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Thailand: Impeachment vote a hot potato

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You westerners that defend the coup are mind boggling. You have an illegal entity, the junta, prosecuting a once legal entity for allegedly doing something illegal. They can't even get the basic legal terms right.

You're not seeing the big picture, nor the events that'll unravel in the future they're trying to prepare for. Can't compare it really to a typical western country's situation. Read between the lines. Was such a cesspool of graft under PTP there was no other way, nor with things transpiring...

Thai politics has always been a top a cesspool, at least before it was heading in the right direction. Democracy is the only disinfectant that will clean out scum, yet the military and the plutocracy don't want that, they want the corruption to continue, just with their unpopular snouts in the trough. In one form or another, PTP and Thaksin will be back, only when they are removed from power, by legitimate means (elections) will Thailand finally be on the road to open and honest governance, all of the coups and street mobs achieve nothing other than delaying the arrival of that longed for day.

Now let me get this straight what I think your trying to say is:

PTP & The Camel Turd In Dubai are Legitimate means linked to:




Street Mobs

Then "Yes" I fully agree with you on that !!!

No, he said they will be back. The only way to remove them is by legitimate means, elections. Coups are not legitimate and only make problems worse and the opposition stronger whether they be ethical or not.


"The ship is now moving, but in what direction no one knows; also, everyone should respect its destination," said the NLA member.

The senators are to be impeached because they proposed that the senate become a fully elected body.

That shows everyone in which direction the ship is moving.

No they are not.

They are being brought up for impeachment for the underhand and frankly illegal way in which they handled the changed bill which was agreed upon and passed at the first reading then passed by the house in the dead of night when the opposition had been told to go home and the way they manipulated the senate to get the altered bill passed.

You know that but still you persist in posting the same bias garbage.

Illegal - describes everything that the PAD, Yellow Shirts, Pitak Siam, PDRC, Democrats, Military, Elites and Ammart have done over the past decade in a single word. New Zealand would never tolerate or accept your views - no wonder you emigrated.

What a piss poor attempt at diversion you will have to do better than that if you want to join the ranks of the yingluck defenders.

Try posting the truth as I have done, but that would be against all principals of the reds.

Maybe you should get your facts straight and read the OP. The alleged "truth" you have posted refers to the amnesty bill, while the OP refers to the bill that was passed in Sept 2013. But, never pass up an opportunity to bring up the “dead of the night” phrase, one of the most overused and tired phrases on Thaivisa.

Try posting accurate facts, but that would be against all principals of the yellows.


Tell you what baerboxer.

You keep sprouting that the PTP isn't popular yet they win time and time again and the only tactics the yellows have is conspiracy with the military to force the PTP out because they can't accept loss.

Well put your general up for PM and abhisit for deputy against Thaksin and Yingluck

We all know the PTP would wipe them out of politics forever!

The General has already said Thaksin is welcome to come back and stand for PM.

He must also face his charges in court first (like Abhisit + Suthep have done). If he is innocent, he is free to come back and prove it. Or do you think he is above the law ?.

Your posts show you really don't quite know what is actually going on do you ?. If only the real world worked as simply as your brain does, life would be mush easier. I think the phrase "Better to keep quiet and be thought and idiot rather than speak and remove all doubt" was written for you. The only effect these childish rants have is to show the rest of us the mentality of the average Thaksin supporter.

Hope you enjoyed your free doughnuts.

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Tell you what baerboxer.

You keep sprouting that the PTP isn't popular yet they win time and time again and the only tactics the yellows have is conspiracy with the military to force the PTP out because they can't accept loss.

Well put your general up for PM and abhisit for deputy against Thaksin and Yingluck

We all know the PTP would wipe them out of politics forever!

Good point. They are pretty violent! Nicely done buying votes and preying/oppressing poor rural farmers as a base for supporters. Rock on Red shirt supporters with complexes!


Ah englishjohn yet another who reduces himself to schoolyard little boy insults when he has no answers .

I don't insult people like your ilk.

What you fail to realise is that any court case which is politically motivated and the military are in place or have allowed the yellow dems to run the show will always be seen as tainted bias and a kangaroo court.

People are now realising that the impeachment case against Yingluck is exactly the same.


Look I liked Yingluck, but on consideration, I think she needs to be impeached to set an example for other politicians. Unfortunately the impeachment proceedings will inevitably turn into a political pig circus. What is needed in Thailand is an impartial and trusted judiciary that can arbitrate the proceedings, but the current judiciary is tainted.

It seems that almost all Thai infrastructure and large ticket government purchases and subsidies seem to be set up to deliberately facilitate corruption. Yingluck herself didn't make any money out of the scheme, and indeed there is no suggestion of this at all. Even so for her to sign her name to a scheme with such untold opportunities for fraud was dereliction of duty, in my opinion.

I noticed also in the discussions following the 2011 floods the Yingluck government were planning to borrow 340 billion baht or so for flood control. Usually when budget setting you decide what you need to do and then cost it out and that is the budget. But in the case for flood control, they set the budget before they even knew what work was to be done...you can be sure that a good many ministers and permanent secretaries were salivating at the prospect of their piece of the pie. In Thailand it is estimated that between 33% and 50% of government expenditure on large infrastructure projects like this goes in graft...so we were looking at over a 100 billion baht in pay-offs....the country simply cannot afford to go on like this.

While I can see the clear need for an expansion of the railways, I have fears that these massive proposed railway projects with China, Korea and Japan, will have huge opportunities for payoffs to the relevant ministerial departments and civil 'servants' who award the contracts and oversee the implementation. I fully expect, (like I see on all the new roads that are being repaired within months of them opening) that they will be built with sub-standard materials and go to massive cost overruns, and the end project may well be left to rot as so many projects seem to be in Thailand. I certainly don't expect a functioning railway network anyway, let alone a high-speed one.

