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change of ownership with a cng car instalation check needed?

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Hi just purchased a 3 year ojd factory fitted cng car at union auction pattaya before I treck out to the land transport office at regents school I was told I need a certificate each year to say the gas installation is safe. anyone know if this is true and where,how mutch should it cost. thanks


It was never required for my Lp car but that car also required an annual inspection due to it's age. Maybe that was considered part of it but there was nothing special done over a normal inspection.


Take car to a CNG/LPG installer they will check it and issue certificate had to do it on a previous older LPG car that did not have auto safety shut off valve ( the first inline valve they fitted failed internally after about 3 weeks on the tank sidew00t.gif luckily was a hatchback so nostrils detected it second unit no problems).


Hi thanks for replys update is.we went to pattaya auto gas on the sukhumvit where he took chassis numbers visually looked at installation and issued a certificate and a sticker for the engine bay bulkhead the cost was 600 bht and took 10 minutes to do ,needed the cert to register and tax car in my name

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