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Trouble in the pipeline if Russia cuts Europe off


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All those idiots including mostly USA lot who thought you could try and bully Russia and Putin are in for a huge shock. USA started this for sure by at least encouraging a hostile to Russia government in Ukraine and went on to make matters worse and worse. Then when quite rightly Russia took back Crimea instead of doing a deal USA and west cocked it up even further. Crimea voted 90% and it was not rigged to be part of Russia so why on earth did USA ignore this and other parts of Crimea are more russian than Ukrainian and a majority want to join Russia. If parts of UK want to leave we let them. If Northern Ireland wanted to join the south wed accept it but no stupid USA and many of its varian dead citizens thought they could provoke the russian Bear

This action can easily lead to third world war which is what USA and West want to distract their sheep from fact west is going down the drain fast.

Russia is now joined by China and many Brics nations in total opposition and loathing of USA and west.

France and many european countries are already scared shitless and begging west to make peace with Russia even if it means total capitulation.

russia will win this one for sure or USA will cause world war 3 and sooner USA and west surrender Ukriane the better for all of uzi including citizens of Ukraine.

As they used to say better Red than dead

And we all have a greater enemy to defeat in IS and Muslim threat to our way of life

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Russia is cutting off it's own nose to spite it's face...

Europe will find alternatives and other sources of gas, may take a while but this action is a warning to all (including china), Russia can not be trusted.

As for Putin, he popularity will wane when Moskovites have again to queue for a few cabbage leaves (and may a few grains of mouldy brown rice supplied to them by the Chinese, acquired from an unnamed Asian source).whistling.gif

Edited by Basil B
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Russia is now joined by China and many Brics nations in total opposition and loathing of USA and west.

France and many european countries are already scared shitless and begging west to make peace with Russia even if it means total capitulation.

russia will win this one for sure or USA will cause world war 3 and sooner USA and west surrender Ukriane the better for all of uzi including citizens of Ukraine.


Seeing this level of confidence, got to wonder - heavily invested in the Ruble?

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Well here in the U.K we are fine, in the summer masses of gas was transferred from tanker ships into U.K gas storage tanks, for the winter.

The energy supply companies are now complaining that they cannot drop prices now in the middle of winter, even though the market price has dropped, consumers have to pay the going price.

Don't know about you, but he'll this is such a mild winter, my gas central heating system is off, it's so warm.

Don't even need to buy summers gas.

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Europe has 190 million barrels of oil in winter reserves and a reserve of 77 billion cubic meters of LNG should Putin decide to shut off oil and LNG flows, which he is very unlikely to do. Russia gets $250 billion annually from its energy exports to Europe alone, which amounts to almost two-thirds of Russian government revenue.

During last winter's average temperatures Europe consumed 130 million barrels of oil and some 60 Bcm of LNG.

Europe is in fact in the process of dumping Russia as supplier of one-third of its natural gas due to geostrategic differences manifested by the Ukraine crisis.

Europe is turning to suppliers that are not the geostrategic rivals Russia has become. The EU is contracting with North African countries, Israel and other sources in the Middle East, turning to the Caspian Sea pipeline and the United States for shale gas. In the meantime, the EU has already begun increasing its energy stockpile for next winter.

Europe is thus in the process of firing Putin as a significant energy contractor due to his volatility, temperament, and his repeated use of Russia's energy resources as a tool in foreign policy manipulations reminiscent of the cold war. Gazprom alone will lose $80 billion of exports as the direct consequence.

Russian banks have begun to fail and Russia's isolation is occurring because there is no one to bail out Putin and his cronies. China and the other Brics have serious problems of their own.

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Well I guess Europe is learning that having a lunatic like Putin control your energy

is not a good idea.... Europe will suffer a bit of pain this winter, then over the course

of this year will find new energy supplies. Actually good news for America as I am

sure they will be doing some of the selling. Putin needs to either fire or execute

his advisors, as they certainly are giving him bad advice..... And with the loss of

money from energy sales, Russia will continue its downward slide. And if they think

China will save them, good luck with that..... :-)

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I agree with much of your post, but time for Europe to realise they should not put all their eggs in one basket, America is just as capable of holding Europe to ransom as Russia is.

