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Arab Town To Be Built In Bangkok


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Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

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Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

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On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

Are we supposed to say nice things about them? :o

i would like to say after reading all/most of your comments :D regarding us arabs and you farngs per say and your god like status crap...that 1st of all we and the thai's are more closer than you can imagine when it comes to business although you fools come to thailand and bang women and talk s%^%$ most of the time..2nd, we Pay and Play So put your money where your mouth is fools or respect yourselves and shut-up :D

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

Having lived in Israel for ten years and now in my second year in Iraq, WWIII (or is it an extension of the Crusades) is one small step closer. We (the rest of the world) must reconize that when people have a goal of reaching Paradise, and a sure fire way to get there, is by killing, until you, yourself are killed................... Their are no methods of "rehabbing" people like this. The only sure-fire method I know, is to help them reach Paradise, as quickly as possible. Islam is a religion of intolerance. Take a look at the globe, and tell me where Muslims live in harmony with others. Only in countries where the Genoside has been completed. And I for one, would not want to live under those rules (Islamic Law)!

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"In Islam, there is no compromise!"

and thats why there will never be any real integration between muslim and other communities.

this hard line view is becoming more and more mainstream around the world.

islam is without doubt going to spread around the world over the next few centuries , and it wont be long before a european town or country has a majority of islamic citizens , followed by an islamic majority in the local or national government.

should fundamentalism take hold , as it is doing in islamic countries already , then one can only feel sorry for the minority of christians , jews and buddhists in those societies.

it is how cultures have changed and developed throughout history , but it is the violence associated with islam that is most worrying.

religions and lifestyles associated with buddhism have been passively taken up by societies because of the benefits associated with those beliefs.

christianity , until recently , was forced violently upon cultures. believe or burn.

i think this is what will happen with islam. believe or die.

so long as children are indoctrinated / brainwashed from birth to follow the beliefs of ther parents rather than study religions and choose the one that most suits , then religion and an unquestioning belief in god will continue to be the most evil philosophy to have infected the minds of men.

why should they have their own town.

why cant they live amongst the communities they choose to come to.

and the question raised previously .... why do they choose bangkok over muslim kuala lumpur or muslim jakarta ...... is one that needs answering.

Edited by taxexile
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There are some really interesting reading on this thread..... and some very good points made.

I worked for local Government back in the UK in a town with a very large muslim community.... I have seen first hand the resentment and contempt they have for the UK (their home!) - it is far from a 'minority'. This issues however are not with the elders of the community, it is from second and third generation muslims many of whom have never ventured out of the country.

I do not know what the answer to the UK problem is... and it is going to be a long and winding road to sort out.

I just hope Thailand thinks about the long term cultural consequences of its decision.

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In every race and every religion (and none) that I can think of, the majority of people are moderate and tolerant.

But every one of them can be disparaged by pointing to their minority who display immoderation and intolerance.

The best (in fact, IMO, the only) way to cope with that minority is to keep them well spread out so that each is surrounded by the moderate and tolerant. Then the individual member of the minority will ease up. The absolutely disastrous way is to force, or allow, any minority to coop up in a ghetto.

That is the only thing that worries me about this news item. This 'Arab town' might become a ghetto.

The Singapore government keeps a close eye on the 'spread' of its various racial/religious groups and takes serious measures to negate the first signs of any emergence of a ghetto. It is one way, of many, in which Singapore is showing the world how to manage a city.

Of course, many people don't like the idea that the way they live might need to be managed. But, now that we have the mobility that allows for quite large-scale migration (which is what these business people are hoping to make money out of), it is a recipe for disaster to let cities just 'grow like Topsy'.

But people do want their sort of facilities nearby, so minorities will want to settle together.

The best compromise would be for this 'Arab town' to be only village-sized, and to be kept limited to that by zoning rules, so that the next lot of Arabs to follow have to make a second village in another part of Bangkok. And so on.

We'll see. (But I prefer to watch cities from afar, even if it does mean that I am the only resident 'falang' in my village.)

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Yes Im sure most muslims are decent people but Im also not a fan of this idea.The thought of one area totally for Arabs does not sit right with me.I think the Thais need to take there time on this one.Im not realy a fan of Arabs,after seeing the ones in Pattaya,they seemed rude to people and treated the girls harshly.Im against this Arab town

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I urge all people who do not understand the difference between Muslims and Arabs to learn why they are frankly a little embarrassing when reading their posts.

