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Is it safe for a young British female to live in Bangkok?


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BKK is mainly not a problem for single females. My daughter was there for 4 years , no probs.

You do need to be a bit careful about the basics such as deserted alleys etc. Get some good accommodation near the BTS or somewhere with easy access. Helps if you live near other colleagues who can join you on night trips. Try to avoid the taxis on your own or after dark. If you can't avoid, then text the license number to a reliable friend after you get in one. The driver details on the dash/window are mostly not the person driving, they often sublet the car or whatever. As cities go its better than some if you are sensible.

If you are a bit apprehensive you could get a small personal alarm and keep it in your bag/pocket or some pepper spray.

If you are worried about the random checks - keep a business card of someone "high up" at your school with you who is a Thai speaker, and if the police stop you tell them to call this person if they want to check you out.

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Again, thanks all. I really appreciate all of the replies and to be honest I wasn't expecting such sincere and genuine responses, or many responses at all for that matter.

I'll most likely go ahead with it all; it's just been difficult for me to make a decision as when I think of Thailand I think of Pattaya. (Yes I know Pattaya is a poor example of real Thailand etc, but it's where my family have always lived and is therefore like a second home to me.) The unknown of Bangkok and the horror stories plastered all over the internet just really shook me up and my contact at the school seems to ignore my safety concerns every time I try to throw it into the latest E-mail. Perhaps because I'm overreacting, perhaps because they just want me to get out and get over it. I guess I'll never know until I take the risk.

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You should be okay. The other posters posts are correct - use common sense, avoid dark/dim areas if by yourself, etc. Basically, Bangkok is no different than any other big city. And, if you have traveled to other big cities and know how to conduct yourself there, then you will be okay.

The advice about taking a picture of the taxi driver info when you get in the taxi is a good one.

Dont know where you are planning on living/working, but I have never had a problem on the BTS/MRT and if possible, having a house near a station is good.

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Actually, I think the OP might be safer in some ways and get better treatment generally than us guys. A young farang female ajarn who speaks some Thai (guessing this is the case as she's been visiting Thailand a lot) is going to draw a lot of "respect" on the street. Everyone from motosai drivers to street vendors to people at banks and POs and so forth are going to do all they can to help her. Hasn't this been the case in Pattaya? I know a female farang exec who lives in my building who just loves it here. And she's out and about all the time, including the wee hours.

Just keep your wits about you and be aware of your space and you won't need to know jiujitsu to survive. Despite the occasional counterexample the Thais are a kindly people.

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BKK is mainly not a problem for single females. My daughter was there for 4 years , no probs.

You do need to be a bit careful about the basics such as deserted alleys etc. Get some good accommodation near the BTS or somewhere with easy access. Helps if you live near other colleagues who can join you on night trips. Try to avoid the taxis on your own or after dark. If you can't avoid, then text the license number to a reliable friend after you get in one. The driver details on the dash/window are mostly not the person driving, they often sublet the car or whatever. As cities go its better than some if you are sensible.

If you are a bit apprehensive you could get a small personal alarm and keep it in your bag/pocket or some pepper spray.

If you are worried about the random checks - keep a business card of someone "high up" at your school with you who is a Thai speaker, and if the police stop you tell them to call this person if they want to check you out.

Is pepper spray legal in Thailand? I remember reading a couple of years ago that it was illegal...

I have a small can of pepper spray and I am wondering whether I should take it to Thailand with me (I'm just coming as a tourist). I'm afraid I might get into trouble or have it confiscated if "the authorities" see it...

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Actually, I think the OP might be safer in some ways and get better treatment generally than us guys. A young farang female ajarn who speaks some Thai (guessing this is the case as she's been visiting Thailand a lot) is going to draw a lot of "respect" on the street. Everyone from motosai drivers to street vendors to people at banks and POs and so forth are going to do all they can to help her. Hasn't this been the case in Pattaya? I know a female farang exec who lives in my building who just loves it here. And she's out and about all the time, including the wee hours.

Just keep your wits about you and be aware of your space and you won't need to know jiujitsu to survive. Despite the occasional counterexample the Thais are a kindly people.

That's reassuring, thanks.

Regarding Pattaya, yes that was the case - I've never had any trouble in Pattaya and had no problem making Thai friends there either. I've also had a free motosai taxis on a couple of occasions. Once after having a few too many beverages and once where my ex partner wandered off with my purse leaving me no money to get home. The motosai driver was very understanding.

As for my Thai lingo, I probably should be a lot better than I am to be honest considering how many times I've been, but I know the common/polite phrases and when to use them.

I do also have Thai family. My little brother is half Thai, and my step mother is Thai, as is my aunt. Additionally my father has lived there for over 10 years now. They all live in Pattaya. Sorry for the life story, but feeling quite at home on the forum now!

Thanks again all. I may just run into some of you in Bangkok after all clap2.gif

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Thanks again all. I may just run into some of you in Bangkok after all clap2.gif

I'd bet they can't wait. Hmmm.

It was a joke, no need to be an ass.

However, thanks for your greatly helpful input.

What does the Pattaya reference have to do with anything? It's not my fault my family live there and that my father was positioned there while working in the oil industry. We don't frequent Walking Street etc etc, and I don't go there purely to get drunk. I go because if I want to see my family, Pattaya is where I have to go.

Anything else?

Edited by loraporz
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I came here for advice on living in Bangkok as I'm concerned about my safety, and get criticised for having family in Pattaya.

No need for it. But feel free to judge me however you like, it is a forum after all.

Anyway man, thanks again for all your help.

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