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Man Detained In Thailand Over Jonbenet Death


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"John Mark Karr was shacked up at a seedy flophouse in a rundown section of Bangkok popular with the lowest class of sex tourists.

Karr, a former used-car salesman who had two child brides, lived in a spare, ninth-floor room at the Blooms Hotel, a dingy establishment that rents rooms for as short a time as three hours - for only $8 - and offers monthly stays that start at a rate of $170."

Who wrote this crap? I know someone that used to live at the Blooms. While they are tiny apartments, they are fairly new and clean, and certainly NOT a "Flophouse" or "Dingy establishment".

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The suspect was arrested Wednesday morning and has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public, KUSA reported.

The man already was already held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges, sources told The Associated Press.

Prosecutors have not confirmed the identity of the suspect, but expect to hold a press conference later today.

Good news!


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"John Mark Karr was shacked up at a seedy flophouse in a rundown section of Bangkok popular with the lowest class of sex tourists.

Karr, a former used-car salesman who had two child brides, lived in a spare, ninth-floor room at the Blooms Hotel, a dingy establishment that rents rooms for as short a time as three hours - for only $8 - and offers monthly stays that start at a rate of $170."

Who wrote this crap? I know someone that used to live at the Blooms. While they are tiny apartments, they are fairly new and clean, and certainly NOT a "Flophouse" or "Dingy establishment".

For that matter, it's not a rundown section of Bangkok, is it?
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The suspect was arrested Wednesday morning and has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public, KUSA reported.

The man already was already held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges, sources told The Associated Press.

Prosecutors have not confirmed the identity of the suspect, but expect to hold a press conference later today.

Good news!


after reviewing Paulv's posts ... I predict a limited shelf-life for him on T.V.com :o

Edited by jdinasia
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Quotes from NY Post:

Karr had been living in a cheap hotel in a seedy district of the Thai capital.

In recent weeks, cops said they had followed Karr as he made the rounds of Bangkok's notorious sex bars, where girls put on lesbian shows, dance in school uniforms wearing no panties, or don only cowboy boots and crack whips

At such dives, customers can grope the girls for a nominal fee, or, after paying a "fine," can take them out of the bar to a nearby hotel to have sex for money.


Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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Hey Shotover, good to see you! I guess the link was taken down after their server crashed from all the hits!

Anyway, I have a feeling that this guy is not the murderer. Yes, he looks the part, but something just does not seem right about the whole thing and his story....I'm pretty sure he is guilty of all those things that he was charged with , but I don't think he was anywhere near the Ramsey home that night. Maybe he was so obssesed with the Jon Benet murder that he actually thought that he was the actual killer - He must have gone out of his way to get as much information as possible about the case, so much so that he became a good suspect..

I, like many Americans, followed this story since the night of her murder, ( It was a BIG deal here ) and there are still many questions left unanswered about the case, like why was the ransom note found at the scene in Patsy Ramey's handwriting? Why was there no footprints at all outside in the newly fallen snow outside the house, and why the Ramsey's never took a lie detector test, among other things...

And I also find it strange that after all this time, they finally find the suspect in Bangkok. A pedophile - in Thailand of all places? What a surprise! Just too convienient a story , if you ask me - it sounds like something you would see on a bad episode of "Cold Case". I would believe the story more if they found him in Latvia, or Uraguay, or even Indonesia. This thing looks similar to how they suddenly found the killer of the Lindberg Baby, out of the blue. Remember that one?

I guess we'll have to wait for the DNA tests to really be sure now....But then again, DNA as evidence was not a factor in winning that other high profile murder case...

Speaking of which, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if next we find out that OJ is really innocent, and that Nicole and Ron Goldman's real killer has finally been found in Phuket as a scuba diving instructor...

PLEASE......let's don't spread this 'rumor' as the truth. The ransom note WAS NOT verified to be in Patsy's handwriting. Here are the facts not the rumor. The handwriting experts could not EXCLUDE her and say POSITIVELY that she DID NOT WRITE THE NOTE. However, they could also not say that SHE WROTE THE NOTE. When pressed the experts admitted that if handwriting samples were taken from every American there would be MILLIONS who could NOT be excluded from having written the ransom note.........right along with Patsy.

