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How to Catch a Cheater?


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Thai ladies don't seem to regard having a sexual relationship with another man as cheating. It is is more 'the done thing' in Thailand

Ive heard some funny lines from married thai ladies

"Im married mister but when im single again me and you is ok"

later on when i took her out to dinner

"Im married mister but me and you is ok"


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i have zero tolerance with girls messing me around.

if there is no trust you are wasting your time.

get rid and find someone you can trust. there are plenty out there.

Really?? I don't disagree with you that there are plenty out there, but a farang here, finding a thai partner, someone they can trust is not so easy. Many factors involved, and unless you chose or aim within your means, it will be a challenge.

If they don't remove themselves from dating sites, facebook etc, they will always be targets.

Who loves putting pics of themselves more than thai females..!!!!


You definitely hit the 8 ball on that comment.....


Somehow thais are fascinated with facebook.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't dump her, just cheat back.

Cheating is a Thai national pastime, good for all ages and all social classes.

Best answer so far, Thais are the worst cheaters in the world, any chance they have to get laid they go for it, no exceptions.

Which is more immoral, cheating on someone or making generalized condemnations of an entire country's population? Just wondering...sick.gif

I'm sorry but your story just does not ad up.

Too many holes- too many inconsistencies- too much hypocrisy- too many uninformed statements.

Turning your back on (and denouncing) the US- while at the same time having not been there in 20 years- and at the same time saying Thailand is this great Panacea, coupled with little to no experience here - it makes a person wonder!

The US is one of the best countries in the world. The education and opportunities it offers trumps these third world banana republics in spades.

People in Thailand are trapped like rats. Zero access in a Feudal reality.

Maybe you could take a moment from your busy schedule of being satisfied and satiated with the fruits the few dollars has bought you here and consider the plight of the indigenous.

The retired expat such as yourself- maybe can't see any of that. You're still in the honeymoon phase.

You can enjoy your retirement here- but try to remember the only reason you can be here with your uniformed opinions is because the infrastructure and the typology of the country you seem to despise so much, has given you these gifts.


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Thai ladies don't seem to regard having a sexual relationship with another man as cheating. It is is more 'the done thing' in Thailand

Ive heard some funny lines from married thai ladies

"Im married mister but when im single again me and you is ok"

later on when i took her out to dinner

"Im married mister but me and you is ok"


I reckon some people are looking for girls in the wrong places

They are not all bad unfortunately most of u think with our Hamptons rather than our brains

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't dump her, just cheat back.

Cheating is a Thai national pastime, good for all ages and all social classes.

Best answer so far, Thais are the worst cheaters in the world, any chance they have to get laid they go for it, no exceptions.

Which is more immoral, cheating on someone or making generalized condemnations of an entire country's population? Just wondering...sick.gif

I'm sorry but your story just does not ad up.

Too many holes- too many inconsistencies- too much hypocrisy- too many uninformed statements.

Turning your back on (and denouncing) the US- while at the same time having not been there in 20 years- and at the same time saying Thailand is this great Panacea, coupled with little to no experience here - it makes a person wonder!

The US is one of the best countries in the world. The education and opportunities it offers trumps these third world banana republics in spades.

People in Thailand are trapped like rats. Zero access in a Feudal reality.

Maybe you could take a moment from your busy schedule of being satisfied and satiated with the fruits the few dollars has bought you here and consider the plight of the indigenous.

The retired expat such as yourself- maybe can't see any of that. You're still in the honeymoon phase.

You can enjoy your retirement here- but try to remember the only reason you can be here with your uniformed opinions is because the infrastructure and the typology of the country you seem to despise so much, has given you these gifts.


Before I read this last post of yours I was getting ready to tell you that your story is full of holes.

I don't believe a lot of your claims -- like being able to read and write Thai, but at the same time despising Thai people.

It doesn't add up. As a career linguist certified in three Asian languages plus Russian, it's not difficult to see thru your


Also, your power of reasoning is sorely lacking. As a citizen of a nation that has cherished its freedoms for more than

200 years, when those freedoms get hijacked, I have every right, even a responsibility, to speak out against such wrongs

-- such as America becoming a police state. I certainly don't despise America, I spent my entire working career in DOD,

and I do have every right to speak out when the issues warrant.

Lots of American don't know what patriotism is and have the mistaken idea that patriotism means accepting whatever the

government does as okay, (like mindless sheep). They spend all their time talking about the United States is the greatest

country ever invented in the history of the planet, but don't have enough basic awareness of the world around them to see

that many of our cherished Constitutional rights have been hijacked.

You talk about being trapped like rats -- I think people like you and so many TVers come here with all their fake superiority

complexes and when they find that their excess baggage of alien ideas don't fit into a more mature and easy-going Asian

society, they become alienated and instead of blaming themselves for this "misfit" they blame Thais, the whole country.

As I've said numerous times before, the most despicable, troublesome people I've encountered in Thailand since April 1962

are the farangs with their know-it-all attitudes. They get their panties in a knot due to their inability to accept a simple reality

-- Thais have quite often got their sh*t together much more than the farangs.

I had a Brit coworker in Bangkok 15 yrs ago, married to a beautiful Thai wife, a real lady, college educated and spoke better

English than he did (she could pronounce final R's). They had 2 beautiful children and owned a beautiful house in Bangkok.

He seemed like a nice guy with an idyllic family.

One day I asked him if he had studied Thai. He said, "What? Do you think I want to learn to be stupid like Thais. Why would

I want to study Thai?" After that I never talked to the dumb b***ard again.

