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British tourist who contracted a rare disease in Thailand is back in the UK


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Get your facts right Kingalfred before you ridicule those that helped him out !!! Typical of the words one often reads here knocking others without know the facts!!!

But also bare in mind, that I would never travel to another country if I could not get insurance, end of story regardless

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Maybe he should have wrote make sure you have insurance or a good insurance as you never know when you need it

well pretty much all insurance would cover this sort of medical expenses, so I am wondering wether he had any travel insurance at all?

many insurance companies won't cover you in the event of a coup or if the country is under martial law.

Many... Please name one...

This is a rumour put out by people who wont pay the price of a quickie for a few weeks travel insurance.

Edited by Basil B
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it's not a question of experience, if it is a medical condition and the patient had no pre-existing medical conditions then most UK travel insurance would cover the medical bills. Of course there are exclusions like being drunk, taking undue risk etc etc... If his insurance refused to pay out I was interested in the reason/s, but it appears in any case that he had no insurance in which case he is lucky to have so many good and generous friends, he is also a little naive and stupid to travel in Asia without any cover

I think personal experience is important if one has any.

It was just coincidental as I was discussing this very subject with someone whose insurance had refused to cover some hospitalisation, and come up with an 'undisclosed condition'... although the condition had no correlation with the reason for hospitalisation... but that did not stop them refusing to cover the costs. This was a local (Thai) company, not UK

On the other hand, my Thai insurance did cover me for an accident, so I think listening to recommendations is useful.

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Someone close to me has this syndrome. He's dying a slow, painful, frustrating death. He has a few other health issues and his elderly, but this has made everything so much worse. Heart-breaking. Hope this guy can recover.

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This guy had a medical problem years ago. The illness was traced back to that and as it was a pre-existing condition his Travel Insurance was null and void for this illness

It reminds us all to list any pre-existing condition when taking out a policy

Guillain-Barre is also often a consequence of vaccination, particularly the flu shot. I wonder it was a flu shot that could have triggered the condition due to his pre-existing medical condition.

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