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Utoken did I get this right?

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A friend explained her purchase of Utoken's to me, I am a little confused by this, here's the story,

her cell phone app shows,

Total Utoken 36290

Tradable Utoken 4600

and she tells me she can sell these 4600 for 14000 Baht, unit price 3.043

doing the math it looks to me like this,

if she could sell all 36290 Utokens at 3.043 she would receive 110430 Baht.

she bought these Utokens a month ago for 170000 Baht???

that's a loss in value of 59570 Baht ??

The Utoken web site says there will be a 10% administrative charge on each sale, so the most she could recover from this sale would be about 100000 Baht.

She is really happy thinking she's making a great profit, I can't see it, am I missing something here ??

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Hi Johna,

There is something off above. First off, the current utoken value today (17th January 2015) is of $0.142c and not $3.043c One monthago (on the 17th December 2014) each Utoken was worth $0.128c

So lets do some maths (not all figures are an approximation). Assuming she bought 36290 utokens @ $0.128c she would have had to come in as a 5 Star member on a $5000. Utoken take about 20% reserve, so the actual value of her portfolio on date of entry would have been around $4000

If she chose to sell them today she would have to sell them at 0.142c each so she would cash $5153.18 making a profit of $153.18 on her original investment.

As you mentioned, there is a 10% withdrawal fee, so if she withdrew the money in cash now it would leave her with a loss, though I do know of people who are able to withdraw the money in a way which does not incur the charge.

What I thik your friend meant is that she could wait and sell her utokens when they appreciate to $3.043. In that case it would make perfect sense as their value would have become $110,430.07 and she would make a very healthy profit indeed. Hope that helps

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You and your friend are confused regarding the 3.043 unit price. As trigger571 points out, the current unit price is $0.142.

Utoken is priced in dollars but you buy in based on Baht. However, I think you friend is confusing the 3.043 price with the baht valuation per unit, which is somewhere over 4 Baht depending on varying circumstances - thus your calculations are way out.

Tradable Utokens are those that you are able to sell based on the price rise of a unit of UToken. You friend purchased at a lower price per unit and now the price is $0.142, so the difference between these two prices are what you are able to sell now (in units). She's got 36290 units and she can sell 4600 units if she want's to.

She actually purchased a 3 star package and the purchase price would have been 175,000B.

As trigger mentions there is a 10% withdrawal fee but there is more to it than that. There are various ways to sell your Utokens offering varying advantages or disadvantages. The exchange price (from dollars) back to baht can be anywhere from 28-35B per unit so the money you get will vary depending on your withdrawal method and circumstances.

Initially, she would have 4600 tradable units times a unit price of $0.142 = $653.2

e.g $653.2 times 28B (per unit) = 18,289.6 B

- $653.2 times 35B (per unit) = 22,862 B

However, first the 10% withdrawal charge comes off the calculated price and then all withdrawals are handled on a 70/30 basis, where 70% of the remainder can be withdrawn as cash and the other 30% is reinvested in more Utokens.

e.g Therefore, 22,862 - 10% = 20,575 B.

30% of 20,575 B = 6,172.5 B (reinvested into more Utokens)

70% of 20,575 B = 14,402.5 B (can withdraw as cash) (She's almost right on this figure, somehow)

There are ways to get around this but it requires help. All of your money cannot usually just be withdrawn as you always have the 10% charge and 30% reinvestment applied. This is not just a quick in/out affair.

Utoken has set conditions in place to avoid speculation and create a steady, reliable, upward growth for the currency.

However, Utokens growth is massive and most people don't want to sell all their Utokens. You can just periodically sell your tradable Utokens for a regular income and/or hold them for a huge long term gain.

Based upon her holding though of 36290 Utokens she has:

36290 Utokens times $0.142 times 35B (maximum amount possible) = 180,361.3B. So before the withdrawal process she has effectively recovered her initial charge.

With Utokens huge rate of increase most people will do the same and recover the initial charge to invest in the first month.

With a good sized investment such as this, she just needs to hold on to it for a huge gain.

Utoken is the easiest way to make money in Thailand. Just sit back and watch the money rack up.

Anyone who's interested can pm me.

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  • 3 months later...

You wrote: "Utoken is the easiest way to make money in Thailand"

Are you still sure about your statement?


You and your friend are confused regarding the 3.043 unit price. As trigger571 points out, the current unit price is $0.142.

Utoken is priced in dollars but you buy in based on Baht. However, I think you friend is confusing the 3.043 price with the baht valuation per unit, which is somewhere over 4 Baht depending on varying circumstances - thus your calculations are way out.

Tradable Utokens are those that you are able to sell based on the price rise of a unit of UToken. You friend purchased at a lower price per unit and now the price is $0.142, so the difference between these two prices are what you are able to sell now (in units). She's got 36290 units and she can sell 4600 units if she want's to.

She actually purchased a 3 star package and the purchase price would have been 175,000B.

As trigger mentions there is a 10% withdrawal fee but there is more to it than that. There are various ways to sell your Utokens offering varying advantages or disadvantages. The exchange price (from dollars) back to baht can be anywhere from 28-35B per unit so the money you get will vary depending on your withdrawal method and circumstances.

Initially, she would have 4600 tradable units times a unit price of $0.142 = $653.2

e.g $653.2 times 28B (per unit) = 18,289.6 B

- $653.2 times 35B (per unit) = 22,862 B

However, first the 10% withdrawal charge comes off the calculated price and then all withdrawals are handled on a 70/30 basis, where 70% of the remainder can be withdrawn as cash and the other 30% is reinvested in more Utokens.

e.g Therefore, 22,862 - 10% = 20,575 B.

30% of 20,575 B = 6,172.5 B (reinvested into more Utokens)

70% of 20,575 B = 14,402.5 B (can withdraw as cash) (She's almost right on this figure, somehow)

There are ways to get around this but it requires help. All of your money cannot usually just be withdrawn as you always have the 10% charge and 30% reinvestment applied. This is not just a quick in/out affair.

Utoken has set conditions in place to avoid speculation and create a steady, reliable, upward growth for the currency.

However, Utokens growth is massive and most people don't want to sell all their Utokens. You can just periodically sell your tradable Utokens for a regular income and/or hold them for a huge long term gain.

Based upon her holding though of 36290 Utokens she has:

36290 Utokens times $0.142 times 35B (maximum amount possible) = 180,361.3B. So before the withdrawal process she has effectively recovered her initial charge.

With Utokens huge rate of increase most people will do the same and recover the initial charge to invest in the first month.

With a good sized investment such as this, she just needs to hold on to it for a huge gain.

Utoken is the easiest way to make money in Thailand. Just sit back and watch the money rack up.

Anyone who's interested can pm me.

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