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Garbage on Doi Suthep


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They did!

they erected a lovely sign saying "please to do not throw away your litter".;

it was soon under a pile of garbage.

no bin sited as a prompt for said litter ?

sign in English because it must be the English speaking tourists at fault?

another great plan that went tits up.

(cannot locate the photo I took but its at the very top of the monks trail)

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You call that garbage? You should see the monk-dump behind the wat, now that's garbagetongue.png

Really ? Why is the park authority not doing something about it ?

Where do you think you are? Here's a hint, you're not in Kansas anymore...

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I too have seen an increase in the amount of rubbish/garbage/trash being dumped on the roadside. Maybe its more obvious now during the cold season as the grasses die down but nonetheless its quite disturbing to see.

Where I live there is no garbage collection so we must take our garbage into the local towns collection point, its a little bit of a hassle but the proper way to try and keep the place tidy. We could pay a local guy to collect but thats not to say he wont just throw it over the bank somewhere on his travels.

Im not sure what the answer is to sort this problem out. Imposing fines will not work.... as there are bugger all people that will enforce any rules. Its a bit like traffic rules in some ways.

Ive said to my other half that if I ever saw a person dumping rubbish on the side of the road, that Id follow them to their house. Later on Id return their dumped rubbish into their yard.....with perhaps some additional crap. But would they learn anything by doing so? I somehow doubt it.

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They did!

they erected a lovely sign saying "please to do not throw away your litter".;

it was soon under a pile of garbage.

no bin sited as a prompt for said litter ?

sign in English because it must be the English speaking tourists at fault?

another great plan that went tits up.

(cannot locate the photo I took but its at the very top of the monks trail)

Signs should be in thai only.

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I guess if you stepped back a few more feet when u took the pic you would see a big yellow bin!

Thainess 101.......wai2.gif

Ps i was going to take a similar shot outside the 7-11 as i looked at the trash by one of the FEW bins in thailand

Wrong guess. There was no bin there. Still no reason to leave trash behind.

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This is a western problem as well. litter is a major problem in Oz. Two years ago I was teaching and the school head girl threw her lunch wrappers on the ground and then refused to pick them up. I spoke to her mother and the reply was "why should she pick it up? You are the teacher, it's your job to clean the place up, that's what you are paid for". I fear this is just a sign of the times. The parks around where I live in Oz are filled with dumped rubbish, including tons and tons of asbestos. having said that, there is no doubt that Thailand is really spoiled by the pervasivelitter problem. Litter clean-ups have to be handled at local levels to be effective.

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This is a western problem as well. litter is a major problem in Oz. Two years ago I was teaching and the school head girl threw her lunch wrappers on the ground and then refused to pick them up. I spoke to her mother and the reply was "why should she pick it up? You are the teacher, it's your job to clean the place up, that's what you are paid for". I fear this is just a sign of the times. The parks around where I live in Oz are filled with dumped rubbish, including tons and tons of asbestos. having said that, there is no doubt that Thailand is really spoiled by the pervasivelitter problem. Litter clean-ups have to be handled at local levels to be effective.

I’m on the board for our ground owners union back home, so I know first hand how many resources we spend on cleaning up after our members (and their guests), it’s frustrating, but if we do not do it, things would be much much worse, and litter seems to encourage more litter.

So agree, also a western problem, I was driving with some kiwis (in NZ) where one of the girls, after we all agreed on how nice the nature was, threw a can out the window.

I think the main problem in Thailand is the lack of a proper trash infrastructure with trashcans, rather than have people throw their trash in the gutter or wherever a pile has already been built up.

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A little further down at the viewpoint... just before the really sharp and steep bend leading up to the temple, there are 5 different and coloured bins for all kinds of trash. Still, the whole area is covered with garbage. To me, this is sheer ignorance.

Maybe putting up some fake CCTV cameras would do the trick ?

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You call that garbage? You should see the monk-dump behind the wat, now that's garbagetongue.png

Really ? Why is the park authority not doing something about it ?

Where do you think you are? Here's a hint, you're not in Kansas anymore...

Thanks mate. Good point.

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Thais love and greatly respect Thailand, or so they say. I don't believe it. If they did, they'd take better care of the country, starting with the natural beauty and the environment. I still unforgettably remember the impact of the trash I saw in Thailand on my first trip here in 1988; it made a lasting impression of the widespread disregard for nature here. Trash heaps of plastic bottles on Ko Samet, the boat captain heedlessly trowing his trash into the bay, vile and plugged up canals in Bangkok, the careless tossing of garbage out the train windows; it all set the tone.

Promotion of care for the country has to start at the top. Clean air, clean water, and clean highways and streets are all big issues that few really are concerned about. Taking care of the local litter problems would require more than a few public service ads on TV. Who's going to correct those who don't comply? Calling out and shaming others when they are throwing litter just isn't in the Thai DNA.

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