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BBC News Channel- A look at whether Thailand's spiritual reputation is under threat from ....


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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

I'm with him on that, and not you.

I've not encountered much in the way of "spirituality" amongst the Thais I know, or the ones I see, and I don't live in tourist areas.

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

imho the only spiritual reputation / good will Thailand does have - amidst corruption, poverty and prostitution - culminates out of the prominent community / presence / influence of Monks & the Wats. For one level, it is good to have as well. At least, there is - for what it is worth - a little bit of sanity despite country's major problems. Yet, having this bit of positive influence does not make any spiritual contribution to the masses. A blind sheep following is enforced.

Spirituality in Thai people, meaning outside of Monk community, seriously? I have spent time in a few temples from few hours to few days. Discourses are about good actions and behaviour. If living justly and helping others is considered all things Spirituality and not common sense, then yeah, they do talk about it there. But does it make much difference anyway to people's daily routine - look around. Boozing, partying, mistreating women, prostitution & butterflying, all continues strongly.

Oh and fake show-off about financial stature, it is ridiculous. Considering the living expenses & average salaries - how people live week to week in rented single rooms, or just basic houses, still unfailingly giving good bahts to build / repair Wats. I mean it is alright to contribute towards religion n temples etc - if you have enough already - but for the sake of what other people will comment if you don't give donation, is a fail, just fake.

I have more stories / experiences from staying at the temples n those have not been encouraging either.

Besides I can count number of local people in several different provinces - who even knew about Buddha's origins, & his life, let alone his principles - on one hand - all since past 5 years. Most didn't knew, didn't care, would just smile, n cut off at a mere mention of Buddha's teachings, meditation practices, etc. It is sad. So much for following buddhism and pursuing spirituality.

On an optimistic note, I feel Monks are the shepherds and mentors in this beautiful country and the day they decide to get real active & straighten thai people up, just then situation will improve. Not sooner.

Id agree with all of that but dump words like spirituality...they have no meaning at all and it doesnt need a monk to straighten out Thai society or any promises of life after death, people are obsessed with immortality cling desperately to their religions with zero sense.

Edited by kannot
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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

I would put most of the Chinese in SE Asia, and a large number of the Malay elite in Indonesia and Malaysia, in that basket too. Any country where corruption is part and parcel of getting what you want seems to breed that mentality. It's a stereotype, granted, but no more so than lumping all Thais in with the likes of Thaksin.

Given that the Muslims in the aforementioned countries seem to find no hypocrisy in the fact that they've stolen from others - and that's what corruption amounts to - I suspect that we might be holding some Thai Buddhists (and Chinese Hindus) to an unrealistic set of expectations. Spirituality is great on a full stomach - unless you're a monk or similarly dedicated, not so hot otherwise.

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

I agree with you 100%, they are Money, Money, Money. Number One and will do anything to get it.u

But what would I know I have only been here for 23 Years.whistling.gif

Money is only the means to an aim......how to acquire money, well, thats what matters.....the good and the bad are easy to see....

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My wife gets up at 5.30 everyday and gives food to the monks who come by. Most the neighbours do the same. I saw them yesterday as I was getting home at the same time. She and her friends spent the night of hogmany in a temple praying.

All this nonsense about money, ghosts and afterlife. These are facts not why people go to the temple. Many come from poor backgrounds and know what it's like to be hungry. Ghosts are. Reincarnation happens. Perhaps some here have such a closed mind or blind belief to what they were told in the West that they can't see spirituality if it bit them in the arse.

I could criticize some aspects of Thai Buddhism but am not going to. There are many religious and ritualistic practices but many pure spiritual happening in everyday life.

One's soul or mind or inner being or whatever you want to call the spiritual aspect has to be open before it can perceive the spiritual world. Even in central Bangkok I've seen it but in places like Pattaya, pretty impossible.

There is something there that cannot be sensed by the egocentric mind. Like a bat has never seen the moon but relies upon it. I depend on electricity but have never seen it. Thai people depend on something most Westerners can't even begin to understand. Atheists get so worked up about the word "God", a concept that, not only is something they don't believe exists, but they haven't ever even glimpsed the essence of what the it actually is.

