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Prayut lambastes paper that picks on him

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Very glossy and rosy perspective of the Egyptian coup.



“Adly Mansour (was appointed:)”

“And he is now considering laws against terrorism that are similarly vague enough to be abused in an authoritarian manner."

“But as it turned out, it was also short on authority, direction, and coherence.”

“Security forces and the public prosecution have lent a helping hand — or to switch metaphors slightly, an iron fist — by jailing journalists, Egyptians and foreigners alike, who poke their noses in the wrong places.”

“With over 1,000 death sentences, thousands of violent deaths, and well over 10,000 people jailed since the overthrow of Morsi, the claim that Egypt is in the midst of a democratic transition has convinced few outside observers.”


And yet it was still backed by the majority of Egyptians.

The world is certainly not black and white. Thank you for highlighting this.

In your pitiful attempt (or lack of, I should say) to dodge your defense of coups', I will offer this:

In 1968 the Big Mac made its debut. And In 1969, McDonald's sold its five billionth "hamburger".

Just goes to show, some people will eat all sorts of <deleted>. biggrin.png


A real "poll" reader are ya?



The majority of Egyptians back a coup and you have always held the majority very dearly to your heart……..when it suits your agenda.

Unfortunately that majority does not suit your agenda in Egypt so you refer to McDonalds!!!


Maybe Prayut should tackle it this way. Newspapers considered “critical” of the government can have their advertisements pulled, first by the advertising agency owned by Prayut family members, then later by state enterprises under government control. Toeing the government line could bring financial rewards. “Friendly” newspapers could be pleasantly surprised by the increased advertisements from business concerns related to the country’s CEO’s empire. It worked for thaksin.

Besides, I thought bad military Junta's just shut down newspapers that complain. I thought that bad military Juntas arrested the staff of these papers? Nope? None of that here. What does this ex military PM do?Lodges a complaint with the press association. How refreshingly democratic.

And for him to complain it seems that freedom of the press is alive and well.

The doom and gloomers must hate this.

You want censorship? Australia and decent Australians would never tolerate let alone advocate this - time to hand in your passport Dj.

Of course I don't want censorship.

If I wanted censorship I would have gone with thaksin's approach.

Newspapers considered “critical” of the government can have their advertisements pulled, first by the advertising agency owned by Prayut family members, then later by state enterprises under government control. Toeing the government line could bring financial rewards. “Friendly” newspapers could be pleasantly surprised by the increased advertisements from business concerns related to the country’s CEO’s empire. It worked for thaksin.

I am happy with Prayuts approach. If he is not happy he lodges a complaint….Guess what 31 days later and the complaint is still lodged and the newspaper has not been shut down as the dormers and gloomers predicted. I really do get sick of proving your peers wrong! I really do.

After 31 days under taksin the advertising revenue dried up and the newspaper were forced to print thaksin friendly articles.

How refreshing that under the Junta who never purported to be democratic turn out to me more so…Unless of course the paper was shut down? Was it? Was it?

No…To reiterate. I was right.

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