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Thailand to celebrate close relations with North Korea


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Isn't that ironic! Haha. What in god's name are they going to 'invest' in? Sad human labor camps and starvation, massive power outages, gulag level prisons... what the heck?! It'd have to be a really oppressive or corrupt business scheme. Well, the perfect yin yang.

I believe this is a win-win situation for both parties. NK will be able to help the Junta with their PR problems and provide outsourcing for 'reeducation" in exchange for large amounts of rotting rice that nobody else in the world would touch with a bargepole.

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Remember the wows: For better or worse!!

Time for you to stand by your man!!whistling.gif

I don't stand by anyone.

I say what is right and I say what is wrong, without wearing blinkers as many members do.

I support this man because he is changing Thailand for better.

For the past 7 years I've been living here, this country has been robbed and abused by unworthy politicians.

either their name is Siwanatra or Adhisit.

There is nobody of any worth to replace them.

and although I will never be able to vote here.....I want Thailand to do better.

Up to now he seems he is doing all right.

Mistakes will always take place, after all he is only human.

But he is a patriot and loves his country.

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Remember the wows: For better or worse!!

Time for you to stand by your man!!whistling.gif

I don't stand by anyone.

I say what is right and I say what is wrong, without wearing blinkers as many members do.

I support this man because he is changing Thailand for better.

For the past 7 years I've been living here, this country has been robbed and abused by unworthy politicians.

either their name is Siwanatra or Adhisit.

There is nobody of any worth to replace them.

and although I will never be able to vote here.....I want Thailand to do better.

Up to now he seems he is doing all right.

Mistakes will always take place, after all he is only human.

But he is a patriot and loves his country.

Is getting into bed with Kym really changing Thailand for better?

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Remember the wows: For better or worse!!

Time for you to stand by your man!!whistling.gif

I don't stand by anyone.

I say what is right and I say what is wrong, without wearing blinkers as many members do.

I support this man because he is changing Thailand for better.

For the past 7 years I've been living here, this country has been robbed and abused by unworthy politicians.

either their name is Siwanatra or Adhisit.

There is nobody of any worth to replace them.

and although I will never be able to vote here.....I want Thailand to do better.

Up to now he seems he is doing all right.

Mistakes will always take place, after all he is only human.

But he is a patriot and loves his country.

But he is a patriot and loves his country.

It might come as a surprise to you, but it is possible to be a patriot and love your country, without being an ultra-royalist on the far right!!

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Remember the wows: For better or worse!!

Time for you to stand by your man!!whistling.gif

I don't stand by anyone.

I say what is right and I say what is wrong, without wearing blinkers as many members do.

I support this man because he is changing Thailand for better.

For the past 7 years I've been living here, this country has been robbed and abused by unworthy politicians.

either their name is Siwanatra or Adhisit.

There is nobody of any worth to replace them.

and although I will never be able to vote here.....I want Thailand to do better.

Up to now he seems he is doing all right.

Mistakes will always take place, after all he is only human.

But he is a patriot and loves his country.

Is getting into bed with Kym really changing Thailand for better?
snuggling up with possibly the most dangerous lunatic on the planet is not exactly changing Thailand for the better. Maybe he wants the plans for nuclear weapons or wants to borrow a couple of those Nth Korean dogs for his attitude adjustment factories.
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Thai Embassy in North Korea? Sounds great. I would like to do my next visa run there.

Great idea. No problem to get a DPRK visa. But you have to go in a tour party, well guided, by the way. No individual tourism allowed. And it's the hell of expensive, but will give you an original picture of the country. Great contrast to the image our so called free media vomit around...

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One pariah state welcoming a nascent pariah state to the fold. Perhaps the Korean military can assist the Thai government with dissent suppression. This move shows the current non elected government not to have the interests of the Thai in mind.

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"Wisanu also thanked North Korea for understanding Thailand’s political situation and acknowledging the legitimacy of the junta government."

Fast becoming peas in a pod.

There's not much ingenuity in Asian Politics. Or Human Rights. Or gender equality. Not to mention the Xenaphobia...

Easy to see the parallels. wai2.gifwai.gif

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Thailand working out how much it can sell North Korean refugees back to North Korea for or, at least, squeezing more money out of South Korea in the good ol' game of playing one power off against another.

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When the coup happened 9 out of 10 Thai visa forum members supported it remember? Get rid of those awful Shinawatras. Now look what youv'e got. 8 months later and practically nothing that was promised has been achieved. Beaches cleared (they're back) taxis still up to thier old tricks, this lot can't even control the price of a bloody lottery ticket!. For them to even contemplate closer ties with that awful repressive regime shows their mindset.

Bring back democracy, even if it means Yingluck and her rice schemes.

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This is a NotTheNation article. Right?

Oh dear, if true, this gives a good indication of the direction this government, and hence, this nation, is headed.

And we thought 'The Interview' was fantasy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by WhizBang
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No where in the article does it say what the title claims. Very bad and dishonest article.

"Thailand to celebrate close relations with North Korea.":

The military junta is preparing to hold a celebration to mark the 40th anniversary of Thailand’s and North Korea's diplomatic relations while North Korea has proposed that Thailand opens an embassy in its capital.

In the meantime, he will assign a related organization to organize an event to celebrate their relationship.


Edited by iReason
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