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Yahoo Email a/c ; Cannot access or send to [ 554 Delivery Error ] ; And Y. Help not helpful

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Hi Computer Knowledge Philanthropists,

Per some 10 Yahoo email a/c's of mine

[ Emails & Attachments & Contacts within are understandably very important to me ]

Note ;

2 Laptop computers initially used in Thailand.

1 of them used by me in Europe since.

The 2 being used by me in Thailand again.


May 2014, during visit to Europe from Thailand :


I was forced by "seemingly" Yahoo to change each password a number of times


I had to recover access to the a/c's ;

The process for that would force me to replace existing, but not working, password with new one.

Result ;

I was able to use them.


I was not able to access the a/c's again ;

And this despite I trying exhaustively to retrieve them using Yahoo "Help" Option.


Since July 2014, having returned to Thailand


Throughout the year, often I tried to access the a/c's ;

Using Yahoo "Help" Option only.

Result ;

Only 3 of the a/c's are recovered.


I am in the midst of trying my real damnedest to recover the a/c's

Today, I tried sending emails to the a/c's from a G-Mail a/c.

Result ;

The error that the other server returned was:

554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account [email protected]

I read some scary stuff about 554 Delivery Error today ;

Note Re; Yahoo "Help" Option


The alternative [ Rescue ] email address for each -- all bar 1 [ yahoo a/c v ]-- of the a/c's happens to be 1 of the affected a/c's [ yahoo a/c v ].


Other alternative [ Rescue ] email a/c's for the affected a/c's are Hotmail ones ;

And, the few times that they are are offered up as options for to receive Verification Code,- they always fail to receive it.

Yet, these same Hotmail a/c's can send & receive email.


Yahoo "Help" Option rarely offered assistance "personal" [ real person ].

And, despite I filling the mini form within it those few times it did offer itself, I never got any of that assistance,

Not even auto reply to the contact email address I gave ; Gmail a/c.


I am very hesitant about trying the options within this particular Yahoo "Help" Option sub-page ;

My concern is about chance of losing my Data.

Your help will be much appreciated again,


Re ; "Privacy Error" Warning AND CMOS Batttery Issue of my previous Thread

Newbie to the TV Forum that I am, I forgot to follow up with brief note on Solution [ Positive or Middling or Negative ] / Lack of Solution etc.

Apologies for that.

Suddenly not continuing to experience that "Privacy Error" Symptom / Problem I was having ;

Hmm...m ! ; Present status is suspicious or auspicious ?

Nonetheless, I Intend to visit Service Centre soon about that problem, & give update thereafter.


Edited by Our Man in the Tropics
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What exactly do u mean ?

Ur elaborated, & cogent, & relevant reply would be constructive, & welcome.

That which I report is no doubt a common plight rendered a Yahoo email a/c holder.

But, I do more than report with this thread ;

I request constructive help for to solve this problem with positive outcome.

Please do not take offence to my reply to u.

I just wish for a suitably constructive, & expansive, reply from u about this email issue.

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If you're seeing this bounce message from GMail when sending to your Yahoo accounts, it would appear your accounts have been deleted. From all of the password resets you've had to do, it would also seem like someone has been busy trying to hijack your accounts, or Yahoo's account hijacking detection has gone haywire. Either way, I hope you have backups.

554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account [email protected]
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If you're seeing this bounce message from GMail when sending to your Yahoo accounts, it would appear your accounts have been deleted. From all of the password resets you've had to do, it would also seem like someone has been busy trying to hijack your accounts, or Yahoo's account hijacking detection has gone haywire. Either way, I hope you have backups.

554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account [email protected]

Thanks for ur considered reply ;

Even if the proposed diagnosis is not positive.

Re ; Diagnosis

Of course,- since the beginning of the Password problem,- I have been fearing that my a/c's were hijacked.

In what specific way do u think they were likely hijacked ?


for forwarding spam


for reading the information contained in my email accounts



Re ; Prevention Practise to have been conducted prior so as to insure against Hijacking from ultimately denying me the Data of my a/c's


In the Cloud

I have never opted for backing up to the cloud.

My reluctance to opt for that facility are prompted by :


my relatively basic computer / internet skills


not having a credit card ; And, even if I did,- fear of using it for online transaction


fear of permanent lack of privacy

inter alia

I wonder if u would favour ;

Frequent copying & pasting into a Word-Processing document each valuable email ;

And,- similar practise for valuable attachments ?

Anyway,- I welcome knowing what u would recommend anyhow.

Re ; Prognosis

Do u think that I can retrieve the contents from my a/c's even if they were deleted ?

I trust Big Brother will always have the data as permanent record on me a prodigal brother.

Thank u again IMHO for the reply.

My thread has been like a home alone kid but for u, & "fascinated" Hornell prior. smile.png

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Diagnosis: Might just be a simple over-zealous account protection system at Yahoo wanting to verify you as the account owner after seeing you access from different countries, it could have been targeted malicious activity, or it could have been un-targeted malicious activity.

Prevention: for email, the simplest way to keep it backup up is to use a desktop email client, that syncs all messages & contacts to your local computer (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, OS X Mail etc etc). Once your email is local to your computer, you can then further back up the system using your own storage (NAS, USB drive), or to the cloud.

Prognosis: Unknown. The bounce message you are receiving when testing from GMail indicates the accounts at Yahoo no longer exist - only Yahoo know if the account data is recoverable or not.

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Thank u IMHO for elaboration of ur previous useful reply.