Yes,I'll grant you that Patsy MAY NOT BE the author of the note, but she is still a very strong suspect ( even now! :D )

John Ramesy and Burke ( John Benet's brother ) were excluded by the six handwriting experts hired ( two from the Ramseys, three from the police investigator onthe case )as the authors of the note, but not Patsy. They , like you said, could not positively say whether or not it was her handwriting. On a scale of one to five, with five eliminating someone from suspicion as the author of the ransom note, the experts placed Patsy Ramsey at 4.5 to 4.0....

But if the handwriting was disguised... Then....:o

BTW, also, the experts never examined the original ransom note...

Yes, the ransom note is one of the longest ransom notes recorded in the history of kidnapping cases. Yet is still the key to solving this case. And I doubt that this John Mark wrote it.

Now if take a look..


I've never believed either parent was involved in killing the little girl.

......And I bet you also believe that OJ is innocent too? :D

Edited by Narachon
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This guy is obviously a crank of the most dangerous kind. He had a sick fantasy with this child fuelled by visual images of her portrayed as what some sick minds may see as a sensual object, broadcast by the United States media that is peddling this crap as good clean competition and fun.

This case is an absolute nightmare and heartbreak for the tragic parents of this poor innocent child, but the parents must share responsibilty for their daughter’s death because they instigated, promoted and profited from the exploration of this child.

I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants. Employers knowing or not knowing.

From each home country a special document is available from police confirming there is nothing or something on file about applicants. I have one myself, from Scotland Yard London police. Cost £10, 40 days for issue.


Edited by kozi
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Maybe the guy was a good teacher?

Was he qualified?

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday.

I wouldn't.

Edited by Neeranam
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Everything said here one way or the other OR even a different way, has allready been reported by CNN. I know this is a forum of views and fine, but the DNA, if any that can be used in a court of law, can tell if he's the one , so lets let the Big Boys do there job. All thats happening here is like everywhere else; Tainting the coming Jury that MAY at one time judge this clown.

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This guy is obviously a crank of the most dangerous kind. He had a sick fantasy with this child fuelled by visual images of her portrayed as what some sick minds may see as a sensual object, broadcast by the United States media that is peddling this crap as good clean competition and fun.

This case is an absolute nightmare and heartbreak for the tragic parents of this poor innocent child, but the parents must share responsibilty for their daughter’s death because they instigated, promoted and profited from the exploration of this child.

I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants. Employers knowing or not knowing.

From each home country a special document is available from police confirming there is nothing or something on file about applicants. I have one myself, from Scotland Yard London police. Cost £10, 40 days for issue.


exploitation shurely? Or was it an innocent slip? :o

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I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants.

Kozi, it strikes me your analysis and solution sounds like the ones we usually hear out of the mouth of certain local politicians: populist and sensational, ineffective and probably counter productive, hurting the country and its people -more than helping it- if enforced.

Your proposed measures to make it more difficult to obtain a visa would probably draw less people staying legally indeed, increasing the illegal stayers even more, scaring away more positive, aware and honest people, while the 'criminals' would probably not be scared away.

Also your comment seems to suggest 'foreign criminals and sexual deviants' are poor and would not be able to pay the high visa fee you propose, thus the people with lots of money that can afford the proposed visa fee are the honest non-criminal, non-sexual deviants ?

Besides contra productive it sounds also undemocratic and higly discriminatory to me.

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This is what America thinks of Farangs living in Bangkok.

August 18, 2006 -- In his last days of freedom before his stunning admission that he drugged, raped and killed JonBenet Ramsey, John Mark Karr was shacked up at a seedy flophouse

can you name and shame the producer of this garbage, please?

New York Post

thank you, Henry... apologizes if I make the name a bit larger... it helps to make the shame larger.

Edited by sriracha john
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I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants.

Typical knee-jerk reaction and typical "soution" that won't solve the issue.

