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botox injections and " law mai " in pattaya

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i went yesterday on spare of moment, i got botox next door to tuk com in a clinic there, i paid 12000 thb for 1 bottle of 100 units of korean made botox ( not dysport )

i was advised here before to watch the nurse inject all the bottle of botox but as i was lying down i could not see anything and it felt as if the practitioner gave me only about 9 injections altogether , very little. today i can see a little effect but not much.

now there is a new surgery called ( law mai ) involves placing small pins apparently in nerve region, supposedly last a long time. is it really painfull ? expensive ? where to get it done ?

any help and advice please guys, ive been stressed and drinking a lot lately and not living the most healthy lifestyle so botox is a quick fix at least to make me feel a little better within myself.

i am due to go back to same clinic in 2 weeks to they make checks, im wondering will they give me a little more if there is not much improvement ? also i did hear that you get cheaper botox in pattaya for around 8000 thb for 100 units.


I have never heard of this "law mai" and very doubtful it works.

It takes time for the effects of Botox to be apparent, this is why they schedule the return visit for 2 weeks. You can't tell anything after just a day or two. Takes 2 weeks to get full effect, though will have an idea after one week.


thanks sheryl, i think the way the thais explain " law mai" is a lot of very minute pins or a hair like strand put into face, doctor showed me pictures yesterday of " law mai " before and after pics , they looked good, he told me " law mai " was better then botox....so i asked him why didnt he do that procedure on me instead ?

i forgeot to ask doctor the foreign name for this " law mai " procedure. he said it was around 20000 thb and lasts a long long time.


Sounds like this may be aptos threads, which you can google. Also known as "feather lift" or thread lift".

its use is rather different than Botox - used to lift up sagging areas, whereas Botox relaxes wrinkles. Very different things. What exactly is the face problem you are trying to correct?

Also, overall feedback on aptos threads isn't very positive. http://www.realself.com/Contour-thread-lift/reviews

Most people with the sort of problem that a threadlift would be done for, end up getting a face lift.

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