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Special report: Sukhumvit Shakedown

Jonathan Fairfield

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Asking the victims to police the police is ludicrous, especially if they are tourists and scared out of their wits... One would think the military junta should get involved in this activity, considering they run the show now...

The military junta are as big a part of the problem as the police are.

My girlfriend has shown me videos on utube where military personnel are beating thais.

So much for the junta being our saviour. They are just as corrupt as the PTP or the RTP.

I am totally disgusted by both the military and the RTP.

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But what happens if you consumed that spliff while in the UK, as it stays in your system along time, it is illegal to posses it in the UK, but you can not be charged if you have already taken it, or maybe a passive smoker who had a caution, how would you stand then.

Guilty. It doesn't matter where you smoked it, if you test positive you will have a problem. Same in most Asian countries and even more so in stricter places like UAE and the other Gulf states.

Did you read the article?

In cases where a person tests positive for drug use, but it can be proven that the drug was consumed in a jurisdiction where that consumption is legal, such as Amsterdam, the act is not considered a criminal offence, Mr Winyat said.

Yes I did read the article, but the UK is not a jurisdiction where it is legal, but if you smoked it a week before in the UK, how have you broken any of their laws. you could even say you was in the dam, as they don't stamp your passport, no crime was committed in Thailand, and lets be fair, 70% of foreign travellers to Thailand have probably smoked a joint before they got here, so an easy target for the police I would say, I don't smoke but I am around many of my friends in the UK that smoke a Spliff every day, so how would I fair

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I have legitimate prescription (Bumrungrad) for Xanex which I occasionally use as a sleeping aid, long haul flights etc. As this is a member of benzodiazepine family and can sit in your system for around 3 weeks I'm wondering how this would play out should I test positive during a roadside piss test .

Before you travel get a note from your doctor, then that will be ok, or the repeat prescription as proof, and that will be ok but only for up to 30 days

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I was there very recently and it did not happen to me, neither did it happen to any person I spoke to, Neither did I hear any story about it happening to anyone. If you walk around as most tourists do dressed like a <deleted> tramp then you're probably more likely to get it.

What a snob you are.

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Some folk are asking to be harassed, staggering from one bar to the next in their surf wear. That person that suffers the indignity of having to piss into a bottle is most often the same person you'll find pissing in the street later in the evening anyway. Don't carry drugs, don't use drugs and if you must use drugs at home then before you arrive make sure they are out of your system. How easy is that?

I don't pack a bong anymore but what is wrong with wearing Billabong surf wear,are you the self appointed fashion police.

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I was there very recently and it did not happen to me, neither did it happen to any person I spoke to, Neither did I hear any story about it happening to anyone. If you walk around as most tourists do dressed like a <deleted> tramp then you're probably more likely to get it.

What a snob you are.

That's right I look down upon these lazy, fat, drunken slobs that take no pride in their conduct or appearance. I guess that would make me a snob. I'll take that.

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shorts and flip flops in downtown Bangkok? Kiss of death.

My thoughts exactly when I read those words:

" in a T-shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops."

Has any one read the sign at the border railway station on the Butterworth line? I have attached it here for your information.

The dress code is clearly spelled out. Many will say it's archaic, so be it in your mind, but frankly I find loads of tourists and backpackers dressed like slobs, totally oblivious to Thai customs. Thais can dress as they want here. It's their country. Read the wording on the sign. The dress code as stated remains current. The Thai authorities can enact it any time they see fit.

But walk through Hua Lamphong station with your ugly body half exposed, .. bloody hell, I wish they would arrest a few thousand more, and piss'm off, money and all. Frankly I would not allow a lot of slobs I see at the airport to step through immigration, until they dressed respectfully.


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''...or if the officer has reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.''

That is the problem here. The law becomes a bit blurry and open to interpretation. It's hard to know what to do, but I would cooperate 100% with the cops. Here's what I would recommend (if they ask you to pee in the middle of the street.

1) Have a phone number handy for a local law firm before you go out.

2) Smile and say you have no issues giving a sample, but would like it done in front of your lawyer.

3) Call the lawyer

4) Hand the phone to the cop (so he can speak with your lawyer)

They'll probably send you on your way the second they realise that you really are calling a lawyer. Worst case scenario (assuming you're clean of course) is that the cops will make you do the pee test anyway, but they won't be able to pull a fast one. It does happen in Thailand. Even if you believe that stitching up foreigners is a myth, I wouldn't take my chances. Has anyone seen 'Banged up Abroad'?Those prisons don't look too nice do they? Not worth taking a chance.

If they wanna play silly beggars, then two can play at that game.

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Asking the victims to police the police is ludicrous, especially if they are tourists and scared out of their wits... One would think the military junta should get involved in this activity, considering they run the show now...

You want them collecting the piss instead?

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"You take out your d**k. You pee-pee tee nee


You missed your chance...you might have said: "What kind of man do you think I am?" "Shouldn't we get a room first and negotiate a price so we can cater to your voyeurism?"

Setting yerself up for a fine for not having a work permit, mate.

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Junta obviously don’t want to step on the police toes when shaking down western tourists this might just be a new TAT initiative to try and get some of Singapore’s 60 million tourists from last year to come to Thailand to simple and easy in Singapore come to Thailand where we will test you to breaking point so much so that you will want to give the police some money for doing such a fine job.

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Yes it is. Guess you don,t get out enough

T-shirt, shorts, flip flops, and a backpack is not a typical tourist.

