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Cost of water in Cha am ( bill calculation )


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It happens a strange thing: I am here for 4 years and I have never paid water; nobody comes and ask me to pay something ( unlike electricity ) ; my owner knows it but he says it's the fault of the water office in Cha am and doesn't want to go and see them

but I want to speak again with the owner and pay him something ( of course, he will give me a receipt ); I know how much I have consumed but I would like to know how much I have to pay , that's why I have asked here

I have an idea of the price with the site I put above , but I don't know if it's accurate for Cha am . BTW, somebody has an idea why I don't pay ? ( I have water with a pump , but I don't think it's the reason ) ; I have spoken with other people, but they say " mai pen rai " biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm amazed at the price of water. Over the last 3 years (living in houses where I water the garden all the time) the water bill has never been more than 40 or 50 baht. They might as well make it free - surely the cost of employing people to collect all the money is more than it would cost just to make it free for residential customers, which it essentially is already.

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