Here is a link to get you going: http://tinyurl.com/roqx6

Then for the more intelligent among you I recommend finding out why Iranians are not predominantly Arabs.

Here is a link too: http://tinyurl.com/pqvna

And as an aside being anti semitic can also mean being anti Palestinian.

The third link


I also want share with you that I was chastised by a Middle Eastern waiter in an Egyptian Bangkok restaurant, for holding my girlfriends hand at the dinner table. It's considered a little offensive in their culture, like putting feet up on chairs in Thailand would be. He was right and I was wrong. I apologised. He was courteous about the matter.

For the record: Islam needs leadership now more than at any time in its history or it will create even greater suffering. Judaism is a cult. The Catholic church is commiting murder because of its stance on contraception in AIDS and Poverty riven African countries. Is this not grotesque?

I love my European Union Passports and sometimes I miss the multi culturalism of the United Kingdom. But Thom Ka Gai with some wok fried fresh vegetables on Cow Hom Mali for breakfast with working class Thais before the office day begins, is a reason in its own right for living in this incredible country. I would swap one of my E.U passports for a Thai one in a heartbeat.

Long live the King.

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I see no problem with it, There is arabs on my whole street and i also grew up with them, great bunch of people, they shouldnt be looked at terrorist etc just because a few of them are nuts, But i do think they will need to adopt Thai way of life abit. And the gov needs to be firm with them if they want to change things like laws etc for there way of life.

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

God / Buddha save Bangkok :o

Please leave Bangkok as it'is now and save Thailand from what we are suffering in Europe / US now for Terrorism. :D

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What we are saying is - I f you want to move to USA Austraila or UK - learn to speak English. It is our mother tongue. In other words integrate assimilate, forget the apartheid stuff. USA Aust is a homogeneous mix. People building enclaves is not wanted.

You can not have it boths ways. Why is it you demand that everybody should learn English and assimilate when farangs in Thailand mostly CAN NOT speak Thai? I know guys who have been here 10 years and still can't count to ten in Thai, some can't say one word in Thai. Some live in farang gettos like Pattaya, only drink with farangs and only speak English, is that your idea of assimilation? What you say "learn to speak English" is now applied to farangs in Thailand, "learn to speak Thai" sadly 95% of farangs will have to leave because they can't speak Thai.

Yes Im sure most muslims are decent people but Im also not a fan of this idea.The thought of one area totally for Arabs does not sit right with me.I think the Thais need to take there time on this one.Im not realy a fan of Arabs,after seeing the ones in Pattaya,they seemed rude to people and treated the girls harshly.Im against this Arab town

Well I live in Pattaya and there is a lot of farangs here. New condos are being sold 49% to farangs...... hmmm farang gettos maybe? Why is it some farangs seem to think rules should apply to all other ethnic groups but not to themselves?

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

God / Buddha save Bangkok :o

Please leave Bangkok as it'is now and save Thailand from what we are suffering in Europe / US now for Terrorism. :D

there are areas in EVERY majorcity in every place in the world with groups of almost no ethnic mix .... including here in BKK etc already

come here and experience it!

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I urge all people who do not understand the difference between Muslims and Arabs to learn why they are frankly a little embarrassing when reading their posts.

Here is a link to get you going: http://tinyurl.com/roqx6

Then for the more intelligent among you I recommend finding out why Iranians are not predominantly Arabs.

Here is a link too: http://tinyurl.com/pqvna

And as an aside being anti semitic can also mean being anti Palestinian.

The third link


I also want share with you that I was chastised by a Middle Eastern waiter in an Egyptian Bangkok restaurant, for holding my girlfriends hand at the dinner table. It's considered a little offensive in their culture, like putting feet up on chairs in Thailand would be. He was right and I was wrong. I apologised. He was courteous about the matter.

For the record: Islam needs leadership now more than at any time in its history or it will create even greater suffering. Judaism is a cult. The Catholic church is commiting murder because of its stance on contraception in AIDS and Poverty riven African countries. Is this not grotesque?

I love my European Union Passports and sometimes I miss the multi culturalism of the United Kingdom. But Thom Ka Gai with some wok fried fresh vegetables on Cow Hom Mali for breakfast with working class Thais before the office day begins, is a reason in its own right for living in this incredible country. I would swap one of my E.U passports for a Thai one in a heartbeat.