In some ways that is what actually got Europe into this mess with Russia...meaning being held to side with the US on the sanctions against Russia

Was not their fight & they could have easily used many many examples of the US doing very much the same elsewhere....to instead say nah we abstain.

Many seem to think Russia is taking the lead in these matters...but really are they?

Or just reacting to things/sanctions in pretty much the only way possible.

The whole Crimea deal was a vote & nobody's business. That the US did not like it was not a reason to try &

go all isolationist on them thru sanctions. Now they have to react & they will be called isolationist? After they were isolated??

France has already asked to be excused from this nonsense....Then they had their "event" what the next move will be I do not know.

But I think Euro should take a hard look & really decide what is good for them not worry too much what "others" want.

Edited by mania
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Putin and the people around here who thought Russia could divide and conquer Europe by using the Ukraine were wrong, and they were always wrong. Putin and the people who thought Russia in Ukraine would separate the EU from the US were wrong and the were 100% wrong. The EU and the US are cooperating against Putin and Russia because they agree and share a common ground against WW2 style aggression against the borders of a country in Europe-Eurasia, namely Ukraine.

France goes its own way and everyone knows that, yet France is participating in the sanctions and the opposition to Putin in Ukraine. Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary have strong economic and other ties to Russia yet each one is opposed to Putin in Ukraine and generally.

Italy doesn't like the sanctions but is siding with the EU and not Russia. Bulgaria forced Putin to shut down his South Stream pipeline by halting construction of it inside Burgaria. Croatia has publicly sided with the EU after giving Putin a big parade in its capital last fall that Putin soon found out had in fact been a hail and farewell ceremony. Hungary quit waffling and has sided with the EU much to Putin's open ire and fury.

One major reason for the clear realignment is that Putin is funding and stoking right wing political parties or major rightist movements throughout Europe. None of the EU and other governments of the region can or will accept this. They correctly see the former KGB agent Putin as trying to gain direct influence inside the EU and over its previously neutral and unattached neighboring countries.

Germany is Putin's greatest and most significant disappointment. Chancellor Angela Merkel wears the pants in Germany and Germany bestrides Europe. German leadership of Europe is reality and fact, and this is true no matter how much some others in Europe choke on it, some in the UK especially. While post war Germany has bent over backwards to Russia toward atoning for its previous horrors, Russia has not reciprocated.

Merkel was born grew up in the former East Germany where Putin had been a KGB agent and is fluent in German. At the recent G-20 in Brisbane Merkel came from a late night four hour meeting with Putin to say Putin is "cold." Putin then made a dawn early departure from the Summit leaving behind his naval warships that had just parked off the Australia coast.

Germany and the United States share common values and are firmly allied....the EU as well as its unattached neighboring countries know which side their bread is buttered on and they know this naturally, comfortably, willingly. Putin simply needs to accept that the former republics of the USSR and its once satellite countries -- to include the former East Germany -- want to be European and Western, not Russian. It is a matter of self-determination and of Putin respecting the principle and the conscious and willing choices that they have made.

Edited by Publicus
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I agree with much of your post, but time for Europe to realise they should not put all their eggs in one basket, America is just as capable of holding Europe to ransom as Russia is.

America has been holding Europe to ransom for years, as there first line of defence.

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Germany is the new leader of Europe which is bad news for Russia.

tell it to the britts

for us it does not matter who is EU leader because it is the US anyway))).

Germany is the leader of continental Europe.

The Brits on their islands have their own ideas about that, yes. And PM David Cameron in Washington yesterday reaffirmed the Anglo-US alliance as first and foremost to each. The US has other close allies, from Germany to Japan to Israel and onward. What may be between the UK and Germany or the continentals is between them.

I hope btw the thingy about Gasprom can work out for all Russian houses so no one has to throw their rubles or their squirreled nuts into the fireplace before spring.

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