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What Is Appropriate Amount For Sinsod?


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I can't believe the amount of ppl who paid 'sinsod'

I'd also never heard of it until I read it here, I've been here 13 years now. Thais are like most ppl, if you give them money they'll take it.

Like so many other things here it's 'up to you'

You don't have to pay, plenty of Thais rich and poor don't pay.

Exactly!!!! :o

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I can't believe the amount of ppl who paid 'sinsod'

I'd also never heard of it until I read it here, I've been here 13 years now. Thais are like most ppl, if you give them money they'll take it.

Like so many other things here it's 'up to you'

You don't have to pay, plenty of Thais rich and poor don't pay.

Exactly!!!! :o

Ditto........ In my opinion, its rude to tell someone how much money they expect for their daughter, yes im from the west, but if your concerned about your partners tradition, you should place a value on your partner and put it forward.....

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I will be paying a sin-sot next year.

we have been married for 2 1/2 years,

And, I have finally come round to the idea of doing the traditional Thai wedding

100,000 baht is what was asked, no problems with that,

I was told I would be getting it back,

But have said to the in-laws to keep it, and pay off any debts,

If it brings there standard of life up a couple of rungs , then good for them.

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I can't believe the amount of ppl who paid 'sinsod'

I'd also never heard of it until I read it here, I've been here 13 years now. Thais are like most ppl, if you give them money they'll take it.

Like so many other things here it's 'up to you'

You don't have to pay, plenty of Thais rich and poor don't pay.

True, it's also called Mug Money.

IF you pay it, you've been mugged. :o

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I can't believe that people are actually mistaking a scam for a tradition. Helloooooooo!!! Wake up!!! That is a traditional scam, not a traditional tradition if I can put it this way :o

But at least this scam pays for a resident-vet to look after the herd of sick water buffaloes. :D

Templar, I paid a sin sod, and did get some of it back later. But those bundles of lucky-red bank-notes were good for 'face'. And my wife is priceless !

I would also observe that, compared to the on-going maintenance & servicing-costs of running a wife and family, the initial starter-price is merely a taster of things-to-come. Get used to it ! :D

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I can't believe that people are actually mistaking a scam for a tradition. Helloooooooo!!! Wake up!!! That is a traditional scam, not a traditional tradition if I can put it this way :o

the amount of money my future inlaws have spent on me makes my sinsot look like church change.

You may think its a scam like you think everything Thai is a scam, wake up and stop being so negative about things and your life will be alot better

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I can't believe that people are actually mistaking a scam for a tradition. Helloooooooo!!! Wake up!!! That is a traditional scam, not a traditional tradition if I can put it this way :o

the amount of money my future inlaws have spent on me makes my sinsot look like church change.

You may think its a scam like you think everything Thai is a scam, wake up and stop being so negative about things and your life will be alot better

Your in-laws have spent an amount on you to make 300,000 look like "church change"? If such is the case, it would seem that they are getting they are getting some of their own money returned to them from you, in the form of your generous dowery. Maybe you should up the dowery amount you are paying, so they get all their money back.

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I can't believe that people are actually mistaking a scam for a tradition. Helloooooooo!!! Wake up!!! That is a traditional scam, not a traditional tradition if I can put it this way :o

the amount of money my future inlaws have spent on me makes my sinsot look like church change.

You may think its a scam like you think everything Thai is a scam, wake up and stop being so negative about things and your life will be alot better

Your in-laws have spent an amount on you to make 300,000 look like "church change"? If such is the case, it would seem that they are getting they are getting some of their own money returned to them from you, in the form of your generous dowery. Maybe you should up the dowery amount you are paying, so they get all their money back.

Because I dont have the money to give them there money back, her father is the type of man who wont let anyone pay for the wedding but himself and always the type who goes abit over the top, the sinsot isnt really about the amount of money involved and is more to do with tradition. I choose to follow it, not everyone cup of tea, but thats your choice.

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A little story for you chew over:

I've got a mate in Chiang Mai who's just stumped up 200,000 bhat as a dowry for his future missus. At 27, she's the youngest of 9 kids. Her folks are about 80.

He's paying about another 200k for the wedding day + trimmings. He's got some cash from a house sale in the UK, her family is from a poor northern village. They've never given him anything in return (it seems that some family's hand it some of it/all back) and he has virtually nothing to do with the family (although upon a recent visit to the in-law's gaff he recently saw a photo of himself in a gold frame :o Just kidding.)

Anyway, he's been in Thailand for 2.5 years and thought of this payment as an Asian tradition - in the same way a 'dowry' is thought of in other Asian countries, such as India. He had no frame of reference for the amount to pay - his missus simply told him. He stumped up the cash without too much fuss - naturally, he loves the girl and thought this process as 'what people do around here'.

However, having read these posts about the amount being paid as well as whether one should even pay the requested amount at all, it does seems that maybe he's had the wool somewhat pulled over his eyes...

Do you reckon I should let him know about this, as maybe he has been taken for a mug? or simply let him live on in (hopefully) ignorant bliss? I'd tend to go with the 2nd option as it's really none of my business...

Any thoughts / reactions ?



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A little story for you chew over:

I've got a mate in Chiang Mai who's just stumped up 200,000 bhat as a dowry for his future missus. At 27, she's the youngest of 9 kids. Her folks are about 80.

He's paying about another 200k for the wedding day + trimmings. He's got some cash from a house sale in the UK, her family is from a poor northern village. They've never given him anything in return (it seems that some family's hand it some of it/all back) and he has virtually nothing to do with the family (although upon a recent visit to the in-law's gaff he recently saw a photo of himself in a gold frame :o Just kidding.)

Anyway, he's been in Thailand for 2.5 years and thought of this payment as an Asian tradition - in the same way a 'dowry' is thought of in other Asian countries, such as India. He had no frame of reference for the amount to pay - his missus simply told him. He stumped up the cash without too much fuss - naturally, he loves the girl and thought this process as 'what people do around here'.

However, having read these posts about the amount being paid as well as whether one should even pay the requested amount at all, it does seems that maybe he's had the wool somewhat pulled over his eyes...

Do you reckon I should let him know about this, as maybe he has been taken for a mug? or simply let him live on in (hopefully) ignorant bliss? I'd tend to go with the 2nd option as it's really none of my business...

Any thoughts / reactions ?



If he's been in Thailand 2.5 years he should know "where the cows ate the cabbage" on this, and other Thai "cultural issues". I wouldn't disturb his fantasy by telling him about reality. Hope he will be happy.

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In Thailand women are valued and payment is asked for a bride whatever the condition of the female.

In India a dowry is paid to the male.

In India female children are killed before birth because they are a burden to a poor family.

I would suggest that paying some sin sot is continuing to support the value of women in Thailand and is a good idea.

In the West sin sot is paid at the end of the marriage but the principle still applies.[/font]

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT about paying at the end if not to her then to the vultures otherwise known as cheapest divorce solicitors in my area £175 + vat an hour toatl expected cost £4500 + each!

and this is without kids as we have none

how do they sleep at night

probably very nicely and easily on their expensive pillows designers in the designer pad

thank god for the quickie divorce online £45 and £330 court fees plus £50 for degree absolute

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