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Pheu Thai adviser gives thumbs up to Yingluck's defence

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Why should she even attend!

Her accusers and her judges have no legal status.The coup was illegal and by his own words Suthep and the general conspired months before the coup took place.

The generals and the junta open disdain of the Shinawatras is out in public for all to see so any decision handed down to anyone should be treated for what it is.


You clearly state that the Military, and by extensions the Courts, which have been legally endorsed and approved of by the highest person in this land, have no legal status.

So you are in effect criticizing not only the Military and the Courts, but the person that endorsed and approved of them.

Hope they don't read ThaiVisa and feel the need to make an example of any foreigners here. That "free thinking" you claim to have in other threads might come back to bite you in the ass.

But Tatsujin, would they bother purging a defective parrot ?


Yes why should she turn up and answer questions, she is likely to give the wrong answers.

Completely different from reading a statement prepared by the spin doctors.

A big risk, could show how little she really knows about what went on and stuff up the whole defense.

Why not just drop the whole thing in case she makes a fool of herself and anyway we need to appease the reds so they don't make trouble.

That all those billions have been lost as well as international confidence in Thai rice, and that the Thai people, including the farmers and their children will be paying for these losses for years to come has nothing to do with it.

That it will send a message to future politicians that they can do pretty much as they like or as little as they like with no chance of retribution, well so what, politicians are special arent they ? The law shouldn't apply to them, ordinary people should get down on their knees and worship them as they seem to think is their right.


Politicians are just people who have been put in a job by the people to do a job on their behalf, if they didnt do that job in a satisfactory manner they should be removed from that job and censured the way any other employee would be.

Stay strong NLA look at the facts of this and the other impeachment cases and judge them on the basis of law and the principals of right and wrong, don't be intimidated by talk of uprisings or setting back reconciliation for these are just side tracks by those with a political agenda.

If those who stand before you have broken the law or failed the country and the people by not doing the job they swore before the King that they would do, vote to impeach them for that is a part of the job that you have sworn to do.

Does that include the current PM who is hiding behind a self imposed amnesty for crimes committed, or just selective enforcement against those you don't like?

Can you and your mates not get over that stupidity ?

The coup happened it is a fact of life here we have to live with it and while it is a far from ideal situation it is better than the shootings and grenade throwing's that went on previously.

These people have been put in a situation of having to run the country under an interim constitution, they are at present looking at cases that have been brought before then which involve those who have transgressed against the people of this country and the law.

It is nothing to do with who you like or don't like it is about who has done or not done what, That the investigations against one group or party is now before the NLA only means that they have been found to be out of line and has nothing to do with any other cases that may be brought in the future, nothing to do with like or dislike.

I very much doubt that many or any of those in the NLA like what they are having to do at present for whatever way they decide they are going to be vilified and hated by some, would you like to be in that situation ?


We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why should she even attend!

Her accusers and her judges have no legal status.The coup was illegal and by his own words Suthep and the general conspired months before the coup took place.

The generals and the junta open disdain of the Shinawatras is out in public for all to see so any decision handed down to anyone should be treated for what it is.


I've asked you many times to look at the "bigger picture" and not allow yourself to be brainwashed by the Thaksin mythos. He is in no way, shape or form fighting for the poor or downtrodden within Thailand.

This article/press release (which I'm sure already you won't accept or agree with) from back in 2009 goes some way to explaining that "bigger picture":


Whew! Like conspiracy nutters around the world that screed must fill a deep need for Thaksin haters. The eyes glaze over when trying to separate any fact from wish fulfillment, although Thaksin's name was spelled correctly in several places.

What's obvious is that you all Thaksin haters are anxious to see anyone punished for your hate of Thaksin, and the "why" of that an enduring mystery by the way.

You desperate people longing for "justice" to be meted out seem to miss the obvious - the judicial goal posts are moved around like a Keystones Cop comedy to meet the ends of those pulling the strings and have been upon numerous occasions in the past year's comedy tragedy.

Which makes your cries for "justice" under the circumstances, because you couldn't of possibly missed the "judicial" farces, both misguided and more to the point just a call for revenge and worthy of no sympathetic ear.

  • Like 1

We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.


We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.

What is a 'fact of life here in Thailand' is the cycle of coups.

Previous coups have failed and are never 'held to account'.

