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Public prosecutors agree to charge Yingluck in Supreme Court: NACC secretary general

Lite Beer

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I wonder if she will swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth or she will get someone to swear to tell it on her behalf.

Will she even go to court or get 4 ex PTP minsters to youtube the answers? Maybe she could Facebook her statements to the court. Even a controlled narrative with her reading from a prepared statement.

Some have said a few weeks ago she is brave, honorable, courageous and can hold her head high in facing her accusers because she did not run away. She stayed.

Going by that narrative a few weeks ago then if she DID run away logic would then dictate that she would therefor not be brave, not be honorable, not be courageous and cannot hold her head high? Or will the excuses "evolve" to suit the situation……again.

I look forward to something happening in the next few weeks…Not by yingluck, but on her behalf of course.

If (repeat if) she and her cohorts get convicted and go to jail, just wondering what the 'atmosphere' would be like when the party faithful meet the owner of the get rich club in Dubai or wherever.

Would he show remorse?

Or would he just use come clever spin?

Or will he avoid meeting the party faithful?

Or would the party faithful ever want to visit him again?

Or would there be any ongoing large numbers of party faithful?

Further, would the party faithful (those not in jail) ever trust him again?

But I guess greed knows no bounds. And, unfortunately, there is little doubt there will be plenty of low life immoral folks who would still be keen to go for a chance at the trough.

All the more reason to ensure the new constitution etc., pushes very hard to encourage more capable and honest people to take up the role of leading and developing Thailand as a fair and just civil society, and these people do exist.

And at the same time ensures that the electorate are more knowledgeable and reject the low life.

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Yingluck to stand trial in Supreme Court


BANGKOK: -- Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will face criminal charges involving her rice-pledging scheme in the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions, National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) secretary-general Sansern Poljiak said.

He said the decision to pursue criminal charges against Ms Yingluck was reached at the final meeting of the NACC and the Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) to sort out all differences of both agencies regarding the prosecution of Ms Yingluck of malfeasance in office over her rice-pledging scheme.

He said at the meeting both sides have reached understanding that all evidence obtained are substantial and have ground to press criminal charges against her.

He said now it was up to the Office of the Attorney-General to bring the case to the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

But he said as far as he learned the OAG will file the case to the court over the next few days.

If Ms Yingluck is prosecuted, it will be the second case after her brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra faced and sentenced to two-year imprisonment over the controversial land deal on Ratchadapisek road.

However Thaksin fled before the verdict would be handed down by the Supreme Court in October 2008.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yingluck-stand-trial-supreme-court

-- Thai PBS 2015-01-21

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I wonder if she will swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth or she will get someone to swear to tell it on her behalf.

Will she even go to court or get 4 ex PTP minsters to youtube the answers? Maybe she could Facebook her statements to the court. Even a controlled narrative with her reading from a prepared statement.

Some have said a few weeks ago she is brave, honorable, courageous and can hold her head high in facing her accusers because she did not run away. She stayed.

Going by that narrative a few weeks ago then if she DID run away logic would then dictate that she would therefor not be brave, not be honorable, not be courageous and cannot hold her head high? Or will the excuses "evolve" to suit the situation……again.

I look forward to something happening in the next few weeks…Not by yingluck, but on her behalf of course.

If (repeat if) she and her cohorts get convicted and go to jail, just wondering what the 'atmosphere' would be like when the party faithful meet the owner of the get rich club in Dubai or wherever.

Would he show remorse?

Or would he just use come clever spin?

Or will he avoid meeting the party faithful?

Or would the party faithful ever want to visit him again?

Or would there be any ongoing large numbers of party faithful?

Further, would the party faithful (those not in jail) ever trust him again?

But I guess greed knows no bounds. And, unfortunately, there is little doubt there will be plenty of low life immoral folks who would still be keen to go for a chance at the trough.

All the more reason to ensure the new constitution etc., pushes very hard to encourage more capable and honest people to take up the role of leading and developing Thailand as a fair and just civil society, and these people do exist.

And at the same time ensures that the electorate are more knowledgeable and reject the low life.

I'm sure Dr. Thaksin the defacto PTP party supreme leader will tell Yinggy and her fellow puppets that in the event of a conviction and jailing he will be standing shoulder to shoulder with them, leading from the front, as always.