Long live the King.

Thank you for your rational, informative, culturally sensitive and appreciative post. I think many of us share your views on most of these points...although the kingdom is certainly not paradise, it is the closest place to it I know....

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Great many people here with doomsday scenarios again.

Let's try it one more time. There was a question earlier - name one city where muslims successfully integrated in the mainstream society? That's easy - it's right here - Bangkok.

From Rama 9 and Ramkhamheng intersection go either east, north, or south - there are mosques around every corner, some really big ones, some really new ones, all the way to Minburi or to the new airport.

It seems the guiding principle in this thread is to never let the facts get in the way of muslim bashing for issues completely unrelated to the topic.

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

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First get this straight.I am not a racist as I am married to a Mauritian lady who is a practicing hindu.I live in the uk and over the years the Islamic community is getting bigger.It will start off small and grow.They will not mix with he thais and want to trade and keep themselves to themselves.When there is enough of them they will want more and more islamic rights and even wat to practice shari law.Islam is a cancer spreading accross the world.What kind of religion says you can go and kill people in the name of allah or whatever.If i strated a group that praciced this kind of crap in the uk i would be jailed.When they finally take over Thailand in many years to come your bhuist temples will be outlawed.Try and go to saudi and build a temlpe of any kind except muslim and see what will happen to you.There was a bomb on a bus in BKK not long ago,some people thought it was a prank maybee by kids.Kids do not know how to make bombs and where to get the stuff to make them with.I would put a large wager muslims were involved with this.Thailand is a buddist country its a nice peacefull religion so keep the cancer away else in years to come you will be sorry.

On a lighter note did you hear about the irishman who wanted to be a suicide bomber

he turned the job down as there was no holiday or sick pay

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First get this straight.I am not a racist... ...or sick pay

You might not be racist, but your post certainly labels you as a bigot. Your "proof" that you are not - "as I am married to a Mauritian lady who is a practicing hindu." has the same value as "A dog has four legs. My cat has four legs, therefore my cat is a dog.".

Religous extremism of all shades is awful. To stereotype the 1.4 billion muslims in this world as evil is simply ignorant.

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First get this straight.I am not a racist... ...or sick pay

You might not be racist, but your post certainly labels you as a bigot. Your "proof" that you are not - "as I am married to a Mauritian lady who is a practicing hindu." has the same value as "A dog has four legs. My cat has four legs, therefore my cat is a dog.".

Religous extremism of all shades is awful. To stereotype the 1.4 billion muslims in this world as evil is simply ignorant.

and to have posted that garbage shows he hasn't been here often .....

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I also want share with you that I was chastised by a Middle Eastern waiter in an Egyptian Bangkok restaurant, for holding my girlfriends hand at the dinner table. It's considered a little offensive in their culture, like putting feet up on chairs in Thailand would be. He was right and I was wrong. I apologised. He was courteous about the matter.

I disagree with you.

Anyone who opens up an establishment in a foreign country to make money from foreign customers shouldn't be offended when foreigners behave as they normally do in their culture. In Thailand it is not an offence to hold a girlfriend's or wife's hand in a restaurant.

Since the Egyptian restaurant opens its door to foreign customers in Thailand, their waiters should not be surprised or offended because foreigners follow commonly accepted practices in Thailand.

Instead of apologizing to the waiter, I would have suggested to him that if he expects their customers to practice Middle Eastern customs and culture while dining at their restaurant in Thailand they should post a warning sign on the outside of the restaurant listing all practises and customs that will not be tolerated.

I would have reminded the waiter that this is Thailand and not Egypt and if he was offended by my holding hands with my wife or girlfriend I would be happy to leave and spend my money at another restaurant.

The waiter shows his cultural ignorance and intolerance by insisting that people in Thailand modify their behavior in a way that is acceptable to him. It amazes me that people so ethnocentric and culturally intolerant would even choose to live and work in Thailand.

Next thing he'll be want is for all female customers to cover their heads and dine in separate rooms

Edited by egeefay
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<<Press release>>

New for visitors to Bangkok

A tour of Arabtown

• Once past the security check-points, our purpose built double-deck bus allows tourists to see over the high walls and locked gates into genuine Arabic houses

• See wives and daughters, indistinguishable from each other in their all-enveloping black Abiya’s, locked inside segregated sections of each building whilst husbands and sons head off to sample the exotic nightlife of Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

• Thrill to the pounding of the 400 decibel ‘Call to Prayer’ in glorious surround-sound 5 times a day

• Watch sheep die as their throats are slit over the roadside drains of this quaint, purpose built town.