This administration has whitewashed themselves and will not be accountable for any actions.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.

As the OP said: "as soon as you get over your hypocrisy".

Definition hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.



You have not presented ANY facts. Just biased opinions.

She is guilty as charged and must be punished.

However the punishment must take into account the current situation.

and that, is just YOUR biased opinion


We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.

What is a 'fact of life here in Thailand' is the cycle of coups.

Previous coups have failed and are never 'held to account'.

This administration has whitewashed themselves and will not be accountable for any actions.

..........................."This administration has whitewashed themselves and will not be accountable for any actions.".........................

Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean. We are witnessing Yingluck doing just that right now. clap2.gif


The problem with this is that it may result in serious unrest if YL is impeached so there's good reason not to proceed BUT on the other hand no proceedings sends out the message that for certain people here an excuse will always be found to exonerate them no matter what they have done or in YL's case didn't bother to do.

The whole mess is self-inflicted injury because of the way Thai society operates.

Maybe cut a deal with YL's lawyers, cut the trial short and impose a fine?

5 years, can't run for election. Where's the assurance there'll be an election in 5 years? Does Yingluck even want to run again?

The less publicity this gets the better for the general, even though I don't support the general or Yingluck. I'm just musing about the possibilities.

If the general puts the hammer to Yingluck he risks throwing Thailand into chaos. There are so many Thais who either aren't educated as to what has happened or don't care, but Yingluck is still very popular in many areas of the country.

Is that the (surreal) 'logic' then? 'Popular' wrongdoers and criminals should not be investigated, prosecuted, sentenced, fined, nor jailed? In the name of what, please? Treaths of violence, of 'chaos'? Menaces on a, chimerical, 'reconciliation'?

But not 'Democracy', nor 'Justice', for this time! Which, for once are not usurpated by the Shins, PTP, UDD and their mighty PR machine... Not a bad day after all then?

  • Like 1

I must admit, this time, there is some kind of 'logic' in the red propagandists' brigade's claim...

When there would not have been a 'coup' the misdeeds of the wrongdoers and crimes of the criminals among the Shins, PTP and UDD would never have been investigated, prosecuted, nor sentenced by any fine nor jailterm.

Ergo, as a consequence, because there has been a 'coup', it becomes unacceptable and illegal by itself to go after those wrongdoers and criminals, who should go free and benefit of a factual amnesty for their misdeeds and crimes.

This kind of 'logic' has a name, it's called: 'sophism', and the ones using it are: ...'sophists', which is a nicer name to call the more intellectual among the red propagandists by...


I must admit, this time, there is some kind of 'logic' in the red propagandists' brigade's claim...

When there would not have been a 'coup' the misdeeds of the wrongdoers and crimes of the criminals among the Shins, PTP and UDD would never have been investigated, prosecuted, nor sentenced by any fine nor jailterm.

Ergo, as a consequence, because there has been a 'coup', it becomes unacceptable and illegal by itself to go after those wrongdoers and criminals, who should go free and benefit of a factual amnesty for their misdeeds and crimes.

This kind of 'logic' has a name, it's called: 'sophism', and the ones using it are: ...'sophists', which is a nicer name to call the more intellectual among the red propagandists by...

Your claim that the coup would be the instrument to ensure investigation and prosecution of wrongdoers defies any logic. In fact there were ample provisions in the 2007 constitution to ensure wrongdoers would be investigated and prosecuted. Of course such action would be preformed with ample evidence.

The coup simply ensures they can be investigated and prosecuted without much in the way of evidence. And with self drafted amnesty to boot.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Stop, Take a deep breath and look what is really happening here. The NACC, an appointed body, is asking the NLA, a military appointed legislative body, to impeach and judge 38 elected senators, who through a largely elected parliament, tried to amend the undemocratic military constitution and make it more democratic by making changes that would see all senators chosen by the people. Elected officials accused and judged by a military appointed Kangaroo assembly on the recommendation of a Kangaroo independent body the NACC.


Stop clouding the issue as it is more to do with the fact of trying to ramrod through the legislation by a devious process.

You are wrong. Presenting the facts is not clouding the issue. Please provide a counter argument where your opinion is supported by facts that can be verified or continue with your drivel.Your choice.