He will do is best to use and exploit them and turn them into martyrs - all in preparation for his triumphant return.

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you guys check the EU CAP? it is perfectly NORMAL to protect farmers with subsidy - this is NOT about that it's about *********************(censored)

if you can't 'get it' or are too lazy to research or are too stupid what can those who 'know' do???

Please stop the subsidy BS. The rice scam was an election bribe which only worked because the voters were too stupid to read the fine print, which excluded nearly all those who thought they would benefit.

Plus of course the RPPS was not a subsidy. Expressly not budgeted in the National Budget which would have increased the deficit and need for more transparency and responsibility, none of that, it was a 'self-financing' scheme.

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700 billion?

Still say what's the current government doing to mitigate the loss to the taxpayer .

700 billion?

Chicken feed compared to the Military budget down the years

Absolutely. 700 billion is less than TWO YEARS budget for the Ministry of Education.

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So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.

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So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.

My appologies, it was not my intention to upset or offend anyone and to those who found my post offensive I am extremely sorry.

I was probably one of the biggest critics of the scheme and my posts on those threads will indicate that. My comment on Martial Law was not intended to be off topic. What I was refering was that now that she is to be formally charged there may be a few reds who won't be happy and may be formulating a few plans. My comment about the happiness meter was the same, there will be a few people not happy.

My appologies again if this is off topic or people find it offensive and upsetting

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.
My appologies, it was not my intention to upset or offend anyone and to those who found my post offensive I am extremely sorry.

I was probably one of the biggest critics of the scheme and my posts on those threads will indicate that. My comment on Martial Law was not intended to be off topic. What I was refering was that now that she is to be formally charged there may be a few reds who won't be happy and may be formulating a few plans. My comment about the happiness meter was the same, there will be a few people not happy.

My appologies again if this is off topic or people find it offensive and upsetting

Of course there will be a few people who are not happy because all of this doesn't suit their personal selfish and immoral agendas.

Should the reform to try hard to move Thailand forward be stopped because of this group?

More proof that the good general should keep things under strong controls until the new picture is well locked into place.

Edited by scorecard
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So, the State loses 700 billion Baht on a 'self-financing' scheme, the PM stated in parliament that she and only she was in charge and some here still sprout nonsense?

The very fact of 700 billion Baht loss on a self-financing scheme with various persons involved having gone on record that there wasn't a problem and still these questions? It would seem the people involved have done their best to pin it on themselves.

It still doesn't confer criminal liability.

Just liability as result of negligence not enough for you?

I don't think she should be held liable by a court. In fact, her liability should have been judged by the electorate. Being useless isn't a crime. Having policies that cost the country money isnt a crime, least of all to be judged by a blatently partisan group put in power by a coup. This just doesn't pass scrutiny in my eyes.

So you think politicians should be immune from prosecution - for negligence, fraud, lying, deliberately misleading, failing to do their sworn duty etc. And that they should not be judged by a court of law, but only by the electorate,

Do you mean in an election so their only punishment would be loss of office, regardless of any act, criminal or otherwise?

Interesting version of democracy that. Do you know of any country that runs that way? Putting it's politicians above the law? NK, Zimbabwe, maybe?

Do you ever watch Question Time from the uk.

Every answer is a partial lie, a twist of the truth. This is politics. How many politicians have proposed a policy to achieve A, knowing that one of the consequences is an unpalatable B? All of them.

Putting politicians on trial for legal policies is a very retrograde step for democracy in my opinion. It is too arbitrary.

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They can purge the country of anybody associated with pt.

They can put all of their own in every government position that has any power.

Still,if the votes were put in the hands of the people. The Democrats would not win. All those pt supporters would simply vote for one of those 70 different parties that are available. The Dems need to accept that the people do not want them in power.

In a weird kind of way I agree with you, which surprises me to no end.

If it were up to me I would wipe the slate clean, ban each and every politician ever involved with both the Shins and the Democrats, for life, and allow the numerous other parties to run for power.

Any party found guilty of vote buying will be banned for life, and all parties to be held accountable for massive losses of money, eg, the rice scam.

The Dems do need to accept they are not wanted, and the Shins have to accept that the military and many other people just-don't-like-them !

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Cant wait to see how they dress this up as criminal behaviour.

It has already been discussed ad nauseam. The charge will be criminal negligence.