Making more rules and generating more paper for the beaucracies to shuffle around will in no way improve the reality (not theory or face illusion).

Rules are already in place; what needs to be done is address the root problems. Why does child exploitation continue to thrive (not just exist, but thrive) in Thailand? It's already against the law, yet it's all over the place. We can all make a good statement about why -- poverty, extremely poor education, corruption, society-wide selfishness.

Because parents will actually permit their children to be involved in this creepy behavior, creeps from all over the world come to Thailand. They are sick puppies indeed, but so are those who allow greed and selfishness to overcome protection of a child, and they should be locked up with the deviants they cater to.

As for foreign teachers in Thailand, the deviancy rate is probably not much higher than teachers in general. Unfortunately the profession attracts perverts who want to be around children. There are often stories about pedophiles, etc., as teachers in the West, and look at priests! So to make more rules for all foreigners in Thailand is ridiculous.

Sure, teachers should be checked out by schools; that's common sense. Unfortunately, many "schools" are just businesses here in Thailand, so they wouldn't know professional teaching from a shampoo commercial. You gotta white face, you and native English speaker? Hired!

That is indeed a professional problem in the "industry," but it should not trigger radical changes in immigration laws.

Maybe Kozi should move to Switzerland.

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Knowing the Media, I find that alot of "wan-a-be reporters" here on TV Forum, think they know more than they have HEARD-SHAME-you're not a bit better, in fact worse, since you're grasping at straws!

What will some of you do after this thread dies down?


Haven't you realised that this is a forum? I will not insult your intelligence by asking you what you think a forum is. People of all ages, nationalities and walks of life come here to put forward their thoughts and ideas about many things, just like any other gathering place.

You ask, "What will we do after this thread dies down?" Start new threads about - the new airport, Christmas in Thailand, the new football season, polar bear hunting on Samui, the best way to treat an ingrowing toenail, where to find the best sausages in Thailand or countless other subjects.

By the way, the thread about polar bear hunting on Samui will be a non-starter because my great-great-grandfather was a successful polar bear hunter there many years ago. He must have been very successful - have you ever seen a live polar bear on Samui?

Everything said here one way or the other OR even a different way, has allready been reported by CNN. I know this is a forum of views and fine, but the DNA, if any that can be used in a court of law, can tell if he's the one , so lets let the Big Boys do there job. All thats happening here is like everywhere else; Tainting the coming Jury that MAY at one time judge this clown.

Please refer to the above explanation. It's an excellent one.

btw, as the experts are learning more and more about forensics DNA, it is becoming apparent that the DNA may not be the end-all to this.

If it doesn't match Karr's, it may not totally exclude him as they have discovered that DNA accumulating on clothing during its manufacturing process is common.

The DNA that they recovered from her underwear may be nothing more than the DNA from the person that picked it off the assembly line and placed it into its packaging.

Now then, conversely, if it's a positive match for Karr... that is more conclusive evidence that he was involved. A "slam dunk" a top forensics expert is calling it, however, if it's a negative match, it doesn't necessarily exonerate him.

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He was convicted in California of kiddie porn charges in absentia (he skipped out on bail) ... he'll be sent to Cali to serve out his time. They could charge him with extra crimes beyond fleeing prosecution etc etc ... So no matter what happens in Colorado this guy is screwed.

Maybe just a technicality, but a legal analyst on Court TV in the US stated his records indicated he had been charged with the child porn possession counts, but a trial and conviction on these charges never occurred due to his not appearing in court for the scheduled hearings. Failure to appear in court charges were added to the possession of child porn charges after he failed to appear for the hearing.

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I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants.

Kozi, it strikes me your analysis and solution sounds like the ones we usually hear out of the mouth of certain local politicians: populist and sensational, ineffective and probably counter productive, hurting the country and its people -more than helping it- if enforced.

Your proposed measures to make it more difficult to obtain a visa would probably draw less people staying legally indeed, increasing the illegal stayers even more, scaring away more positive, aware and honest people, while the 'criminals' would probably not be scared away.

