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Chaste Thai women - Versus easy come easy go..


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There seems to be a tiny, teeny weeny, microscopic sub-set of educated Thai women out there who won't have sexual intercourse with the farang until marriage (mouths and hands not withstanding) - I must have found the only 2 in the Kingdom..LOL.. were any of you farang out there also forced to think with the big head for your future wife.. because she wouldn't put out right away??..

On the flip side of the coin however, she gave me unbridled permission to go see short time bar girls whenever I wanted, telling me "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

The point being - many educated, single Thai women around age 30 - have had significantly fewer sexual partners then their western counterparts. Western media doesn't agree, I wonder why? LOL

Many Thai women must figure if they don't put out right away, the farang is gone - and they be right most times, hence the proclivity for "easy come easy go" in the Kingdom..

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Quote "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

She doesn't sound very educated.

Her English is better than that, but I figured you wouldn't believe it, LOL, hence pidgin English for your expert perusal

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Quote "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

She doesn't sound very educated.

Also this could be a sign of things is to come if the OP decides to marry this woman. Sounds like she is frigid.

If a girlfriend ever said that to me, Thai or otherwise, I would have serious doubts about committing myself any further into such a relationship, unless a guy feels that sex is unimportant between partners.

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Quote "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

She doesn't sound very educated.

Also this could be a sign of things is to come if the OP decides to marry this woman. Sounds like she is frigid.

If a girlfriend ever said that to me, Thai or otherwise, I would have serious doubts about committing myself any further into such a relationship, unless a guy feels that sex is unimportant between partners.

Are you part of the pack mentality Beetlejuice? Do you think sex is such a skill? It isn't sir. My wife wants sex all the time - after marriage

That you could never consider waiting shows you are part of the 99% that won't wait, congrats..

I choose to not follow the pack

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No, this still happens with proper Thai women, even those in their early thirties. And with regard to the part about "hand and mouths" -- I'd have to say whatever aunt that was serving as chaperon wasn't doing her duty that day.

Yes Nancy.. truer words were never spoken, few farang choose this route however - because they don't have to..there's plenty of fish in the sea

Waiting doesn't make me better, just different, so I expect a ton of INCOMING from those who would run away from Thai women who won't spread their legs immediately..

Most farang have the 1 or 2 date rule - up to them - if it works fly at it

each to their own

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Also this could be a sign of things is to come if the OP decides to marry this woman. Sounds like she is frigid.

If a girlfriend ever said that to me, Thai or otherwise, I would have serious doubts about committing myself any further into such a relationship, unless a guy feels that sex is unimportant between partners.

Are you part of the pack mentality Beetlejuice? Do you think sex is such a skill? It isn't sir. My wife wants sex all the time - after marriage

Surely there's some correlation between wanting to wait and not liking sex / having asexual tendencies. Seems logical to assume that many women who want to abstain will also secretly have hang ups about sex, and be frigid well into marriage. I wouldn't call that pack mentality.

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Also this could be a sign of things is to come if the OP decides to marry this woman. Sounds like she is frigid.

If a girlfriend ever said that to me, Thai or otherwise, I would have serious doubts about committing myself any further into such a relationship, unless a guy feels that sex is unimportant between partners.

Are you part of the pack mentality Beetlejuice? Do you think sex is such a skill? It isn't sir. My wife wants sex all the time - after marriage

Surely there's some correlation between wanting to wait and not liking sex / having asexual tendencies. Seems logical to assume that many women who want to abstain will also secretly have hang ups about sex, and be frigid well into marriage. I wouldn't call that pack mentality.

doesnt seem logical at all. many people subscribe to a moral code that sees it as sinful before marriage and are eager participants after. It was only a couple of generations ago that the vast majority thought that way.

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There's quite a few Thai women who (after marrying their farang "Good Thai Girl" beard) are free to slip out and shag all the guys (they used to shag) in their set , all the guys they wanted to shag (because these guys were married) all the guys that their girlfriends say are/were hot. . . . . . . and anybody else they feel like shagging.

She'll say he is free to do the dirty as long as he doesn't make a spectacle of himself or embarrass her.

All they have to do is inform their farang hubby they no longer feel the need for sex.

With him as beard, she can keep her own secret sex life kosher.

She can even "gift" news of her farang husband's new celibacy to her Thai squeeze.