Summarizing, they will have to prove there was corruption within the rice scheme, that it was reasonable that she would know about it and what to do about it, but for reasons beneficial she looked the other way.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Please share how you see 'reconciliation' fitting into the picture.

And what would you do to achieve reconciliation?

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So you think politicians should be immune from prosecution - for negligence, fraud, lying, deliberately misleading, failing to do their sworn duty etc. And that they should not be judged by a court of law, but only by the electorate,

Do you mean in an election so their only punishment would be loss of office, regardless of any act, criminal or otherwise?

Interesting version of democracy that. Do you know of any country that runs that way? Putting it's politicians above the law? NK, Zimbabwe, maybe?

Do you ever watch Question Time from the uk.

Every answer is a partial lie, a twist of the truth. This is politics. How many politicians have proposed a policy to achieve A, knowing that one of the consequences is an unpalatable B? All of them.

Putting politicians on trial for legal policies is a very retrograde step for democracy in my opinion. It is too arbitrary.

Absolutely! The bloody cheek to try to hold politicians accountable for something like a mere 700 billion Baht loss after they positioned a scheme as 'self-financing'.

Next we'll study some cases in real world business where thanks to T@H managers will breathe more easily as they should no longer have to justify anything towards their shareholders.

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So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.

My appologies, it was not my intention to upset or offend anyone and to those who found my post offensive I am extremely sorry.

I was probably one of the biggest critics of the scheme and my posts on those threads will indicate that. My comment on Martial Law was not intended to be off topic. What I was refering was that now that she is to be formally charged there may be a few reds who won't be happy and may be formulating a few plans. My comment about the happiness meter was the same, there will be a few people not happy.

My appologies again if this is off topic or people find it offensive and upsetting

Tell me Chooka why do you think it is offensive and upsetting ?? it isn't it is just off topic full stop. Your posting surely should be about the wrongs of the person involved in the topic. Whoever that may be. Sure there are a FEW radicals who will not be happy as in any society.

The problem here is the reds are just not as peaceful as most opposition would normally be. We have a FEW on TVF. no threat may I ad just objecting to anything the government tries to do for the good. ( that does not mean I love the intervention) I only know right or wrong it is better that the other fraternity.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, the State loses 700 billion Baht on a 'self-financing' scheme, the PM stated in parliament that she and only she was in charge and some here still sprout nonsense?

The very fact of 700 billion Baht loss on a self-financing scheme with various persons involved having gone on record that there wasn't a problem and still these questions? It would seem the people involved have done their best to pin it on themselves.

It still doesn't confer criminal liability.

Just liability as result of negligence not enough for you?

I don't think she should be held liable by a court. In fact, her liability should have been judged by the electorate. Being useless isn't a crime. Having policies that cost the country money isnt a crime, least of all to be judged by a blatently partisan group put in power by a coup. This just doesn't pass scrutiny in my eyes.

So you think politicians should be immune from prosecution - for negligence, fraud, lying, deliberately misleading, failing to do their sworn duty etc. And that they should not be judged by a court of law, but only by the electorate,

Do you mean in an election so their only punishment would be loss of office, regardless of any act, criminal or otherwise?

Interesting version of democracy that. Do you know of any country that runs that way? Putting it's politicians above the law? NK, Zimbabwe, maybe?

Do you ever watch Question Time from the uk.

Every answer is a partial lie, a twist of the truth. This is politics. How many politicians have proposed a policy to achieve A, knowing that one of the consequences is an unpalatable B? All of them.

Putting politicians on trial for legal policies is a very retrograde step for democracy in my opinion. It is too arbitrary.

More of your just silly rubbish. But no doubt it's keeping your posting count up.

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common cowardly kicking a girl when she's down - proud of that are we??? Thailand first female PM?

it is NORMAL to subsidize agricultural output - you want REAL losses the EU lose BILLIONS a year to subsidize EU agricultural policy you noobs

It's NOT about that it's about ........................................ (censored) why you concentrate on the red herring but not he REAL issues *sigh*

This is not a question of "cowardly kicking a girl when she is down" it is a question of ridding Thailand of an incompetent, inept and corrupt politician. She is not an innocent "girl" but a danger to the future economy of the country.