• See Asian household staff being molested, raped and generally degraded whilst working 20 hours a day 7 days a week in the hope that, one day, they may actually get paid.

• Sadly, we can’t let you look inside their places of worship – it’s not allowed

• Sadly, you will not be able visit a genuine Arabic house – it’s not allowed (unless all the women are locked away and you have a business deal in mind)

• However, you may be lucky enough to witness the ritual stoning of a woman because her husband (tired and emotional after arriving home from Patpong in the early hours of the morning) suspects her of infidelity or see a thief’s right hand being surgically amputated or even a ceremonial beheading.

You might not be able to visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist but now, thanks to some really far-sighted Thai businessmen, you’ll soon be able to see it all for real in beautiful downtown Bangkok.


Note: It has been reported that the money for this proposed project comes in the main from Saudi Arabia. I hasten to add that Saudi Arabia is not at all representative of the other Gulf States. Bahrain, Qatar, the Emirates and the Oman with their liberal and tolerant attitudes are centuries ahead of the Saudi’s and are countries where it is a real pleasure to live

PS. Got your flame thrower ready Taxexile?

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BANGKOK: -- The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

More Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism. ???????????????????????????

--Agencies 2006-08-17

IMHO about as needed as the clap! But then the money is the factor not personal decision.

Less welcome in Europe?? Maybe, but theres definately not going to be a mass exodus from Europe to Thailand.

And Opothai I totally agree with your sentiments, I fear Thailand may yet suffer the blight of excess Multi-culturalism that Plagues England.

SO WHY ARE ALL THESE 'BENIGN' MEs MOVING? SEEMS A BIT LIKE EITHER THEY'VE NOT GOT "ALLAH" ON THEIR 'SIDE' TO ADDRESS ALL THE CONTINUING HEAD-LINE NEWS BS IN THEIR CARVED OUT mESSED UP PIECES OF our only working, Sorta' ONE PLANET or AN EFFECTIVE PROCESS TO "PROCEED"! new form of colonalism//oil wealth the 'west' created, ME's brightly thrieved. Except for Israel, @ the Yalta Conf, i.e. Roosevelt[on Bourbon], Churchill[ on opinium] and Stalin[brightly acting a feak], carved up the mid-on 20th. century world. The Shan State destroyed---but sheiks, etc absolved. BUDDHIST ARE NOT PROSOTILIZERS, NOR JEWIST OR SHINTOS, Others . sorry soap box ####------but i did part of my STANFORD Univ doctorial research in the ME , Morocco, Thailand a few more.

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I also want share with you that I was chastised by a Middle Eastern waiter in an Egyptian Bangkok restaurant, for holding my girlfriends hand at the dinner table. It's considered a little offensive in their culture, like putting feet up on chairs in Thailand would be. He was right and I was wrong. I apologised. He was courteous about the matter.

I disagree with you.

Anyone who opens up an establishment in a foreign country to make money from foreign customers shouldn't be offended when foreigners behave as they normally do in their culture. In Thailand it is not an offence to hold a girlfriend's or wife's hand in a restaurant.

Since the Egyptian restaurant opens its door to foreign customers in Thailand, their waiters should not be surprised or offended because foreigners follow commonly accepted practices in Thailand.

Instead of apologizing to the waiter, I would have suggested to him that if he expects their customers to practice Middle Eastern customs and culture while dining at their restaurant in Thailand they should post a warning sign on the outside of the restaurant listing all practises and customs that will not be tolerated.

I would have reminded the waiter that this is Thailand and not Egypt and if he was offended by my holding hands with my wife or girlfriend I would be happy to leave and spend my money at another restaurant.

The waiter shows his cultural ignorance and intolerance by insisting that people in Thailand modify their behavior in a way that is acceptable to him. It amazes me that people so ethnocentric and culturally intolerant would even choose to live and work in Thailand.