Others who disagree with you have an 'opinion' (a wrong one of course), while what you say is not an 'opinion', it are 'the facts' (but not all the facts, just a selection more favourable to your(?) 'ideas' and a bit 'adapted' or 're-arranged' where needed)...

Where have we heard that kind of stuff before...?

Maybe have the modesty (honesty?) not to call it: 'what is really happening here'? As, IMO, whether you are misleading, or you don't have a clue...


I think the General can push to to any limit he likes. The people who are the farmers who support Yingluck - or previously did support her do not in such large numbers anymore. THEY GOT PAID. People are not so fired up nopw. They have settled down and the power behind the Red Armies are gone, gaoled or in hiding. They cannot stir the trouble like they did before.

Do I think they will make her suffer hardship? Does my opinion count? NO to both. I think this is a show trial to show that the Junta means business and they have TOTAL control of the country and Happiness is restored to the people.

These trials will be a farce just like everything else operating here.

The show goes on!


I must admit, this time, there is some kind of 'logic' in the red propagandists' brigade's claim...

When there would not have been a 'coup' the misdeeds of the wrongdoers and crimes of the criminals among the Shins, PTP and UDD would never have been investigated, prosecuted, nor sentenced by any fine nor jailterm.

Ergo, as a consequence, because there has been a 'coup', it becomes unacceptable and illegal by itself to go after those wrongdoers and criminals, who should go free and benefit of a factual amnesty for their misdeeds and crimes.

This kind of 'logic' has a name, it's called: 'sophism', and the ones using it are: ...'sophists', which is a nicer name to call the more intellectual among the red propagandists by...

Your claim that the coup would be the instrument to ensure investigation and prosecution of wrongdoers defies any logic. In fact there were ample provisions in the 2007 constitution to ensure wrongdoers would be investigated and prosecuted. Of course such action would be preformed with ample evidence.

The coup simply ensures they can be investigated and prosecuted without much in the way of evidence. And with self drafted amnesty to boot.

Unfortunately criminals have never been known to investigate themselves and find themselves guilty.

Just look at the PWO and their rice scheme investigation….Not one irregularity. Just look at the violence perpetrated by the UDD and the PDRC. Not one single red shirt arrested for their crimes but every single PDRC affiliate arrested for theirs. To reiterate 24 dead at the hands of UDD supporters, but not one arrest. Not one suspect. Not one. Nothing. 0%. Nada. Zero. Ziltch. 0. Get it?

The coup or as I like to call it the "democracy restoration team" came in and ensured that criminals face accountability. This can be seen from the military that have been arrested for corruption to the police chiefs that have been arrested for corruption.

This has never been witnessed in Thailand to this extent before.

Well done to Prayut for translating his promises to stamp out corruption into actions.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Follow the laws, impeach her, let her red killers uprise ... then shoot them! Do Thailand that favour!

Yes, I agree 100%

The ISIL mentality jumps the fence, like two peas in a pod


We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.

What is a 'fact of life here in Thailand' is the cycle of coups.

Previous coups have failed and are never 'held to account'.

This administration has whitewashed themselves and will not be accountable for any actions.

The fact of life is that Ms. Yingluck was asked to defend herself regarding the RPPS which was positioned as "self-financing" and managed to lose big, big money. The facts of life are also that she held a nice speech but failed to address the issue. For politicians even of Ms. Yingluck's status that of course is to be expected, but for the people it is more like 'manure of an exquisite kind'.


I must admit, this time, there is some kind of 'logic' in the red propagandists' brigade's claim...

When there would not have been a 'coup' the misdeeds of the wrongdoers and crimes of the criminals among the Shins, PTP and UDD would never have been investigated, prosecuted, nor sentenced by any fine nor jailterm.

Ergo, as a consequence, because there has been a 'coup', it becomes unacceptable and illegal by itself to go after those wrongdoers and criminals, who should go free and benefit of a factual amnesty for their misdeeds and crimes.

This kind of 'logic' has a name, it's called: 'sophism', and the ones using it are: ...'sophists', which is a nicer name to call the more intellectual among the red propagandists by...

Your claim that the coup would be the instrument to ensure investigation and prosecution of wrongdoers defies any logic. In fact there were ample provisions in the 2007 constitution to ensure wrongdoers would be investigated and prosecuted. Of course such action would be preformed with ample evidence.

The coup simply ensures they can be investigated and prosecuted without much in the way of evidence. And with self drafted amnesty to boot.