Also your comment seems to suggest 'foreign criminals and sexual deviants' are poor and would not be able to pay the high visa fee you propose, thus the people with lots of money that can afford the proposed visa fee are the honest non-criminal, non-sexual deviants ?

Besides contra productive it sounds also undemocratic and higly discriminatory to me.

Excellent response and analysis. Well done, San.


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This is what America thinks of Farangs living in Bangkok.

August 18, 2006 -- In his last days of freedom before his stunning admission that he drugged, raped and killed JonBenet Ramsey, John Mark Karr was shacked up at a seedy flophouse in a rundown section of Bangkok popular with the lowest class of sex tourists.

Tipped off to his presence by Colorado officials, Thai investigators tailed the clean-cut Karr for weeks as he frequented the city's sleaziest sex emporiums - well known for nud_e girls who wear nothing but cowboy hats, dance bottomless atop glass floors, and put on lesbian shows.

Karr, a former used-car salesman who had two child brides, lived in a spare, ninth-floor room at the Blooms Hotel, a dingy establishment that rents rooms for as short a time as three hours - for only $8 - and offers monthly stays that start at a rate of $170.

Absolute crap reporting. This area, near the Malaysia Hotel, was known as a backpacker and drug user haven in the 1970s, but is now a normal Thai neighborhood with a number of farangs living there for the reasonable rents and access to the MRT.

Westerners used to western style housing might consider these apartments a 'seedy flophouse', but these apartments are on a par with many farang apartments in the Phrakanong, OnNut, BangNa, etc. areas.

Every reporter writing this crap about Thailand should be pulled by their ears to this area, and made to verify their junk.

Regarding Karr going to 'sleazy sex emporiums' the receptionist working at his apartment said he almost never went outside after 6 pm, per an interview just shown on CNN.

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This is what America thinks of Farangs living in Bangkok.

August 18, 2006 -- In his last days of freedom before his stunning admission that he drugged, raped and killed JonBenet Ramsey, John Mark Karr was shacked up at a seedy flophouse

can you name and shame the producer of this garbage, please?

ts from todays New York Post

That's August 18 2006




By ANDREW DRUMMOND in Bangkok, JOANNE CLEMENTS in Petaluma, Calif., and LUKAS I. ALPERT in New York

I have met Mr. Drummond in Bkk. He has lived in Thailand for many years and should know better than to have his name associated with the sensationalist and inaccurate garbage written in this article. His contributions to the article may have been fair and accurate, but the article contained much false observations.

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Maybe the guy was a good teacher?

Was he qualified?

I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday.

I wouldn't.

Karr was qualified to teach at schools in Alabama and California, and also qualified to marry a 14 year old girl (when he was 19) and later impregnated a 16 year old girl when he was 25.

Have to congratulate the media from showing restraint at what a 'pedophile sex haven' the USA is.

BTW, I'm American. The hypocrisy and sensationalism is sickening.

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Suspect was employed by prestigious schools

Education officials concede that process of checking qualifications has sometimes taken too long

Various authorities yesterday expressed concern that John Mark Karr - a suspect in the 1996 murder of an American child beauty queen - had managed to find teaching jobs in Bangkok.

At the time of his arrest on Wednesday, he had just been given employment by an international school in the Sathorn district.

Before that he was allowed a trial period at two of the country's most prestigious schools - the boys-only Bangkok Christian College and the girls-only St Joseph Convent School.

The Education Ministry's permanent secretary Khunying Kasama Varawarn na Ayutthaya yesterday said she would have a meeting with the International Schools Association of Thailand next week to tighten recruitment of foreign teachers.

She admitted that the ministry had allowed international schools to recruit teachers before an entire check of their qualifications had been completed.

"We relaxed the rules after many international schools complained that the whole process took too long," Kasama said.

She said the Office of Private Education Promotion Commission did general checks on whether applicants have the educational credentials that match the requirements. "The office has contacted foreign universities to verify overseas degrees submitted by applicants."

The office has also cooperated with special-branch police and the National Intelligence Agency to check the history of applicants.