Your knowledge of EU subsidies is obviously zero. The EU does not "lose" billions on farm subsidies. All farm subsidies are planned and do not go over budget. Yes there is much discussion about how much each country should get for their subsidies but as they are not permitted to go over budget there are no losses. In principle there is nothing wrong with farm subsidies if they are correctly managed so they do not lead to corruption and over spend by 700000 baht.

You are trying to troll the issue from the incompetence, ineptitude and corruption of a senior politician to something else. It is you that is trying to create a red herring.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Please share how you see 'reconciliation' fitting into the picture.

And what would you do to achieve reconciliation?

You can't see that the reds will be upset and prayuth plan to unite the reds and yellows may have a set back? Yingluk needs to answer but I believe this won't help in bring the two sides together. No I don't believe they should turn a blind eye. Blind Freddie can see.
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So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.

My appologies, it was not my intention to upset or offend anyone and to those who found my post offensive I am extremely sorry.

I was probably one of the biggest critics of the scheme and my posts on those threads will indicate that. My comment on Martial Law was not intended to be off topic. What I was refering was that now that she is to be formally charged there may be a few reds who won't be happy and may be formulating a few plans. My comment about the happiness meter was the same, there will be a few people not happy.

My appologies again if this is off topic or people find it offensive and upsetting

Don't apologise, it's just Ginjags way of responding to a poster who doesn't toe the (fascist) party line. Look on it as an internet equivalent of the Alec Ferguson "hairdrier treatment".

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common cowardly kicking a girl when she's down - proud of that are we??? Thailand first female PM?

it is NORMAL to subsidize agricultural output - you want REAL losses the EU lose BILLIONS a year to subsidize EU agricultural policy you noobs

It's NOT about that it's about ........................................ (censored) why you concentrate on the red herring but not he REAL issues *sigh*

Your middle part: yes, it is normal for governments to subsidize ag. US is probably the biggest delinquent in that regard. Does the US still have PIK ('Payment in Kind')? ...where gov't pays rich farmers millions TO NOT GROW CROPS. Still, two wrongs don't make a right, and I'm not trying to justify anything Ms Yingluck did as PM. If you ask me, her biggest mistake was to focus so much of her (and her govt's) calories on trying to feather-nest her brother. Her admin even tried to re-write the Thai Constitution to shield him from the consequences of his crimes.

Thaksin said in August 2013; the Rice Pledging program was a good thing and right for Thailand. Yingluck couldn't diverge from her brother. Thaksin had dodged the bullet (for his many transgressions), but now it's the sister who's in the crosshairs, so to speak.

What about the Thai people? The millions of sheeple who voted for the Shinawatres. Shouldn't they be partially responsible for the abysmal vote-getting policies of their heroes they brought in to office? And the rice farmers, who were told by Yingluck administrators that the rice program would have to be phased out (summer 2013), but the farmers threatened to drive their tractors to Bkk, and Yingluck backed down, preferring to put Thailand in hock, rather than have a messy demonstration on her doorstep.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I wonder if she will swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth or she will get someone to swear to tell it on her behalf.

Will she even go to court or get 4 ex PTP minsters to youtube the answers? Maybe she could Facebook her statements to the court. Even a controlled narrative with her reading from a prepared statement.

Some have said a few weeks ago she is brave, honorable, courageous and can hold her head high in facing her accusers because she did not run away. She stayed.

Going by that narrative a few weeks ago then if she DID run away logic would then dictate that she would therefor not be brave, not be honorable, not be courageous and cannot hold her head high? Or will the excuses "evolve" to suit the situation……again.

I look forward to something happening in the next few weeks…Not by yingluck, but on her behalf of course.

If (repeat if) she and her cohorts get convicted and go to jail, just wondering what the 'atmosphere' would be like when the party faithful meet the owner of the get rich club in Dubai or wherever.

Would he show remorse?

Or would he just use come clever spin?

Or will he avoid meeting the party faithful?

Or would the party faithful ever want to visit him again?

Or would there be any ongoing large numbers of party faithful?

Further, would the party faithful (those not in jail) ever trust him again?

But I guess greed knows no bounds. And, unfortunately, there is little doubt there will be plenty of low life immoral folks who would still be keen to go for a chance at the trough.

All the more reason to ensure the new constitution etc., pushes very hard to encourage more capable and honest people to take up the role of leading and developing Thailand as a fair and just civil society, and these people do exist.

And at the same time ensures that the electorate are more knowledgeable and reject the low life.

