much cheaper metal removable denture road. It is not a nothing there feeling as a fixed bridge (or implant should be after time) but it serves the purpose and is very easy to keep clean (you can remove and rinse any time). Expect to be pushed to obtain implants; and seriously consider them if fixed bridge is not an option.

Indeed there can be complications with implants - beyond the financial cost, as we have experienced it within family.

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