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Aircon problem from SIAM TV


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Simple and short: avoid at all cost.

After having many other issues, we decided to buy a water heater from them. While installing technicians made a few big mistakes and broke a water pipe. Flooding everywhere, they left quickly while the job was not finished. The next two days I called them about 20 times and went there about 5 times. We will contact you, we will come within 1 hour.......... bla bla bla....... The third day I got really pissed of and went straight to the second floor and managers office. Big consternation a farang doing this. I told them I would not go out without having a solution. (Young) manager himself came back to my home with his staff. The only thing I could get from him was to finish the job. No responsibility whatsoever for the damages despite his staff admitted their mistakes, they could see the remainders of it and I showed them video and pictures.

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Terriffic, there is a flood underway damaging property and what we should do is take a video, to hell with the water damage increasing, do not try to minimize the problem, shoot the film.

Do we have one of the three stooges here?

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