"Normally we receive a response from the special-branch police within three weeks but the overseas institutions have taken longer to respond. When international schools started complaining, we relaxed the rule. Recruitment can be completed first, and if there is any problem we can take action later," Kasama said.

So far, she said, there had never been any problems.

"Generally, persons with criminal records won't be able to pass through immigration checkpoints," she said, but in the wake of Karr's arrest, Kasama planned to ask international schools not to hire any foreign teachers before their qualifications check had been completed.

Anusorn Thaidecha, who heads the Office of Private Education Promotion Commission, added that he would ask immigration police and the Foreign Affairs Ministry to be stricter about granting entries or visas to foreigners.

PM's deputy secretary general Jakrapob Penkair, who is assigned to oversee education matters, said there had in the past been many sexual-abuse accusations against teachers at some international schools.

"They have sex with minors - girls and boys - and they have been arrested," Jakrapob said.

He said all parties must join in preventing undesirable foreigners from getting close to students in Thailand. He added that he was going to raise the issue with the Education Ministry, teacher organisations, parents and international schools.

In a related development, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said there were relatively few cases of crimes committed by foreigners in Thailand, given the fact that up to 12 million foreign visitors flocked to the country each year. He added that Thai authorities had worked closely with other countries in watching out for people who had been blacklisted.

The Nation


kozi will like the above developments... :o

I think they're really missing the boat on their international school focus. Of all the institutes of learning in Thailand, they are by far the least likely source of "problem teachers."

If they took a look at language schools and worked up, instead of their proposed opposite way, they'd likely be more successful in their objective.

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Don't be so quick to judge. This guy is definitely an emotional lightweight, but it's all a bit too easy - and has a lot of gaping holes.

His EX-WIFE says he was with her in another State the day the little girl was killed (it was Xmas period). The story was covered so thoroughly that everyone in the US knew almost ALL of the details. So unless this DNA is proved - not 'rumoured' to match - then let's wait and see.

The guy is clearly a crackpot, was facing sex charges here I believe, and so this could be a convenient way for him to get back to the States only for all to learn there that it ain't him. If so, would he walk free there? Or come back here? If it is him - good..let justice look harshly on him.

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Actually, it is true the press mentioned sex charges against the nutter in Thailand. If this is really the case, why didn't the chief of the immigration police mention this in the big circus press conference?

I am very skeptical that there were any such charges against him.

I think it is more likely the Thai officials were concerned that this potential pedo was going to be teaching young children and given the high degree of suspicion against him, they understandably wanted to stop that. That is not the same thing as sex charges.

It seems he was mostly being fired from various schools for being a total weirdo, a "crime" he is clearly guilty of!

The press (CNN and FOX especially) has a big old raw omelet on their face over jumping to judgement about the nutter, so in defense they are attacking Thailand, and especially expats in Thailand.

Expats in Thailand should be royally PISSED OFF at the so called "journalism" of the press, not that there is anything we can do about it. Thanks to their irresponsibility, the vast majority of us who are law abiding in our home countries and in Thailand, are now all being painted with this scandalous brush.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Hey Shotover, good to see you! I guess the link was taken down after their server crashed from all the hits!

Anyway, I have a feeling that this guy is not the murderer. Yes, he looks the part, but something just does not seem right about the whole thing and his story....I'm pretty sure he is guilty of all those things that he was charged with , but I don't think he was anywhere near the Ramsey home that night. Maybe he was so obssesed with the Jon Benet murder that he actually thought that he was the actual killer - He must have gone out of his way to get as much information as possible about the case, so much so that he became a good suspect..

I, like many Americans, followed this story since the night of her murder, ( It was a BIG deal here ) and there are still many questions left unanswered about the case, like why was the ransom note found at the scene in Patsy Ramey's handwriting? Why was there no footprints at all outside in the newly fallen snow outside the house, and why the Ramsey's never took a lie detector test, among other things...

