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Nanny Training Center

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We are a start up company based here in Bangkok.

We are proposing to offer a Nanny Training Course.
Its a four-weeks intensive course. The course will include CPR Training, First Aid training, Nanny training and English proficiency and a TOEIC TEST.
Accomodation will be provided and two meals a day. At the end of the course, each trainees will receive a certificate of Completion.
Upon breaking down the expenses, we plan to charge 30,000 baht for the whole course.


1. What are the legal implications?

2. What would be the challenge with regard to recruiting applicants?
3. What would be the best way to market and advertise the course?
4. Is there a market for this?

I would appreciate any comments, suggestions and questions.
Thank you all.

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As a person currently looking for a nanny I would say there is a demand if you also offered job placement services.

I think 30k is way too much for the Nannies I've seen to afford so you may have to tweak your business model so that the nanny pays a nominal cost and the bulk of your revenue comes from the placement of the nanny.

I wouldn't pay 30k for a nanny but I'd pay 1 months salary which would be 15-18k

In addition you could offer part time classes for employers that want to train their maids to be nannies but I dobt whether you could get 30 per person.

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Appreciate the reply AJBangkok.

The job placements we can do, but in no way can we offer jobs as we are not an agency.

I understand that the 30k is too much, bear in mind we are hiring professional CPR trainers, First Aid trainers. Not to mention the accomodation and food which is covered as well. The TOEIC test which is a separate company from us, we will provide the cost as well.

The part time classes is a good idea. I think we will incorporate that. Thank you.

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Are there employers out there willing to pay for the Nannies to get a proper training?

I think you're going about this from the wrong angle. You should absolutely be hiring out these girls on a contract basis. I think there is a market for people who are willing to pay more of a premium for a nanny who knows CPR, English, etc. You would make your money back more than 10 fold in this investment. No one will be willing to front the money for the nanny to go to a school because she could jump ship right after her training. This would increase your risk but decrease your customers risk.

There must be some incentive to want to train the Nanny's. That should be that you have a contract with them to work for you for a certain period of time and you will get a portion of the income. Far more people are looking for a nanny (or highly qualified one), than they are looking to train their current nanny.


Your cost of training a nanny is 10,000 baht. This is your total risk. Plus the cost of acquiring the customer. (which I don't think is very high) If she has a contract to work for you for one year @ 15- 20,000 baht per month (cost of nanny to customer) and you keep a large portion of the money in the beginning say 7,000-8,000 per month. The first month you've nearly covered your costs AND the next month you've cleared a profit. Incentive for the Nanny to stay would be job security and and subsequent months or quarters, would receive a raise.

Of course you would need to try to have a minimum of two or three months agreement with the customer.

I think your idea of having quality nanny's qualified and trained is a great idea. Making an awesome Youtube video (without scaring the crap out of the parents) would be a good place to start your marketing. Making them sexy doesn't hurt either.

Generally if you know Thai people well, you can find a nanny for around 8,000 a month. I think with someone being qualified in CPR and other qualities they could be marketed for about 12-15,000 baht. IF you want to take off.

Honestly I think your current model will not work. Nanny's in Thailand can't afford it. Many Nanny's are also immigrants that can't even come close to affording it. So you need to be able to take the risk. I think it would be worth it though. Especially if you did a nationwide placement service. There are expats with kids all over Thailand and the major cities are developing more and more and able to afford this luxury.

Good luck to you!

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You could also offer a part time position to a potential customer by giving them a reduced rate. Paying the nanny juuuust a little to survive on for a month or two. And offering the customer a 5,000 baht per month discount. Thus nearly eliminating your risk.

I think paying an extra 5,000 baht per month would be worth my child's safety. I would say more than 99% of the nanny's now don't have a clue what to do in an emergency except LINE or FB their friends.

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@yougivemebaby I agree with your ideas. Unfortunately, that would result in us being an agency which we are not in the business of doing.

We are purely engaged in the training aspect of the course.

However, I will definitely propose your ideas to our CEO. Thank you.

You or a friend should start a sister company or partnership as a job placement company. I think it would be highly lucrative.

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