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Special Report: PM says Thailand at crossroads

Lite Beer

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Thailand Prime Minister has been at the cross roads for a decade at least, one wonders if this latest round of Coups is going to heal a lot of unhealthy thoughts about the elite establishment for starters and the other is the Shinawatra Family, one cannot sir imagine anything has changed and from what I have seen in the reforms charter so far, you are now nearly back to pre 1992 era, just where all the upper crust have always wanted the situation , especially with the introduction of Outsiders as unelected members of parliament , just makes a mockery of your Democracy.coffee1.gif

To be fair (or my version of fair) Thailand may not be what we think it should be. I think it has the POTENTIAL to be the super power of Asia - not China. BUT the people in charge here never learn. they hold the country back based on FEAR campaigns that Foreigners will own everything and throw out the Thais. RUBBISH! Do you ever hear hoards screaming I LOVE CHINA and their QUALITY??/ Nope.

Now Thailand - it is far superior to those countries all around it. Whilst we may bitch and moan, why do you live here and not say Indonesia or Laos or Cambodia or Malaysia> Better deals for EXPATS in Malaysia? Because Thailand has that things we love, a better place with tolerance no other country permits.

Sure there is hot air blown by government all the time but things roll along. And we stay and we survive and we are basically left alone. In other countries would this be the case?

Now if they were serious and really embraced investment from overseas and learned where we go wrong and TAUGHT real studies this country would be the economic power house of Asia.

Or am I totally wrong?

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"In this regard, all sectors of Thai society have been urged to join the reform efforts."

General, please, whatever you do, never ask the majority of TVF members as it is amazing how ignorant they are on Thai political issues.

The only thing they know is to repeat themselves, asking for your good self to go away, without realizing or even thinking that this will put Thailand back to the old days of corruption, disrespect of the law and the constitution.

Please, take your time and reform this country........elections and democracy can wait.

Thailand is not ready yet to face them again.

What brand of boot polish do you use to polish his Jackboots?

'What brand of boot polish do you use on your tongue to polish his jackboots' more like...

Wonder if our friend Mr Costas is old enough to remember when Greece was run by a bunch of generals? If he is, he sure didn't learn the lessons they so brutally taught.

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Wonder if our friend Mr Costas is old enough to remember when Greece was run by a bunch of generals? If he is, he sure didn't learn the lessons they so brutally taught.

Yes Costas I just happened to be on holiday in Athens in 1967 when the generals rolled the tanks onto the streets. A lot of my Greek friends weren't very happy. They were there for 7 years ruling the Country that was the birthplace of democracy. Will Costas still have the same attitude 6 years from now if the Junta are still in power?

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"In this regard, all sectors of Thai society have been urged to join the reform efforts."

General, please, whatever you do, never ask the majority of TVF members as it is amazing how ignorant they are on Thai political issues.

The only thing they know is to repeat themselves, asking for your good self to go away, without realizing or even thinking that this will put Thailand back to the old days of corruption, disrespect of the law and the constitution.

Please, take your time and reform this country........elections and democracy can wait.

Thailand is not ready yet to face them again.

Based on your naive comments, you are the one ignorant of the political realities. This regime is a group of tired old reactionaries whose only goal is to send thailand back 50 years. The end of corruption is very low on their list of real priorities, and they have already shown the absolute disrespect for the constituion when they abolished it by force.

100% disagree. You are really sailing in the wrong direction.

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How on earth can you be comparing structure of the country 600 years ago to today?. I find it very sad that this sort of thing is thought relevant. I try to be clued up on British history, particularly the 19th/20th century, but frankly I haven't a clue who was king in 1448. (I can look it up, but that would be cheating)

My point is that you cannot use feudal comparisons to run a modern state. sad.png

By viewing the contemporary context through the lens of past paternalistic kings and hierarchical structures, has proven an effective device for modern autocrats to structure current society in a timewarped ideal of subservience to authority. wink.png

Excellent! A bit like a PM citing Oliver Cromwell...?

No, I was thinking more along the lines of General Sir Nick Carter (Head of British Armed Forces) declaring a coup d'etat in UK and subsequently justifying his authority by making reference to the mores and feudal codes of Henry VI's Lancastrian army in the 15th century. It not only answers your question as to the monarch of 1448, but it is worth looking ol' Henry up on Wikipedia to see some uncanny parallels....whistling.gif

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