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How you do your fair share?


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Hello Thaivisa people,

I wonder hows this translates from west to east.

The video i have linked, "Do fathers do enough?" delves into the battle of gender at home.

So, i enjoyed watching this video. It gave me some perspective.

My missus takes care of me the old fashioned way, but i do feel as though i pull my weight. I am knackered at the end of the day and it feels like a days work has been done.

At the very least, this is an entertaining video and i am interested in hearing your opinion and how this translates into your lives in Thailand.


Edited by EmptyHead
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My wife is a lazy tunt and she thinks she works hard (she doesn't work) by vacuuming the floors twice a week. She does push clothes into the machine once a week but that doesn't take much time. She doesn't cook for me. So her biggest job is taking care of our baby, In reality the majority of her time is spent watching brain dead Thai TV.

Yes, I pull my weight.

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As my brother would say who put women on a pedestal and looked down on them, " you do not keep a dog and bark yourself".

Broom pilots are trained from birth for the work, do not interfere in things that do not concern you.

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