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The legacy of Aaron Swartz - genius for the ages

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I read about the death of Aaron Swartz around the time it occurred. Although at that time I thought it was unfortunate a talented young person of his age died, I honestly didn't peruse it further.

I recently had the occasion to watch a video on youtube about his life and realize his efforts were far more meaningful than I'd previously realized.

He did so much more that most mortals by the age of 26 that I can only hold him in high regard. HIs focus was certainly not on accumulating wealth but rather spreading what he felt were universal ideals. I'd wager a fair sum he could easily have been a Bill Gates if his goal was so oriented. He chose not to follow that path. In stead he chose to stand up against censorship and a general lack of transparency and went down fighting governments' choice to hide information from citizens

His life and hopefully legacy will have a continuing impact on the lives of all of us. I know it will for me.

The video lasts an astounding 1:45:99 but is a highly worthwhile experience IMHO.

He stood for open information by scholars, governments and institutions.

It can be found at this address:

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I downloaded and watched this documentary last year sometime when it came out.

This guy was bullied by DOJ officials which resulted in his suicide. Apparently this is acceptable behaviour for the DOJ.

Thanks for the reply ukrules.

I posted this because Arron Swartz was very much out of the box as far as most people go. Calling him a genius is an obvious but besides that, he also didn't allow personal gain issues to cloud his moral principles.

He could have easily been alive today and a multibillionaire and still hope for transparency. He just fought too hard for his beliefs and died by his own hand as a result of it.

Anyway, I hope you had the time to watch the documentary and thanks again for the reply.

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Some people say that he was suicided.

Yes, Trembly.

All indications are that Aron Swartz died by his own hand which means he died by suicide. You don't give any indication as to whether or not you watched the video. Did you watch it?

There are thousands of videos available on the internet and I have watched a lot of them. I found this one especially meaningful.

I think Aaron Swartz is one of those people who will be written about long after every single person on this forum is dead and long forgotten.

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Some people say that he was suicided.

Yes, Trembly.

All indications are that Aron Swartz died by his own hand which means he died by suicide. You don't give any indication as to whether or not you watched the video. Did you watch it?

There are thousands of videos available on the internet and I have watched a lot of them. I found this one especially meaningful.

I think Aaron Swartz is one of those people who will be written about long after every single person on this forum is dead and long forgotten.

Suicided = killed.

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