Even if he is no longer struggling with Thai fluency, Khun Beard will NEVER understand all the ins and outs of local sexual profligacy. It's taken him the better part of five years to reach that cute "farang na rak" conversational level but he'll never be Thai.

The novelty has worn off for her.

Indeed, Khun Hubby, the beard, can very well live out the rest of his days thinking that his wife's just tired of sex.

After all, she's always been his main pipeline into Toy Cowchah.

Cutting off access to the family love purse will be justified along these lines.

Be honest.

How many TV-ers have been denied sex or know someone who's been denied sex ?

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Women who drop their pants right away in the relationship, IMHO, are more prone to ending it.

But that may be the furthest thing from the truth in your experience. I get that. Everyone goes by their own experiences, and their bias are thus formed - one way or the other

My experience says easy come easy go..

It's strange how so few farang seem to have been told to go see a short timer in lieu of boinking her right away...

I mean the Thai female sex organ is certainly pliable enough to have a go the first night..don't get me wrong..

It's all about assessing the pros and cons of anything

If she's special enough, some guys wait, others F off quickly if they don't get laid..fearing she'll be frigid..

every situation is unique

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Women who drop their pants right away in the relationship, IMHO, are more prone to ending it.

But that may be the furthest thing from the truth in your experience. I get that. Everyone goes by their own experiences, and their bias are thus formed - one way or the other

My experience says easy come easy go..

It's strange how so few farang seem to have been told to go see a short timer in lieu of boinking her right away...

I mean the Thai female sex organ is certainly pliable enough to have a go the first night..don't get me wrong..

It's all about assessing the pros and cons of anything

If she's special enough, some guys wait, others F off quickly if they don't get laid..fearing she'll be frigid..

every situation is unique

its a matter of cause and effect. you may have experienced an easy come followed by an easy go. but it does not follow logically that the easy go was in any way related to or caused by the easy come. the correlation coefficient might well be zero.

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Women who drop their pants right away in the relationship, IMHO, are more prone to ending it.

But that may be the furthest thing from the truth in your experience. I get that. Everyone goes by their own experiences, and their bias are thus formed - one way or the other

My experience says easy come easy go..

It's strange how so few farang seem to have been told to go see a short timer in lieu of boinking her right away...

I mean the Thai female sex organ is certainly pliable enough to have a go the first night..don't get me wrong..

It's all about assessing the pros and cons of anything

If she's special enough, some guys wait, others F off quickly if they don't get laid..fearing she'll be frigid..

every situation is unique

A wise man once told me that women who will drop their panties for a guy on the first date, will do it with any guy on their first date, which has always been proven to be true.

I think its a matter of placing everything into perspective and making evaluations as the relationship progresses. There is the too soons, the should have do it by nows and the what`s wrong with this girl? Does she love me or nots. I know that if I were going steady with a girl over a period of several weeks and after that period she refused to get intimate with me, I would start questioning the strength of our relationship and wondering where is this all going? if nothing transpired or could not see anything transpiring in the near future, I would then call time on the whole deal.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Topic is judgementalism, nothing more: possibly based on some insecurities of the OP's, whereby he feels the need to put some people over others in a thinly disguised fashion.

To take the boring subject seriously, there is necessarily a boring answer: there are good and bad in all walks of life.

That's it, that's all.

But I guess generalizing and putting other people down is more fun. Ironically just like I've done, and there's the rub: we're all hypocrites so look to yourself because little can be done, or understood, about others.

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Is there a question somewhere in the OPs post or is this just an observation topic?

Now you wouldnt buy a car without test driving it would you? A new TV without checking out the features?

a Thai woman isn't a car sir, but they both are driven

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Topic is judgementalism, nothing more: possibly based on some insecurities of the OP's, whereby he feels the need to put some people over others in a thinly disguised fashion.

To take the boring subject seriously, there is necessarily a boring answer: there are good and bad in all walks of life.

That's it, that's all.

It's all goodBut I guess generalizing and putting other people down is more fun. Ironically just like I've done, and there's the rub: we're all hypocrites so look to yourself because little can be done, or understood, about others.

since I have been misinterpreted, I'll stop posting on TV, and don't expect tit for tat from me when you post....so the search begins for the next victim

all the best,

signed: OUT

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Is there a question somewhere in the OPs post or is this just an observation topic?