'not much in the way of evidence'? The day before the RPPS started the Minister of Commerce stated the RPPS to cost more than 400 billion Baht but it would be regained from selling milled rice. The chap was one of Ms. Yingluck's handpicked cabinet members, selected on knowledge, capabilities and potential. In the end even the Yingluck government admitted to US$4.4 billion Baht loss in mid-2013.

So a charge of 'negligence' seems very mild, I'm more leaning to either 'criminal negligence' or 'intend to deceive and defraud'.


We will get over our stupidity as soon as you get over your hypocrisy.

You state that all crimes should be punished, but call the biggest crime of all a "fact of life".

The coup happens to be a fact of life here in Thailand, it has taken place, I can do nothing about it so I accept it whether I like it or not. Its called reality.

You want to try it some time instead of continually bashing your head against something you cant change.

Let then get on with the job they have taken on, if they fail to do it I for sure would like to see them held to account.

The sooner this country gets to a stage where free and fair elections can be held with every party free to campaign in every electorate in the country without threats and intimidation, without candidates with criminal histories or cases to be heard against them the better.

To rant and rave and work against the interim Govt that is now in place will only delay that time so get over it.

Back to the topic at hand :

The PT advisor liked Yinglucks defense, perhaps he gave advice on the contents of the paper she read from.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the questions to be asked, is a lawyer allowed to answer for her ?

I wouldn't think so for the questions would be directed at her regarding the defense statement she made.


I won't get over it. You state that because the junta is here, we just have to accept it, and ignore the unlawful acts used to gain power?

The rice scheme is also in tha past. By your logic, instead of bashing our heads, we should just accept it and move on.

We can't change the coup or the rice schema. Why are you advocating accountability for one but not the other?

  • Like 2

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Stop, Take a deep breath and look what is really happening here. The NACC, an appointed body, is asking the NLA, a military appointed legislative body, to impeach and judge 38 elected senators, who through a largely elected parliament, tried to amend the undemocratic military constitution and make it more democratic by making changes that would see all senators chosen by the people. Elected officials accused and judged by a military appointed Kangaroo assembly on the recommendation of a Kangaroo independent body the NACC.


Stop clouding the issue as it is more to do with the fact of trying to ramrod through the legislation by a devious process.

You are wrong. Presenting the facts is not clouding the issue. Please provide a counter argument where your opinion is supported by facts that can be verified or continue with your drivel.Your choice.

Others who disagree with you have an 'opinion' (a wrong one of course), while what you say is not an 'opinion', it are 'the facts' (but not all the facts, just a selection more favourable to your(?) 'ideas' and a bit 'adapted' or 're-arranged' where needed)...

Where have we heard that kind of stuff before...?

Maybe have the modesty (honesty?) not to call it: 'what is really happening here'? As, IMO, whether you are misleading, or you don't have a clue...

Is the NACC an appointed body?

Is the NLA a military government appointed legislative body?

Was the previous Senate a partially democratic and partially appointed body?

Are 38 senators being charged because they tried to amend the 2007 constitution so as to alter the makeup of the senate and make it a 100% democratically elected chamber?

Are elected senators now being recommended for impeachment and censure by the appointed NACC because they attempted to promote democracy?

Are elected senators to be judged by members of the military government appointed NLA on charges of attempting to amend the 2007 military constitution in a way which would make it more democratic?

Do you not have a problem with any of this?

  • Like 1

Why should she even attend!

Her accusers and her judges have no legal status.The coup was illegal and by his own words Suthep and the general conspired months before the coup took place.

The generals and the junta open disdain of the Shinawatras is out in public for all to see so any decision handed down to anyone should be treated for what it is.



Who has the bigger gun is legal. Read the last constitution the coup before was legal.

Or see Kim in North Korea, he legal in power. Afghanistan and Iraq war were legal (even all the informations were fake).

But do not worry about your loved Shinawatras, there is plenty of evidence that all in power found already an agreement, no one rich will be hurt.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Follow the laws, impeach her, let her red killers uprise ... then shoot them! Do Thailand that favour!

Yes, I agree 100%

The ISIL mentality jumps the fence, like two peas in a pod

LatPhrao ... the Irish Mormon.