I have no idea what my roti selling Burmese neighbour is up to spiritually but can see joy and peace shine out f him. The cowman who sells me shit once a week has the same aura but gotten by a totally different faith.

Sadly, most of the whiteys here live on a pink cloud when coming to Thailand but when they fall off, they start criticizing the Thais as they are secretly what they would like to be like. Change your mind, smile and accept all and that pink cloud can be permanent.

Edited by Neeranam
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giving without expecting a return is non existent in thailand..going to the temple to make merit is only done with the expectation of getting something in return.But like all religions,mostly its all just lip service.

What an unbelievable broad untrue generalization. I can understand if you live on Samui.

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

Of course I've been in temples, but I've never spent fake religious time in temples. I hope I'm smarter than that.

There is corruption everywhere in Thailand including in the temples. It's all about the money.

Money, corruption, greed, money, corruption... This is the real Thailand if you don't watch your butt.

Wow, you've never spent any time in a temple, yet are smarter than all the monks in Thailand.

May I ask what you do on a daily basis to improve your spiritual life, apart from your craving for writing on TV to get likes from similarly, spiritually bankrupt people?

Edited by Neeranam
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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

I agree with you 100%, they are Money, Money, Money. Number One and will do anything to get it.

But what would I know I have only been here for 23 Years.whistling.gif

And what did you do before coming to Thailand? Work every day for fun?

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giving without expecting a return is non existent in thailand..going to the temple to make merit is only done with the expectation of getting something in return.But like all religions,mostly its all just lip service.

What an unbelievable broad untrue generalization. I can understand if you live on Samui.

dont judge too quickly neeranam................somewhere in the middle of what i said is definitely true,and has nothing to do with me living on samui.

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My wife gets up at 5.30 everyday and gives food to the monks who come by. Most the neighbours do the same. I saw them yesterday as I was getting home at the same time. She and her friends spent the night of hogmany in a temple praying.

All this nonsense about money, ghosts and afterlife. These are facts not why people go to the temple. Many come from poor backgrounds and know what it's like to be hungry. Ghosts are. Reincarnation happens. Perhaps some here have such a closed mind or blind belief to what they were told in the West that they can't see spirituality if it bit them in the arse.

I could criticize some aspects of Thai Buddhism but am not going to. There are many religious and ritualistic practices but many pure spiritual happening in everyday life.

One's soul or mind or inner being or whatever you want to call the spiritual aspect has to be open before it can perceive the spiritual world. Even in central Bangkok I've seen it but in places like Pattaya, pretty impossible.

There is something there that cannot be sensed by the egocentric mind. Like a bat has never seen the moon but relies upon it. I depend on electricity but have never seen it. Thai people depend on something most Westerners can't even begin to understand. Atheists get so worked up about the word "God", a concept that, not only is something they don't believe exists, but they haven't ever even glimpsed the essence of what the it actually is.

I have no idea what my roti selling Burmese neighbour is up to spiritually but can see joy and peace shine out f him. The cowman who sells me shit once a week has the same aura but gotten by a totally different faith.

Sadly, most of the whiteys here live on a pink cloud when coming to Thailand but when they fall off, they start criticizing the Thais as they are secretly what they would like to be like. Change your mind, smile and accept all and that pink cloud can be permanent.

No proof for ghosts or afterlife, you want to prove it go ahead publish your scientific paper, until then its where it belongs in the nonsense category.

Oh yes the "closed mind youll never know comeback" I dont think so, better just than the gullible mind In my opinion.

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

I was at my Oz neighbour's house yesterday and his Thai wife announced she was off out the back to pray by the pool. 'For what?' I asked. 'Good luck'. As expected. I then asked 'What's with all the clay chickens up at the local temple scattered around the statues of various Thai kings? 'People put the chickens there to ask for something and if they get it they give a real live chicken'. ... laugh.png

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Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

What a strange, negative response.

Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

Ever sent time in a temple?

I was at my Oz neighbour's house yesterday and his Thai wife announced she was off out the back to pray by the pool. 'For what?' I asked. 'Good luck'. As expected. I then asked 'What's with all the clay chickens up at the local temple scattered around the statues of various Thai kings? 'People put the chickens there to ask for something and if they get it they give a real live chicken'. ... laugh.png

exactly my point......thais always want something for nothing.

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