Answers to all the above: Who knows? Who cares? People greatly over-rate the good commonsense of the general public. That goes at least triple for the TS-PTP-UDD Northern Amart, and the living-in-the-past-pretending-to-be-invisible "We will never forget 1909" etc etc angst brigade. (Who I suspect are more numerous than many of us suspect.)

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Cant wait to see how they dress this up as criminal behaviour.

It has already been discussed ad nauseam. The charge will be criminal negligence.

Summarizing, they will have to prove there was corruption within the rice scheme, that it was reasonable that she would know about it and what to do about it, but for reasons beneficial she looked the other way.

Exactly. Where are they going to dig that little chestnut up from?

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common cowardly kicking a girl when she's down - proud of that are we??? Thailand first female PM?

it is NORMAL to subsidize agricultural output - you want REAL losses the EU lose BILLIONS a year to subsidize EU agricultural policy you noobs

It's NOT about that it's about ........................................ (censored) why you concentrate on the red herring but not he REAL issues *sigh*

This is not a question of "cowardly kicking a girl when she is down" it is a question of ridding Thailand of an incompetent, inept and corrupt politician. She is not an innocent "girl" but a danger to the future economy of the country.

Your knowledge of EU subsidies is obviously zero. The EU does not "lose" billions on farm subsidies. All farm subsidies are planned and do not go over budget. Yes there is much discussion about how much each country should get for their subsidies but as they are not permitted to go over budget there are no losses. In principle there is nothing wrong with farm subsidies if they are correctly managed so they do not lead to corruption and over spend by 700000 baht.

You are trying to troll the issue from the incompetence, ineptitude and corruption of a senior politician to something else. It is you that is trying to create a red herring.

So, obviously they are better served by replacing her with an army general ......

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"Sheeple" - here we go again, utter contempt for the Thai Electorate. Oh, the whitemans burden!

Not 'utter contempt.' Nice try at sensationalism, but it was a dud.

Not even udder contempt (hate for cow udders).

No, but I can't help surmise that much of the Thai electorate, particularly in Issan and northern Thailand, are easily duped. They actually believe that, because a Shinawatre is rich, that person won't be corrupt or tempted to amass money in devious ways.

A week before the election which brought Ms Yingluck to top position, there was a campaign by Reds which touted the populist proposals/promises (if TRT came in to power) of computer tablets for every student. It worked - almost as well as the semi-clandestine pay-for-votes program by Reds. Yes, more than a few of my hill tribe friends here in northernmost Thailand were paid to vote for the Reds. The going rate (depending whether you're very poor or just poor) was between 200 and 500 baht.

Oh, and there are no televised political debates. Indeed, any real campaigning would be met by 'defamation of character' lawsuits.

When Thai people (and hill tribers) get better apprised of their legal rights, and what democracy is, then Thailand might get started on the route to democracy. It also wouldn't hurt to be able to look past blatant pandering by politicians. Until then, I'll use the word 'sheeple.'

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So I guess martial law wont be lifted for a long time yet. Happiness meter and reconciliation maybe on hold for awhile also.

Well posted -off topic diversion from the actual subject. Why not read the topic and speak the truth about what it's about, and why these things should not happen--------------applies to all corrupt people. but in this instance it is about a PM who has done wrong---get it.

My appologies, it was not my intention to upset or offend anyone and to those who found my post offensive I am extremely sorry.

I was probably one of the biggest critics of the scheme and my posts on those threads will indicate that. My comment on Martial Law was not intended to be off topic. What I was refering was that now that she is to be formally charged there may be a few reds who won't be happy and may be formulating a few plans. My comment about the happiness meter was the same, there will be a few people not happy.

My appologies again if this is off topic or people find it offensive and upsetting

Tell me Chooka why do you think it is offensive and upsetting ?? it isn't it is just off topic full stop. Your posting surely should be about the wrongs of the person involved in the topic. Whoever that may be. Sure there are a FEW radicals who will not be happy as in any society.

The problem here is the reds are just not as peaceful as most opposition would normally be. We have a FEW on TVF. no threat may I ad just objecting to anything the government tries to do for the good. ( that does not mean I love the intervention) I only know right or wrong it is better that the other fraternity.

You finished your Post with "Get It" and that sent out the feelings you were upset aggressive and offended.
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