Now you wouldnt buy a car without test driving it would you? A new TV without checking out the features?

a Thai woman isn't a car sir, but they both are driven

but you miss my point young grasshopper.... for a man, his car (in my case truck) is something we take very seriously. We wash it, polish it, and treat it as one of the family. It's our space, our last bastion of freedom from the ever enclosing world of cant do this, must do that society - compounded upon getting married. IF we could marry it, shag it we probably would despite their looks.

so in this context, we are very choosy to make sure our vehicle of choice ticks all the right boxes in terms of long term compatibility. Part in parcel of this is the ride. Does it feel good, will it continue to feel good with a few miles on it? I wouldn't buy a vehicle without giving it a good test run....

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Is there a question somewhere in the OPs post or is this just an observation topic?

Now you wouldnt buy a car without test driving it would you? A new TV without checking out the features?

a Thai woman isn't a car sir, but they both are driven

but you miss my point young grasshopper.... for a man, his car (in my case truck) is something we take very seriously. We wash it, polish it, and treat it as one of the family. It's our space, our last bastion of freedom from the ever enclosing world of cant do this, must do that society - compounded upon getting married. IF we could marry it, shag it we probably would despite their looks.

so in this context, we are very choosy to make sure our vehicle of choice ticks all the right boxes in terms of long term compatibility. Part in parcel of this is the ride. Does it feel good, will it continue to feel good with a few miles on it? I wouldn't buy a vehicle without giving it a good test run....

no need to backtrack, or attempt to be magnanimous now ..in hind site... too late.. the true colors were already seen LOL.. you've seen the last of me, so onto the next victim,LOL all the best though Bye Bye

thought things might have changed ... I wrong again

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Is there a question somewhere in the OPs post or is this just an observation topic?

Now you wouldnt buy a car without test driving it would you? A new TV without checking out the features?

a Thai woman isn't a car sir, but they both are driven

but you miss my point young grasshopper.... for a man, his car (in my case truck) is something we take very seriously. We wash it, polish it, and treat it as one of the family. It's our space, our last bastion of freedom from the ever enclosing world of cant do this, must do that society - compounded upon getting married. IF we could marry it, shag it we probably would despite their looks.

so in this context, we are very choosy to make sure our vehicle of choice ticks all the right boxes in terms of long term compatibility. Part in parcel of this is the ride. Does it feel good, will it continue to feel good with a few miles on it? I wouldn't buy a vehicle without giving it a good test run....

no need to backtrack, or attempt to be magnanimous now ..in hind site... too late.. the true colors were already seen LOL.. you've seen the last of me, so onto the next victim,LOL all the best though Bye Bye

thought things might have changed ... I wrong again

the cream always rises to the top. Like the avatar though.

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"the cream always rises to the top. Like the avatar though." BKK James

I've been reading your posts for years "bro"

Long term TV people don't appreciate new upstarts, even when they ain't. And I voted for JT, gonna call me gay now??


the hierarchy in action

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"the cream always rises to the top. Like the avatar though." BKK James

I've been reading your posts for years "bro"

Long term TV people don't appreciate new upstarts, even when they ain't. And I voted for JT, gonna call me gay now??


the hierarchy in action

thank you for your long term loyalty and recent few posts. I do appreciate upstarts, especially ones that start topics dedicated to steve martin lonely guy / gal themes. Quit appropriate for this time of year I might add.

I voted for NancyL. Gonna call me old? it's ok I am.

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Another controverial post from Redandyellow, but perhaps not so when dissected: "On the flip side of the coin however, she gave me unbridled permission to go see short time bar girls whenever I wanted, telling me "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care."

I can only read into that comment from a potential future partner, that she doesn't give a toss about you and will not care if you don't come back from your wanderings! don't look forward to a hot time in the sack,there's not going to be any!

Do you really want someone as cold blooded as this iceberg? say goodbye before she chills you to the bone!

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Another controverial post from Redandyellow, but perhaps not so when dissected: "On the flip side of the coin however, she gave me unbridled permission to go see short time bar girls whenever I wanted, telling me "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care."

I can only read into that comment from a potential future partner, that she doesn't give a toss about you and will not care if you don't come back from your wanderings! don't look forward to a hot time in the sack,there's not going to be any!

Do you really want someone as cold blooded as this iceberg? say goodbye before she chills you to the bone!

once again you demonstrate that you really have very little understanding and experience of thai people and society

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Quote "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

She doesn't sound very educated.

Only people who speak impeccable English are educated?

You really need to get over yourself!

That was a very foolish statement to make.

Are you educated?

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