Re ; Email "Client"

I confess that I do not properly understand how to use the following recommendation of urs,


...the simplest backup up is to use a desktop email client, that syncs all messages & contacts to your local computer

(e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, OS X Mail etc etc).

I will research into that area today.

Some time ago I did try to understand what "Email Client" was ; I used Wikipedia for attempted elucidation.

But, it was confusing for me.

Perhaps u may have a brief explanation for me of what an "Email Client" is.

Already I reckon that u would be able to explain this category better than the hackneyed ports of call.

Further Info. ;

Unwitting omission by me in the chronological list of the facts given at outset of thread ;

Only very rarely in the attempts by me to retrieve my a/c's using Yahoo "Help" Option was I requested to :


answer a Secret Question


provide associated phone number

Per a]

I did provide a variety of spellings for answer.

But, system returned to say the answers were wrong.

Per b]

I would choose "Other Security" option ; Or such like phrase

Reason being that the prompted phone number was one I used in Europe & is no longer active I presume & I now in LOS.

Regrettably, I would then be given the option of Verification -- or such like phrase -- to be sent to Alternative Email Address ;

Unfortunately, the particular "Alternative Email Address" is 1 of the affected Yahoo a/c's.

I would have welcomed being asked some other of my Security Questions ;


Those which I am able to provide matching spelling to original.

Anyway, it is a pity that Security Question is not provided without fail when trying to recover a/c.

Re ; Phone-Assistance from Yahoo

I presume that u would not recommend pursuing this route :


Difficult to assess which is correct Yahoo phone number to use


No actual person dealing with phone call ;

And, caller just directed to Yahoo "Help" Option mentioned above.

inter alia

Re ; Online Chat Help from Yahoo

I note that Twitter & Facebook are options for communicating with Yahoo Help.

I never used Twitter nor FB previously.

Yesterday, I set up a Twitter a/c, & tried to follow the following recommendation ;


I was not able to get to the Yahoo Help "Form" result ;


Click the "Contact Customer Care" link
under the Quick Links section to the right of your screen.
This should open the Yahoo Help form.

I did try to send a brief "Tweet" for to get Yahoo to assist me.

Regrettably, I have no reply yet.

I presume that I did not use the function properly ; Silly Twit smile.png

Thus, I wish to try again today.

Perhaps u could indicate to me how to successfully "tweet" within Yahoo Twitter system.

Thanking u IMHO for ur keen interest, & useful help ;

Much appreciated.

Our Man in the Tropics

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Email client = an installed application on your computer/phone/tablet that enables you to read, send and manage emails. i.e. an installed app to read your emails rather than using a web page & web browser. I have already provided you with some app names you can research - to get familiarised, start off with Thunderbird - it's free and available for all computers. It's definitely not the best, but will get you up and running.

Edited by IMHO
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Much thanks IMHO.

I resumed trying to understand difference between commonly known Email & Email Client.

Summary of Research ;

Web Mail [ aka Email ( sic ) ]

Most familarly known as "Email".

Officially / Correctly called Web-Mail.

Allows user to compose, & open, from Web Page within a turned on Web Browser ONLY ;

Although there are features within some Web-Mail applications that allow user to compose prior to opening the Web Browser.

Email Client

It is as u state.


Application installed on the Device that allows user to compose, read, & manage, emails WITHOUT needing to have Web Browser turned on.

The term "Email" ONLY

The generic description pertaining to either of the above ;

But, perhaps there exist extra types.

Imminent Agenda

Email Client Application

Will endeavor to get familiar soon with the Email Client applications u mentioned ;

Initially with Thunderbird of course.

Communicate with Yahoo Customer Care through Twitter

Recent 24 Hr's, I sent Message, & Tweets, to Yahoo Customer Care.

So happens to be my 1st ever use of Twitter.

Regrettably, at present there is no indication if my Message & Tweets are due to be attended to.

Will keep u informed of further developments / lack of developments.


Our Man in the Tropics

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Update per Yahoo-Twitter & Yahoo Online Support

Finally, & it in last 24 Hr.'s, I got personal assistance from Yahoo-Twitter, & through them Yahoo Online Support [ YOS ]

YOS requested only 2 features of my Y a/c personal info;


Ph. No. linked with a/c ;

I gave some.

But, I followed with a Tweet saying :

Those SIM's are not active any more

And, I not sure if they were linked with a/c ever.

Date of Birth ;

I supplied a Date of Birth [ DOB ] [ Ref. My privacy & security sake ; Never the true DOB ]

It is in a Record for the a/c that I have.

But, I since found another date claiming to be the DOB in another record for same a/c.

I sent Emails / Messages / Tweets requesting YOS for they to ask me :

the Security Q's

the Names of the Folders per a/c

the Names of the Contacts.

But, YOS declined to pursue that route.

Finally,- YOS reported to say that the Ans's supplied are Wrong.

I aim to return to them with further request ;

incl. obviously ;

Try the other DOB.

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Email Client [ vis. Mozilla "Thunderbird" ]

I finally downloaded it & installed it.

It by default offered to give me new Email address ;

A "gandi.net" or something one.

I gather that it is not free to get this.

So, I declined.

And, now I am totally lost of what to do next for my best interests with Thunderbird.

On doing some prior research, I did note that Thunderbird may be not able to receive Emails with Very Long Names.

Fact is I do send to myself Attachments with very long names ;

Useful for me to name the documents in detail, even if long.

Anyway, I proceeded with Thunderbird because I have faith in IMHO above, & also met with other praise of it afterwards.

Just for sake of simplicity & dare I say "brevity", I intend to put new Thread for how to deal with setting up Thunderbird for my particular situation.

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