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Don't stall on public beach.... I'm getting married.


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Was walking along my local beach today with my Ex. who has come over for a 3 week holiday. We pass a few resorts on this stretch till we get to the end and then walk back again. I happened to mention to her that sometimes you will see a wedding in progress and low and behold, in the distance there was one either getting set up or was over as the couple were there but no guests around just a couple of Thai people helping her with her dress.(I thought afterwards maybe it was just a photo shoot for a magazine). As we are two auld romantics, we stopped to look at the goings on and admire the couple and the lovely set up. All of a sudden the bride started moving her hand from side to side or back and forth like she was motioning to us, we were at least 50 mtrs. away so couldn't see too clearly, my Ex thought she was asking us to come over and have a celebration drink as there were no guests. Then like a horse that had bolted, the groom appears from nowhere running down towards us and started <deleted> and blinding at me for stopping on the beach telling me to pass quickly. I pointed out to him that this is a public beach and if I want to stop I will stop (would have been different if he had asked politely). At that he went ballistic and put his face right up to mine and said if he had me back in Russia he'd cut me up in little pieces. I asked him why he was so angry, had he recently purchased the beach? He said he paid a lot of money for it. I said you may have paid for the resort area but not for the public beach (we were at the water's edge). He started to walk away then turned and came back and said to the Ex, ..."take this little piece of sh-t away". At this I just laughed and walked away. ..The Ex had a good laugh too......I asked her what she was laughing at.... she said "he called you a little shit, look at him, he's only half your size"..... I wish him a very happy future but if he is this angry on his wedding day I'd hate to see him if he ever has the misfortune to need a divorce.

Happy New Year all.

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So some idiot considers it Russian bashing because the twerp was Russian? I don't get it?

Tree hugging liberals don't want anything direct said. Sounds like The Ruskie was being a bellend. Therefore perfectly acceptable to call him a bellend

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At this I just laughed and walked away...

I would never allow someone to talk to me like that, and I sure as heck would not have complied with the 'order' to march on. I would have remained at the same location or even closer to the wedding area, simply out of spite. I also would not allow anyone to yell at me in my face... a head-butt would certainly come from it.

The OP may laugh this off, but seriously I'm questioning why he backed down? Stand your ground next time.

he didnt lose ground. yelling means nothing.

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People do not have to respond to yelling with violence. Nor even by raising your own voice. If attacked physically, that is a different matter. I feel the OP handled the matter very well.

The Russian was certainly way over the top thinking he had bought the beach for whatever length of time. Maybe he was scammed by some cleverer than he Thai person whistling.gif

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I would never allow someone to talk to me like that, and I sure as heck would not have complied with the 'order' to march on. I would have remained at the same location or even closer to the wedding area, simply out of spite. I also would not allow anyone to yell at me in my face... a head-butt would certainly come from it.

The OP may laugh this off, but seriously I'm questioning why he backed down? Stand your ground next time.

Wow another keyboard worrier............

Yes it should have been me that was there Gumball, I have been in training for the last 2 months for my first cage fight


The Budgie wont know what hit him................................coffee1.gif

Warrior I guess you mean (or maybe w4nkr)

There are a lot of them, keyboard, bar stool, sofa; all trained, alert and prepared for action by watching a couple of movies and downing a few beers.

Walk away is ALWAYS the best response.

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At this I just laughed and walked away...

I would never allow someone to talk to me like that, and I sure as heck would not have complied with the 'order' to march on. I would have remained at the same location or even closer to the wedding area, simply out of spite. I also would not allow anyone to yell at me in my face... a head-butt would certainly come from it.

The OP may laugh this off, but seriously I'm questioning why he backed down? Stand your ground next time.

In Thailand 'discretion is the better part of valour'. No need to be Mr. Macho Man. You handled it just right. I'm surprised that your ex didn't remark that you were a bigger shit than him. Or was your wording diplomatic?coffee1.gif

Edited by Gandtee
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At this I just laughed and walked away...

I would never allow someone to talk to me like that, and I sure as heck would not have complied with the 'order' to march on. I would have remained at the same location or even closer to the wedding area, simply out of spite. I also would not allow anyone to yell at me in my face... a head-butt would certainly come from it.

The OP may laugh this off, but seriously I'm questioning why he backed down? Stand your ground next time.

I agree entirely Gumballl, but everything changes if the guy was Thai for obvious reasons.

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