Aw come on.Folks from freezing nations like Russia, Sweden, Germany, Cananda and the UK wear suits on holiday in 35C heat in order to be 'respectful'. Shorts, sandals and T-shirts are not packed and passports, cameras, water or soft drinks etc etc are never, ever kept in a bag or backpackrolleyes.gif . Tourists that go to beaches outside BKK almost always take a backpack with them (towels, sun cream etc).

I've been a tourist before in LOS and other tropical countries and usually, incredibly...I wear shorts and a T-shirt when out and about. Usually (again, hard to get your heads around this one) because it's very hot and wearing trousers, jeans and a sweater or coat would be a bit uncomortable. It's not disrespectful. It's common sense. And anyway...the Thais seem to wear shorts, sandals and T-shirts don't they? And they're used to it!

I get that some may be merely meaning that walking around with jizz/curry stains all over your shorts with a string vest full of HP Sauce stains and bleary red eyes is not a good look and will perhaps attract the attention of the BIB. If that is you, this does not apply to you. I'm talking about those who think that tourists from cold countries wearing shorts and a T-shirt in 35C+ heat are somehow asking to be arrested/pipi tested.

Edited by Fatty123
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I was there very recently and it did not happen to me, neither did it happen to any person I spoke to, Neither did I hear any story about it happening to anyone. If you walk around as most tourists do dressed like a <deleted> tramp then you're probably more likely to get it.

What a snob you are.

That's right I look down upon these lazy, fat, drunken slobs that take no pride in their conduct or appearance. I guess that would make me a snob. I'll take that.

I'm thinking your accessories are carefully colour matched, and your make-up is always perfect.

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For every tourist probably more than 10 Thais are search at police check point, so keep that in mind. I drive a fairly new german car, for the 20 plus years I've been living here I was never searched at check points, just last year I was also searched. It also made me uncomfortable after knowing that there is a possibility police may plant drugs after hearing all these horror stories happening to other folks. I held up my cellphone and pretended that I was filming them, they ask me what I was doing, I simply said if you can search my car you shouldn't be afraid that I film you too, that made them felt uncomfortable too. (at the check point, they ask me to park at the side and let them search the car, I told them I didn't do anything wrong, they have no right to search me, but they insisted saying its standard procedure). The police were polite and courteous though.

I've notice police are starting to search more sedans and german cars, especially ones that are driven by younger folks in 20s-30s.

I agree they should not search tourists randomly as it scares tourists away. If tourists are drunk and causing a public nuisance, then by all means take care of it.

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For every tourist probably more than 10 Thais are search at police check point, so keep that in mind. I drive a fairly new german car, for the 20 plus years I've been living here I was never searched at check points, just last year I was also searched. It also made me uncomfortable after knowing that there is a possibility police may plant drugs after hearing all these horror stories happening to other folks. I held up my cellphone and pretended that I was filming them, they ask me what I was doing, I simply said if you can search my car you shouldn't be afraid that I film you too, that made them felt uncomfortable too. (at the check point, they ask me to park at the side and let them search the car, I told them I didn't do anything wrong, they have no right to search me, but they insisted saying its standard procedure). The police were polite and courteous though.

I've notice police are starting to search more sedans and german cars, especially ones that are driven by younger folks in 20s-30s.

I agree they should not search tourists randomly as it scares tourists away. If tourists are drunk and causing a public nuisance, then by all means take care of it.

"they have no right to search me"

You are wrong. They have every right to search anyone they deemed as a suspect.

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For every tourist probably more than 10 Thais are search at police check point, so keep that in mind. I drive a fairly new german car, for the 20 plus years I've been living here I was never searched at check points, just last year I was also searched. It also made me uncomfortable after knowing that there is a possibility police may plant drugs after hearing all these horror stories happening to other folks. I held up my cellphone and pretended that I was filming them, they ask me what I was doing, I simply said if you can search my car you shouldn't be afraid that I film you too, that made them felt uncomfortable too. (at the check point, they ask me to park at the side and let them search the car, I told them I didn't do anything wrong, they have no right to search me, but they insisted saying its standard procedure). The police were polite and courteous though.

I've notice police are starting to search more sedans and german cars, especially ones that are driven by younger folks in 20s-30s.

I agree they should not search tourists randomly as it scares tourists away. If tourists are drunk and causing a public nuisance, then by all means take care of it.

"they have no right to search me"

You are wrong. They have every right to search anyone they deemed as a suspect.

Section 93 of the criminal code, searches conducted in public are prohibited without probable cause. The code states searches are only allowed by police officers when there is probably cause to suspect someone has something in their possession that is illegal, will be used to commit a crime or was obtained through commission of a crime.

So yea, probable cause is at the discretion of the police officer. But when you are driving with family members after dinner dressing nicely, I guess that looks very suspicious right? Just like tourist walking on the streets wearing shorts and flip flops are all suspects. I know the police was just doing his job as he was nice and courteous.

Edited by mike324
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I guess they are also pulling woman tourists over as well as men , I wonder if the lady is asked to do a urine test on the spot like the man? I take a pic of my passport page and nom Im O with my iPhone and also have a Thai driver licence. I hope that is enough.

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Wow! I do hope the PM and his office and government stomp on

this police district!

This sounds like another reason that Thailand is headed for tougher times.

Taking a step backward instead of paying the police a better wage,

is not the way to go.

I certainly will not hold my breath while waiting for the corruption

to lessen. I do not look any better with a blue face.

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