Next thing he'll be want is for all female customers to cover their heads and dine in separate rooms

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

I am a Malaysian who travels into thailand often and Thailand is like a second home to me, I know the places, culture and people there well. First of all, you must understand that Malaysia, though cosmopolitan, multi-racial and multi-religious does have a lot of advantages in attracting middle easterns as they are a muslim friendly country. Take for instance when you walk the street here anywhere and everywhere, you can find a mosque or a surau, you walk into any western restaurant, be it McDs, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc its all certified Halal. Places that dont served halal, chances are they are located at a location somewhere in the city of residential places predominantly chinese. Even Malaysian Indian rarely have pork in their ingredient. Pork is not a big thing in Menus here for chinese cooking, but in Thailand it's otherwise. The point is for Middle Eastern to come to Malaysia, they feel right at "home", whereas in Thailand, they might feel somewhat intimidated in that sense.

Secondly, its the communication barrier, here in Malaysia, English is common and is used almost everywhere, even in the outskirts or out of the city folks, the not so educated people will be able to scrap through with some amount of "broken" English language to communicate, in Thailand its otherwise.

So it Thailand is thinking of attacting more Arabs to come to Thailand by just building an Arab town, I dont think it will work.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Cheers. :o

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based on the premise that you cannot negotiate on race, religon, etc. with ISLAM you then need to realise that you're gambling with a faith that holds all the aces - you cannot win!

Forget all this anti semetic and discriminatory talk as the very faith you are being PC about is basically a well ........ read on and you work it out.

i think the solution is obvious

Use Islamic teachings in reverse - not matter what country you are in

1st one

The Koran teaches the righteous to be ruthless to unbelievers, and to fight those who do not embrace Islam.

2nd one

Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship will become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.

Sura 5:51

3rd one

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. hel_l shall be their home: an evil fate.

4th one

Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given as believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His apostle have forbidden and do not embrace the true faith until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued.

Sura 9:29

5th one

They worship their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah, the son of Mary, as gods besides Allah, though they were ordered to serve one God only. There is no God but Him.

Sura 9:30

6th one

Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.

Sura 48:29

So theres the road map for ISLAM

to follow or not to follow

that is the question

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Would be unfortunate

Why create another muslim ghetto???

Why not just integrate peacefuly into the community???

I am sure Bangkok needs a place like this?

Just look at was these "communities" have done for parts of Sydney,Oslo,Amsterdam ,paris, etc etc

Hideaways for the practice of making women third class citizens and a breeding ground for hypocritical males who use religion as an excuse to act like wild animals.

<<Press release>>

New for visitors to Bangkok

A tour of Arabtown

• Once past the security check-points, our purpose built double-deck bus allows tourists to see over the high walls and locked gates into genuine Arabic houses

• See wives and daughters, indistinguishable from each other in their all-enveloping black Abiya’s, locked inside segregated sections of each building whilst husbands and sons head off to sample the exotic nightlife of Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

• Thrill to the pounding of the 400 decibel ‘Call to Prayer’ in glorious surround-sound 5 times a day

• Watch sheep die as their throats are slit over the roadside drains of this quaint, purpose built town.

• See Asian household staff being molested, raped and generally degraded whilst working 20 hours a day 7 days a week in the hope that, one day, they may actually get paid.

• Sadly, we can’t let you look inside their places of worship – it’s not allowed

• Sadly, you will not be able visit a genuine Arabic house – it’s not allowed (unless all the women are locked away and you have a business deal in mind)

• However, you may be lucky enough to witness the ritual stoning of a woman because her husband (tired and emotional after arriving home from Patpong in the early hours of the morning) suspects her of infidelity or see a thief’s right hand being surgically amputated or even a ceremonial beheading.

You might not be able to visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist but now, thanks to some really far-sighted Thai businessmen, you’ll soon be able to see it all for real in beautiful downtown Bangkok.


Note: It has been reported that the money for this proposed project comes in the main from Saudi Arabia. I hasten to add that Saudi Arabia is not at all representative of the other Gulf States. Bahrain, Qatar, the Emirates and the Oman with their liberal and tolerant attitudes are centuries ahead of the Saudi’s and are countries where it is a real pleasure to live

PS. Got your flame thrower ready Taxexile?

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Yes, Donz, most of them have no idea about this thread's title either.

Snoophound, it won't be a ghetto, it would be high class residential/hotel/office complex targeting rich arabs visiting or already living in Bangkok.

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well,for those of you who believe it will always be a different "brand" of islam here, makes me wonder why countries such as malaysia and indonesia have anti-israeli policies. what do these two places have to do with middle east?

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