In this rice scheme case, the actual rice farmers got very little out of this scheme but the hi-so cartel that have the monopoly on rice exports must have made billions of baht if the figures we have seen are true. But there are reports of truckloads of rice being imported from Cambodia and then flogged to the government at 15000, yes they had to bribe the customs people, but I'm sure managed to make a huge profit. I would be happy if the new government would prosecute those who abused the scheme.


Tell you what baerboxer.

You keep sprouting that the PTP isn't popular yet they win time and time again and the only tactics the yellows have is conspiracy with the military to force the PTP out because they can't accept loss.

Well put your general up for PM and abhisit for deputy against Thaksin and Yingluck

We all know the PTP would wipe them out of politics forever!

Parrott - PTP have only contested one general election and received the largest minority vote. They subsequently lost the "guaranteed to win" Dong Meuang by-election and the "guaranteed to win even with a telephone poll standing" election for BKK governor. The Shin sister who stood for election in Chiang Mai, when her driver resigned after her corruption ban was served won but with a reduced majority, which was less than the driver previously received.

The Shins do well when their party goons can intimidate, coerce and bribe votes - in whole sections of the community. Without that they couldn't win diddly squat.

Maybe the great Thai public have got tired of the dog and pony show and are at last looking for some real politicians - ones actually capable of doing the job and not self serving. Hard to find.


These reports are like scare tactics. Trying to make the NLA think twice about doing anything or nothing at all. Instead they should be focusing on justice for the crimes against the people and the Gov and making sure justice is served no matter what others think or threaten.

So what if one group is not happy as long as justice was served. These people use and abuse their position with the people to twist laws, threaten and harass groups who enforce laws simply with their numbers. The news should be reporting their threats as intimidation against justice seekers and their parties should be disbanded and their leaders banned from speaking any politics or from re-forming any more political groups.

The one group who will not be happy just happens to be the majority of Thais, this is why the imbecilic impeachment attempt is a hot potato; nobody knows if it will be the straw that breaks the camels back in regards to just how much the good people of Thailand will tolerate from these greedy thugs. You cannot disband and silence and entire population. Don't worry too much though, justice is coming to those who deserve it for generations of criminality against the people of Thailand.

The majority of Thai's did not vote for PTP, or support the crude attempt to whitewash PTP's criminal owner of his crimes. So why would the majority be against impeaching 2 politicians responsible for underhand illegal manipulations of the system in an attempt to get an illegally changed bill passed through without allowing the opposition to vote?

More examples of Shin democracy.

As for the never attending but willing to travel puppet PM/DM - taking negligence to new heights.

Stop spreading the lie the majority support PTP - too many of us have been here long enough to remember the large minority that voted for them at the last election and their performance at subsequent "safe" elections in which they bombed.

No but even the simplest mind can notice a kangaroo court when its as obvious as this.

The system to bring this to a court/impeachment isn't legitimate, unbiased and barely legal.

In the same way that Tarit and Chalerm used to invent crimes and threatening legal actions in defense of the Shins.

The whole legal system here suffers from unclear laws, loopholes deliberately left in laws, too much "discretion", and a legal profession that is somewhat unique.

It's like watching a Gilbert and Sullivan opera without the music and singing.

However, none of that diminishes the transgressions committed by some of the previous government.


These reports are like scare tactics. Trying to make the NLA think twice about doing anything or nothing at all. Instead they should be focusing on justice for the crimes against the people and the Gov and making sure justice is served no matter what others think or threaten.

So what if one group is not happy as long as justice was served. These people use and abuse their position with the people to twist laws, threaten and harass groups who enforce laws simply with their numbers. The news should be reporting their threats as intimidation against justice seekers and their parties should be disbanded and their leaders banned from speaking any politics or from re-forming any more political groups.

The one group who will not be happy just happens to be the majority of Thais, this is why the imbecilic impeachment attempt is a hot potato; nobody knows if it will be the straw that breaks the camels back in regards to just how much the good people of Thailand will tolerate from these greedy thugs. You cannot disband and silence and entire population. Don't worry too much though, justice is coming to those who deserve it for generations of criminality against the people of Thailand.

The majority of Thai's did not vote for PTP, or support the crude attempt to whitewash PTP's criminal owner of his crimes. So why would the majority be against impeaching 2 politicians responsible for underhand illegal manipulations of the system in an attempt to get an illegally changed bill passed through without allowing the opposition to vote?

More examples of Shin democracy.

As for the never attending but willing to travel puppet PM/DM - taking negligence to new heights.

Stop spreading the lie the majority support PTP - too many of us have been here long enough to remember the large minority that voted for them at the last election and their performance at subsequent "safe" elections in which they bombed.

No but even the simplest mind can notice a kangaroo court when its as obvious as this.

The system to bring this to a court/impeachment isn't legitimate, unbiased and barely legal.

In the same way that Tarit and Chalerm used to invent crimes and threatening legal actions in defense of the Shins.

The whole legal system here suffers from unclear laws, loopholes deliberately left in laws, too much "discretion", and a legal profession that is somewhat unique.

It's like watching a Gilbert and Sullivan opera without the music and singing.

However, none of that diminishes the transgressions committed by some of the previous government.

I don't disagree, but when the NLA is derived from pure appointment and is so pro army it has even less legitimacy than the bunch before.

Promising to be independent when you are completely unaccountable and provably allied is a very bad starting point.

I have said it dozens of time here. The issue isn't the parties, the politicians or the army. The issue is a bent, political judiciary.

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