You make wild, baseless assumptions, but couldn't be farther from reality. You said, "Maybe you could take a moment from

your busy schedule of being satisfied and satiated with the fruits the few dollars has bought you here and consider the plight

of the indigenous."

For your information, my last assignment before retirement included reporting on the plight of minorities in northern Burma

and Thailand. I worked that job for 8 years. The author of "The Vanishing Tribes of Burma" is a personal friend of mine.

It's fairly obvious that your bloated ego, your poor reasoning powers, and your negative attitude along with your frustration

of not fitting into Thai culture, have turned you into a cynical old TV coot. That much I understand, but when you encounter

someone with a much deeper knowledge of the history and culture and language evidently your ego is threatened.

It's too bad you are trapped in a country whose people and culture you despise, but I think you have done it to yourself.

Edited by BradinAsia
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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't dump her, just cheat back.

Cheating is a Thai national pastime, good for all ages and all social classes.

Best answer so far, Thais are the worst cheaters in the world, any chance they have to get laid they go for it, no exceptions.

Which is more immoral, cheating on someone or making generalized condemnations of an entire country's population? Just wondering...sick.gif

It's pathetic dude. You should just give up. You know jack shit about Thailand.

Guys that have been here two weeks are more clued in.

With your words you have proven that and so much more!

You can't un-prove stupid talk.

Maybe your book should be titled, "The Lost Tribes of Stupid Old Feeble Dude Living in the Changwat"

You can't redeem yourself from the stupid shit you have written here.

Maybe you should ask your wife about Thai Culture. I'm sure she would clue you right in. yeah right!

You are all that is wrong with this country.

One more dufus that's begging to be a Thai apologist.

oh man!


Edited by bobthomas
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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

Because you have no Thai friends that have clued you in to the way things are. You have a long way to go my friend!

A very very long way!


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't dump her, just cheat back.

Cheating is a Thai national pastime, good for all ages and all social classes.

Best answer so far, Thais are the worst cheaters in the world, any chance they have to get laid they go for it, no exceptions.

Which is more immoral, cheating on someone or making generalized condemnations of an entire country's population? Just wondering...sick.gif

It's pathetic dude. You should just give up. You know jack shit about Thailand.

Guys that have been here two weeks are more clued in.

With your words you have proven that and so much more!

You can't un-prove stupid talk.

Maybe your book should be titled, "The Lost Tribes of Stupid Old Feeble Dude Living in the Changwat"

You can't redeem yourself from the stupid shit you have written here.

Maybe you should ask your wife about Thai Culture. I'm sure she would clue you right in. yeah right!

You are all that is wrong with this country.

One more dufus that's begging to be a Thai apologist.

oh man!


Bob, you've lost it. Why don't you just admit it and give up. You are starting to babble and show your

insecurities. What a dumb-axx. My wife is Asian, but not Thai.

It's not my book, dumb-axx -- you should learn to read. I said the author is a personal friend of mine

(see atch). And, you imply that buying full coverage car insurance was some kind of big deal. What a

fricken joke. It was about as difficult for me as topping up my cell phone at 7-11.

You've already proven that you're the one who doesn't know squat about Thailand. If you really want

to pick an argument you should pick it with someone at least as clueless as you are. Otherwise you

just look like a lost bumbling imbecile in front of all your fellow TV-ers.


Edited by BradinAsia
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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

You said you were going to write a book- I thought you might need a title.

With many people in Thailand (and worldwide apparently) operating at the cognitive level of a five year old (such as yourself) it should be a best seller.


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Say what????

Somebody sends your girlfriend an English language text message and right away it's grounds for breaking up?

How do you know it wasn't the TrueVisions repair man or even the girlfriend's sister who left the "sorry I missed your call" msg?

I would guess it was the post man, which brought the phonebill to be paid by you !!

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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

Supposedly 300 short time hotels in CM, somebody must be using them.

And it isn't you white guys!

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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

Supposedly 300 short time hotels in CM, somebody must be using them.

And it isn't you white guys!

Maybe it is Brad!!!

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Good god,

Western small town middle class morality is alive and well in Thailand.

You're in Asia, everyone plays around, all the time, you ain't gonna stop 'em playing.

1) Abstain, 2) learn to share, 3) go crazy.

Those are your only choices out here.

Most western dudes seem to choose option 3.

Wow, you have a wire planted on every Thai adult in Thailand so you can absolutely prove that everyone

plays around all the time. That must be one humongously expensive undertaking.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that Asians are somehow more promiscuous than non-Asians I'd

have to say is a huge crock of bull hockey.

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot even begin to substantiate such wild malarkey.

Thai men are ranked on top and their women are ranked second as the world’s most unfaithul [sic] lovers, with well over half of them admitting to frequent infidelity, according to a survey conducted by Durex, a condom producer.

Women from Thailand are ranked the world’s second most unfaithul [sic] lovers, according to the survey report.

The survey of 29,000 women in 36 countries names the women of Ghana the world’s most unfaithful, with 62 per cent of the women questioned there admitting they often cheat on their boyfriends and husbands.

Thai women were just a little more faithful, with 59 per cent admitting to infidelity, followed by Malaysia with 39 per cent.

In fourth and fifth place were Russia (33 per cent) and Singapore (19 per cent).

As for men admitting to extramarital affairs, Thailand came out on top (54 per cent) followed by South Korea (34 per cent) and then Malaysia (33 per cent).

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