And I also find it strange that after all this time, they finally find the suspect in Bangkok. A pedophile - in Thailand of all places? What a surprise! Just too convienient a story , if you ask me - it sounds like something you would see on a bad episode of "Cold Case". I would believe the story more if they found him in Latvia, or Uraguay, or even Indonesia. This thing looks similar to how they suddenly found the killer of the Lindberg Baby, out of the blue. Remember that one?

I guess we'll have to wait for the DNA tests to really be sure now....But then again, DNA as evidence was not a factor in winning that other high profile murder case...

Speaking of which, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if next we find out that OJ is really innocent, and that Nicole and Ron Goldman's real killer has finally been found in Phuket as a scuba diving instructor...

PLEASE......let's don't spread this 'rumor' as the truth. The ransom note WAS NOT verified to be in Patsy's handwriting. Here are the facts not the rumor. The handwriting experts could not EXCLUDE her and say POSITIVELY that she DID NOT WRITE THE NOTE. However, they could also not say that SHE WROTE THE NOTE. When pressed the experts admitted that if handwriting samples were taken from every American there would be MILLIONS who could NOT be excluded from having written the ransom note.........right along with Patsy.

Yes,I'll grant you that Patsy MAY NOT BE the author of the note, but she is still a very strong suspect ( even now! :D )

John Ramesy and Burke ( John Benet's brother ) were excluded by the six handwriting experts hired ( two from the Ramseys, three from the police investigator onthe case )as the authors of the note, but not Patsy. They , like you said, could not positively say whether or not it was her handwriting. On a scale of one to five, with five eliminating someone from suspicion as the author of the ransom note, the experts placed Patsy Ramsey at 4.5 to 4.0....

But if the handwriting was disguised... Then....:o

BTW, also, the experts never examined the original ransom note...

Yes, the ransom note is one of the longest ransom notes recorded in the history of kidnapping cases. Yet is still the key to solving this case. And I doubt that this John Mark wrote it.

Now if take a look..


I've never believed either parent was involved in killing the little girl.

......And I bet you also believe that OJ is innocent too? :D

You lose that bet :D I've believed from the start that OJ was the killer. A mountain of evidence; he was there that night, his car full of victims blood stains, his hand was cut (by a broken glass OJ says.....yea right) , he had beat her before on many occasions, he had motive, on and on.

You just don't get it. So Patsy is 4.0 to 4.5 on a scale of 5? Wow.......so would MILLIONS of other Americans be if they were tested. How would you like to be convicted on a 'stat' that says there is a 80-90% chance you wrote a ransom note? :D If I'm ever arrested for a crime I hope you're not on the jury! :D

You say, "But if the handwriting was disguised... Then....:D". Yea, and IF pigs had wings they could fly :D if, if, if, if,............here's my 'if'......if the Boulder Police weren't so incompetent this case might have already been solved. Yea, you're right....Patsy remains a very strong suspect.....by the silly Boulder cops :D who botched the case from the start.

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HenryB, how about a link. If not it tends to look like you just lifted you head out of the toilet long enough to burp.

Everyone can find the story on the Internet

From the New york Post of August 18 2006

Me think you live at the Blooms Hotel

Take care be vareful

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"Generally, persons with criminal records won't be able to pass through immigration checkpoints," she said, but in the wake of Karr's arrest, Kasama planned to ask international schools not to hire any foreign teachers before their qualifications check had been completed.

I have a couple of questions about the above quote... I don't recall Immigration conducting a criminal background check the last time I entered the country... Did I blink and miss it? :D

Are they really going to freeze hiring at International Schools? If teachers there don't have their criminal records letter, will they have to fly home to get one? :o

Seriously, it would be nice if Thai's got serious about education and hiring teachers, but I just don't see it happening in the near future.

P.S.: I pay about $170US for my 'room in a seedy flophouse'. I didn't realize that it was so bad before now. :D

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Further to Thaiquila above..

Last night ITV said something about 400,000 'bad' farangs in Thailand. This is scary stuff because of course it's nonesense..There probably aren't even 200,000 foreigners in this country at any one time in total - and probably half of them are tourists.

Just the diversion someone like Thaksin (known to love farangs) needs to go on some nationalistic crusade against farangs..

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