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Taking a small bike to across Laos to Vietnam


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Actually these trips on a small bike mentioned on other threads appeal to me, especially as a stop gap and to do my visa run. My missus is happier on our small bike, maybe she thinks she can jump off easier in an emergency.w00t.gif she doesn't really like being on the big bike anyway, thinks that is just for me and since I really like having her with me, this is something I would like to do........ So I was thinking (just thinking) about Vietnam?

I had heard that only bikes with engines above 200cc were allowed across the border, but Papa Al seems to have squashed that myth, with his CBR150 shenanigans, so what are the rules now?

As with the others we would plan on a few hundred klicks a day and our Wave 110 is 100% capable and a couple of rucksacks would suffice, perhaps.

Leaving from Khon Kaen, we would just keep going east ending in Quang Tri, only about 600km, with overnight stops at the borders, then maybe head north following Clarkson and co.

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The law is 150 cc and up to enter Laos. That said I have heard of cases where they allow it. Mukdahan and nong khai would be tough crossings, in muk it has to be on a truck to cross. There is another crossing east of nong khai that I believe is still a ferry crossing, that may work. Not sure if they do visa on arrival though.

Vietnam is a no go, big bikes and small bikes.

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The law is 150 cc and up to enter Laos. That said I have heard of cases where they allow it. Mukdahan and nong khai would be tough crossings, in muk it has to be on a truck to cross. There is another crossing east of nong khai that I believe is still a ferry crossing, that may work. Not sure if they do visa on arrival though.

Vietnam is a no go, big bikes and small bikes.

Thanks, but...... DAMN!

I wonder if Asian will make a difference, probably not..........

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Friends took their big bikes to Laos. And ASEAN might bring lower big prices to VN, too.

That Ducati Scrambler is very attractive to me - need to tell the wife that it's crucial for my happiness. She just bought a new car, so it should be okay.

Seriously, you can buy a Honda Wave in VN, then sell it. Just stay clear of Chinese copies ("Honda" Win? Hell no!)

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Friends took their big bikes to Laos. And ASEAN might bring lower big prices to VN, too.

That Ducati Scrambler is very attractive to me - need to tell the wife that it's crucial for my happiness. She just bought a new car, so it should be okay.

Seriously, you can buy a Honda Wave in VN, then sell it. Just stay clear of Chinese copies ("Honda" Win? Hell no!)

Well I wish you luck with that ploy???

Anyway, watched Top Gear's old bike trip in Vietnam again last night, so thinking now about a bus trip out east and then hiring some sort of bike in VN and heading either north or south from the 17th parallel. The boys cheated in the program and instead of riding from HCMC to Hanoi, caught the train half way up, but the southern roads they rode looked really good...any thoughts?

The mountain roads looked good (couldn't find on Youtube) and could get myself kitted out too, now that's Top Gear they are wearing, young people know nothing..

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I think I have a plan that will work...leaving next week..

Catch a minivan from Khon Kaen to Mukdaharn-Savannakhet, cross into Laos and catch an International bus to Da Nang.

Hire a 125cc bike for around 2000 baht a month and tour Vietnam for a few weeks finding hotels and watering holes en-route.

Pick up a Vietnam visa, 2,500 baht from the VN consulate here in KK tomorrow and a Laos visa at the border, actually two, as they are single entry.

Clarkson, May and the Hamster eat your hearts out....

See what you've started Papa.......

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Picking my VN visa up this afternoon and catching the 7am minivan to Mukdaharn-Savannakhet next Wednesday, then a "International bus" (whatever that means) to Da Nang.

Two options, hire a small bike for me and the missus, or buy something...some say rent others buy, we shall see what's what. If you are heading out that way in a month's time I may have a bike for sale.

Anyway, then we have up to a month to do Nam, probably start by heading north to Hanoi and the highlands, Chinese border and then see how my body stays together regarding Saigon. Maybe a train from HN to SG.....don't know.

Where to go, what to see, any tips would be welcome?

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