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My adopted daughter is 10 years old. She hasn't been menstruating yet. She got an idea of taking contraceptives in order to start menstruating and she would like her breasts to start growing. She is complaining that her chest is almost flat, which I think is perfectly normal for her age.

I read that small estrogen doses indeed may speed up development, however I would like to discourage her taking the contraceptives. I have no idea if she took them once, or taking them regularly.

My questions:

1) What is likely to happen if she took it once?

2) What is likely to happen if she is taking it regularly?

3) Is there anything like medicines or natural (including food supplements) that she may take or should I really try to discourage her? (Mind she is really stubborn.)


Thanks Sheryl,I agree with your suggestions. Will try to do that.

What is your opinion about http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/delayed-puberty ? "However, short courses of sex hormones are an option if delayed growth and puberty are causing psychological distress. CDGP in girls: gradually increasing doses of oestrogen treatment, with cyclical progesterone therapy once adequate oestrogen levels have been achieved."

I just did a bit of research, and read that contraceptives indeed may delay the development and menstrual periods.

However, considering the quote above it might be that some contraceptives may actually do what she has in mind, depending on the specific ingredients?

She was also referring to taking a part of a pill, I think a half or one fourth.

Also I read that estrogen in form of ethinyl estradiol can be used for that purpose. However all contraceptives that got it contain as well another ingredient.


What is going to happen is that if she starts taking it, she's going mess with her hormone balance which is very dangerous and usually have several adverse effects. The body controls the hormones and messing with nature leads to trouble. But she's only ten and she won't understand it. Also if you tell her no, she's going to do it anyway.

So just do some research on the negative effects of taking hormones and read the long list to her. Show her pictures of mentally challenged people who were dumb enough to do it and then faced the consequences. Then tell her that she can do what she wants. But this is what's going to happen.


Ten? Shise, i was still playing with my barbie dolls at ten!

I started my period at 13 and hated it for the next 30 years. Let her be a little girl and let nature do the rest. Never mess around with the pill until she is of an age to be having sex, and even then insist on condoms.

I guess when you are ten being twelve or thirteen seems very very far away.


She isn't playing barbie dolls. She got a tiny body but clever for her age, she can make research on the internet too.

I'm trying to be honest to her.

Would be interested in more input from Sheryl.


"Would be interested in more input"

Here's mine...

1. Where is her mother in all of this?

2. How can a clever 10-yo child out think and intimidate her adoptive father?

If she can get you to start doubting your skills as a father, and match you intellectually at 10 years of age, you are in for a very rough time.


"Would be interested in more input"

Here's mine...

1. Where is her mother in all of this?

2. How can a clever 10-yo child out think and intimidate her adoptive father?

If she can get you to start doubting your skills as a father, and match you intellectually at 10 years of age, you are in for a very rough time.

Another helpful poster for you blackion....if the poster doesn't know the answer to How can a clever 10-yo child out think her adoptive father ....then he has either never been a father, or its so ... so long ago.........

.(*and intimidate--) I certainly don't see any intimidation there, just the normal worries all kids (but especially girls ) have when reaching puberty.

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Thanks Sheryl,I agree with your suggestions. Will try to do that.

What is your opinion about http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/delayed-puberty ? "However, short courses of sex hormones are an option if delayed growth and puberty are causing psychological distress. CDGP in girls: gradually increasing doses of oestrogen treatment, with cyclical progesterone therapy once adequate oestrogen levels have been achieved."

I just did a bit of research, and read that contraceptives indeed may delay the development and menstrual periods.

However, considering the quote above it might be that some contraceptives may actually do what she has in mind, depending on the specific ingredients?

She was also referring to taking a part of a pill, I think a half or one fourth.

Also I read that estrogen in form of ethinyl estradiol can be used for that purpose. However all contraceptives that got it contain as well another ingredient.

For actual cases of delayed puberty, it is preferred to let nature take its course but if causing severe pyschological stress hormones can be tried. In which case the formulation would be different from contraceptive pills.

No way to do this with OCs. And no reputable doctor will prescribe the hormone regimen used for delayed puberty to a 10 year old.

Again, strongly urge putting the kibbosh on this thing, and firmly.


P.S but as you say she has a tiny body, and also likes to look things up on the internet, steer her towards googling "nutritional status age of puberty" and the like. Might encourage her to eat more. Also "breast size weigh gain" etc etc .

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