The problem with this is that it may result in serious unrest if YL is impeached so there's good reason not to proceed BUT on the other hand no proceedings sends out the message that for certain people here an excuse will always be found to exonerate them no matter what they have done or in YL's case didn't bother to do.

The whole mess is self-inflicted injury because of the way Thai society operates.

Maybe cut a deal with YL's lawyers, cut the trial short and impose a fine?

5 years, can't run for election. Where's the assurance there'll be an election in 5 years? Does Yingluck even want to run again?

The less publicity this gets the better for the general, even though I don't support the general or Yingluck. I'm just musing about the possibilities.

If the general puts the hammer to Yingluck he risks throwing Thailand into chaos. There are so many Thais who either aren't educated as to what has happened or don't care, but Yingluck is still very popular in many areas of the country.

The law must run its course - free from political interference. Once a countries judiciary start basing decisions on what's more politically acceptable rather than the law it's finished. The corrupt will hide their crimes behind politics.

Thailand already has shown major issues with politicians, elites, the rich, the well connected all being seen to be above the law, The poor people are dealt with severely for the smallest issues. A two tier system that ignores the laws.

What you are advocating is the same as giving in to terrorism. The Shins will be upset at any verdict they don't like and might unleash their militia and paid thugs; assault and intimidate the judiciary or committee members, as they allowed and did whilst PTP were in government.

Should we give in to ISIS, AQ and all those Moslem terrorists?

Problem is once you give in to a bully, especially one who has shown a complete lack of morals, honesty and ethics, the bully will come back and back and back. Buy a quite life today at the expense of problems in the near future; or bite the bullet and really start to make changes.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Follow the laws, impeach her, let her red killers uprise ... then shoot them! Do Thailand that favour!

Yes, I agree 100%

The ISIL mentality jumps the fence, like two peas in a pod

LatPhrao ... the Irish Mormon.

Don't know about Irish or Mormon - but seemingly the latest Shin PR boiler room recruit.


  • Like 2

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Stop, Take a deep breath and look what is really happening here. The NACC, an appointed body, is asking the NLA, a military appointed legislative body, to impeach and judge 38 elected senators, who through a largely elected parliament, tried to amend the undemocratic military constitution and make it more democratic by making changes that would see all senators chosen by the people. Elected officials accused and judged by a military appointed Kangaroo assembly on the recommendation of a Kangaroo independent body the NACC.


Stop clouding the issue as it is more to do with the fact of trying to ramrod through the legislation by a devious process.

You are wrong. Presenting the facts is not clouding the issue. Please provide a counter argument where your opinion is supported by facts that can be verified or continue with your drivel.Your choice.
Lewy67. What's undemocratic about a partially appointed Senate / Upper House?

Which constitution are you referring to as undemocratic, the 2007 one?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why should she even attend!

Her accusers and her judges have no legal status.The coup was illegal and by his own words Suthep and the general conspired months before the coup took place.

The generals and the junta open disdain of the Shinawatras is out in public for all to see so any decision handed down to anyone should be treated for what it is.


I've asked you many times to look at the "bigger picture" and not allow yourself to be brainwashed by the Thaksin mythos. He is in no way, shape or form fighting for the poor or downtrodden within Thailand.

This article/press release (which I'm sure already you won't accept or agree with) from back in 2009 goes some way to explaining that "bigger picture":


Whew! Like conspiracy nutters around the world that screed must fill a deep need for Thaksin haters. The eyes glaze over when trying to separate any fact from wish fulfillment, although Thaksin's name was spelled correctly in several places.

What's obvious is that you all Thaksin haters are anxious to see anyone punished for your hate of Thaksin, and the "why" of that an enduring mystery by the way.

You desperate people longing for "justice" to be meted out seem to miss the obvious - the judicial goal posts are moved around like a Keystones Cop comedy to meet the ends of those pulling the strings and have been upon numerous occasions in the past year's comedy tragedy.

Which makes your cries for "justice" under the circumstances, because you couldn't of possibly missed the "judicial" farces, both misguided and more to the point just a call for revenge and worthy of no sympathetic ear.

Wow, nice rant. I don't recall writing about anything you mentioned, but no worries, you continue to put everyone that doesn't love Thsksin in the same boat.

So a direct question to you Lat Phrao, do you deny the gist of the Press Release, which was written in 2009 by the way in case you missed the date AND the point of the article ...?

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